Reaction: Frostbitten Nightmares

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Asuryii: So we have seen some truths about Rimuru and had revelations. Now we will watch the alternate version of the timeline before the timeline you all live in. So to reiterate this timeline happened after Velgrynd would've said she wished to be with Rudra.

Many around the room shared a look of being deeply in thought and nodded after a moment.

Asuryii: Also this timeline will let you see some of Rimuru and Veldanava's relationship plus what timeline took place before you.

Velzard/Velgrynd/Veldora/Milim: The relationship between those two...

Women: "can we get an understanding of male relationships with this?"

Aza: OH isn't this-

Ciel: Aza don't spoil it for them. You wouldn't want to take away the impact.

Veldanava: Hey Rimuru should we start signing our last wills?

Rimuru: What do you-...Oh shit yeah we should

Frostbitten Nightmares

Elmesia: If the title of the first timeline was The Rekindling of A Heart which speaks of Fire then shouldn't this timeline be speaking of ice?

Luminous: I can see where you got this idea "but why does the title have nightmares in it? Last time it had meaning possibly to the rekindling of a fire which was Rimuru and Velgrynd's hearts."

Diablo: "The title for this timeline doesn't give me the best feelings. I distinctly remember we were told Rimuru-sama had done what he'd done for Velgrynd for Velzard as well. I hope this isn't as I suspect..."

Velzard: Frostbitten...."Rekindling deals with fire and Velgrynd. Rimuru went through the Velgrynd situation with me as well. So Frostbitten and this being the timeline deals with me. But this only gives me a foreboding feeling."

Collective most began to surmise that this title was not one speaking of something simple but that the likely person involved is Velzard...and by proxy Guy.

Guy: "I don't like where this is going..."

The horrific sulfuric stench of rotting flesh and brimstone pierced my nose like a knife. It only took a moment for me to realize and recognize what I witnessed before me.

Collectively the eyes of everyone viewing widened as the start of this story was already off to a bad start.

I'm entirely incapable of throwing up but in this singular moment as another horrid stench of charred and burning flesh along with thioacetone flooded my nostrils I threw up. I had no clue a spiritual being let alone one like myself with no blood, bones, and organs could even be capable of such a thing.

Ramirus: How did a...

Ramirus looked around for answers but got it in the form of silence as everyone questioned how this could happen.

Veldora/Patrons: "Where am I at this moment? This doesn't feel right."

After a moment of silence they all looked back towards the screen and prepared for the worst..or so they thought

I had no choice but to cut off my own nose. I don't have the freedom to return to my slime form right now as I have to assess the true extent of the losses...

Lucia: I can't imagine how bad this smell must've been. I can understand why you cut off your nose.

Gazel/Elmesia: "I understand assessing the losses as a leader but why not return to your slime form to be more comfortable?"

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