Chapter 9

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I let June into my apartment first, following a safe distance behind, closing, and locking the door behind us. The second the lock clicks, I turn around to June standing still, facing away from me. She's just standing in front of me.

"June-" I start but am cut off.

"Why were you talking to Zion Lopez?" she asks strictly.

I sigh heavily because I know I can't lie this time since she saw me. She finally turns around to face me.

"Callie, answer the question," she raises her voice at me.

"I can't."

"Did you think I wouldn't know him? Or I wouldn't see you talking to him?"

"No. I-I don't know." I do everything I can not to raise my voice but I'm growing upset. The angrier she gets with me, the worse I feel.

"What are you even doing talking to him anyway? Do you have business with him or something?" Her voice finally reaches the point just below a yell.

I don't know what to do so I just stare at her with a straight face. Well, I'm more staring past her to prevent another panic attack.

"Callie? Hello? Can you fucking pay attention?"

She snaps me out of my staring. We lock eyes and for the first time, she looks at me with pure anger.

"I can't tell you, okay?"

"You can't tell me," she scoffs. "Callie, Zion is so fucking dangerous! Not only is he a drug dealer, but he's also known for dragging people into his shit! Callie, tell me right now what the hell is going on. You have been acting strange since you mentioned going after that-" Her eyes dart back to me.


"You're kidding."

"I-" I try to start again but she keeps cutting me off.

"Tell me honestly. Are you trying to find that drug lord?" she asks bluntly.

I slowly back away from her but she grabs my wrist to stop me. "Really? Did you even think about what could happen to you? And why did you go to Zion? What does he have to do with anything?"

Again, I just stare at her.

"Right. You can't tell me. Can you at least tell me why you can't tell me?"

"I don't want to risk anyone else's life. I don't want to risk your life. If I tell you or involve you, you could be put in danger. I'm not doing that," I tell her softly.

She sighs at me before walking around to one of my couches and taking a seat. I hesitate before sitting on the adjacent couch, leaning on my forearms on my legs.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I say, looking down at my hands.

"How much are you going to keep from me?"

"For your safety, everything." I look up from my hands to her staring at me.

This time, her stare is gentle. Loving almost. Without saying anything, she gets up and walks into my bedroom. I let out a quiet, shaky sigh once she's out of sight. I breathe heavily for a few long minutes until I can't take it anymore. Without thinking, I go to my kitchen and search for alcohol. I find a half-empty bottle of vodka and take a long sip straight from it. I lean on my counter with my arms folded across my exposed stomach, one hand gripping the bottle tightly. I take swigs every minute, hoping to ease my anxiety. I'm too deep in thought to fully process that June walked back into the room.

"I'm not mad at you," she says, leaning on the counter opposite of me.

I look up from staring at my feet.

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