"You always dream of being a human. It's impossible when we can turn into bats, wolves, and your animal spirit cat" Felix said.

"Yeah, right" Adrien replied.

"I'm telling you, cuz. Being human is not the same as being a vampire. They are active during the day, we are active at night. We can see in the dark, they can't" Felix said.

"And become night animals," Adrien said.

While they were walking, they saw people at restaurants and stores getting supplies. Adrien always dreamed of trying things like them, especially how his mother loved seeing the theater actors performing. So he saw the Le Théâtre de l'Odéon, Paris oldest theater.

"But I can't go in without any money" He realized.

"Hypnotize them, cuz," Felix said.

"No, this is wrong" Adrien refused.

"The old way it is, sneaks in as mice," Felix said.

"I know what you're thinking and I'm not gonna let your ass get caught again" Adrien knows what his cousin plans to do.

"Your way it is," Felix said.

"Forget it, cuz!" He ran into the alley to morph into a black cat to calm down by purring, "Meow" He looked up.

"That's the problem with you, furball. You let insecurities get the best of you. You're very good at your vulnerability stuck on your immortal ass" Felix picks him up.

"I am not vulnerable" Cat Adrien hissed.

"Calm down, but it's the truth. You're still trapped with your daddy too much" Felix said.

"He stopped being a dad long ago," Cat Adrien said.

"And still has the authorization as a parent. You know how much I hate oppressors" Felix hissed angrily.

"There are bigger threats than them," Cat Adrien said.

"Monsters that humans think are not real?" Felix said, scratching his chin.

"Yep," Cat Adrien purrs.

"Very cute. You always love cats than bats and spiders" Felix said.

"Because cats have nine lives," Cat Adrien said.

"That's just a myth, cat lover. Maybe then, you should marry a cat as a cat" Felix came to the theater and made an incredible superhuman jump at the open window, "Look here" He calls Cat Adrien over, seeing one play.

Cat Adrien looks down, seeing a play of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, "It's beautiful" Cat Adrien said.

"And we know how it ends. Too saddening" Felix said.

"Yes, both take their lives," Cat Adrien said.

"They need a new play," Felix said.

"Like what? Robin Hood?" Cat Adrien wondered.

"Yes. You always wanted to be like a hero" Felix said.

"Yeah, one that people don't misunderstand," Cat Adrien said.

As they came back to the mansion, Adrien was forced to drink blood from his father's leftover corpse again. Adrien groans that he has to do that. He couldn't do it anymore and it was too much for him to see corpses around like it didn't bother his father that taking someone's life away is just wrong. He drags the corpse once it's fully drained and throws it into the basement. He was sick of leftover corpses his father gave him just because he couldn't sink his fangs into live victims.

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