Frostbitten Nightmares 2 (RimuruxVelzard)

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"You can go first Velda."

"Thank you Rimuru. I say we play a game."

"A game? I hope you don't mean like Rudra and Guy."

"I don't mean like them at all. Frankly those two are stupid just like their rivalry. Even if we wanted to do a game like them I'd be boring as-"

"We both think relatively the same."

"Yes exactly my point and we are absurdly stronger than those 2. So what I am saying is we play a point based game where every time 1 of us failed a challenge the other gets a point or that person loses a point."

"Okay I see. So basically if we did say a True or Dare and the other failed they'd lose a point or the opposition gain a point. But we could also make it so the person who won decides whether a point is gained or lost and the point gain or loss would be dependent upon the level the dare or what not takes to."

"And we could decide the loss or gain of points before the challenge so that you can't just randomly say this is worth 6 points or a loss of 6 points."

"We also don't have to limit it to things like challenges. We could make bets, play games, or see who does better in some regard."

"I like this. We are on the same wavelength on this game thing. So we can go into negative points and I say the goal is the winner is the first person to 1000 points for the first round. We can play as many rounds as we want and change the win conditions at each round end."

"Sounds simple enough."

"But also besides this. Spend time with Velzard and make your name known before you disappear just because I want Velzard to have a chance to know you so she can decide on who she prefers of you and Guy. Should she choose Guy I'd feel bad since I know what you'll do and be forced to do in this reality before you reset it."

"Haha. You know me well. I'd just do the same thing I did for Velgrynd in that case but irregardless of her decision the Guy in this world has to die. He is a traitor, a scumbag, and a disappointment. I even saw Guy as an annoying friend but these are his true colors at least here in this world."

"Haha. You really are selfless Rimuru. You sacrifice your own happiness for others and even do things that cause you immense pain and grief. You truly have my respect."

"Ya know Velda I appreciate that you're not so bad yourself."

"Haha. Well even if Velzard makes that decision in the end I will know in the next timeline and we can talk about it as friends then too." Veldanava looked at Rimuru and smiled, raising his glass slightly towards Rimuru.

"I'd like that. Cheers." Rimuru smiled and the two clinked their glasses finishing their 4 millionth glass they shared.

"Cheers~ Ya know we would seem like alcoholics to other people wouldn't we?"

"That's an understatement. We absolutely would but we aren't drunk at all, we have resistances, we are digital lifeforms, and we are absurdly strong to the point that I think even without resistances we'd just now be getting tipsy. Well unless of course we forcefully expedited the effects of the alcohol."

"Yeah. You really don't say. Good thing Lucia didn't see this."

"Good thing Ciel didn't see this."

The two of them shivered a moment later and frantically looked around anxiously.

"I just felt a chill up my spine."

"Same. I hope it was just my imagination though."

"I agree. But I am not too hopeful on that front."

The Playground of Memories and Stories Untoldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें