Chapter 29

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No, Nat and I didn't have sex last night. I mean, I wish we did. But we didn't. We did everything except have sex. But in the morning, everything feels great. Aside from the burning stab wounds, everything is perfect. I have my head on my new girlfriend's chest, her arms around me. We're peacefully resting in my room at the fucking Avengers' compound.

Today is the first day my little hero family is letting me leave my room for more than dinner. They're letting me take a walk in the city with Nat. I think the team figured out the change in my relationship with Nat. She's been in my room every night and at least one of them probably saw us kissing in the hospital room a bit ago. I bet Wanda is overjoyed that we finally got our shit together and got together.

"They're healing nicely."

Nat's comment makes me blush. I'm facing away from her so she can't see. But her words mean she's been staring at other parts of my body other than my face.

"Yes ma'am. They feel a lot less painful." I'm only lying a little.

"Great." Just as my t-shirt falls over my torso, Nat's behind me with her arms wrapped around my waist. She's gentle with my healing wounds.

I spin in her arms and lazily drape my arms around her neck. I stare at her. There are so many things bottled up inside me and I want to tell everything to her. But I'm not sure where to start. I open my mouth but end up just closing it.

"What is it?"

I bite my bottom lip. Then I say, "I just don't understand why I got jumped. I mean, yeah, okay, I broke June's heart. But that's it, Nat. All I did was tell her I couldn't be with her. So her friends attacked me? That makes no sense. That's not something to kill someone over."

"No, it's not."

"And attacking a government agent over that stupid of a thing? How does that make sense?"

"I guess they were really devoted to protecting June."

I move my hands to the sides of her face and rest my forehead on hers. "I guess."

We stay like this for a few long moments. "I'm glad you're okay. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I think you'd be just fine. But it's nice to know someone needs me around here."

To suppress my big growing smile, I kiss her. She grips my shirt in a fist and holds me close. Before things get too crazy, I pull away. Nat groans.

"We have a walk to go on," I tell her.

Her smile warms my heart. "You are so excited about a walk. You're like a dog."

"Of course I'm excited about a walk. The team hasn't let me leave my room except for dinner in weeks. It's about time I get out."

She holds out her bent arm like a classic movie. I laugh as I take it, but I take it without thinking. We walk out of the compound together. I try not to make it obvious that I'm using Nat as a way to keep myself upright but I have a feeling that she knows. But if she does, she's very good at hiding it.

Of course, all along the walk, we have people looking and pointing at us, taking pictures of us. I sometimes wish those who take pictures of us would just come up and ask to take pictures with us instead.

"How would a lunch date sound?" Nat asks.

"It sounds so good right now."

"What are you in the mood for?"

"A cheeseburger," I say simply.

Nat chuckles. "Tony really got into your head."

"What? No," I drawl, laughing. "Okay, maybe just a little," I admit. "He has a way of forcing you to eat so many cheeseburgers that you have to like them eventually."

Vertigo: Hydra's Greatest WeaponOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant