vi ~ Well, Luke's a Bitch

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chapter six ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
006. Well, Luke's a Bitch

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Being killed by javelins-wielding bears wasn't Cassie's ideal death.

Annabeth wanted to go on her own to find Luke, but according to Cassie that wasn't happening.

Percy agreed. It was all of them together or nobody at all.

"Nobody! Please?" Tyson tried.

But he ended up coming anyways. They made a quick stop to grab their belongings. Staying on the ship another night was probably not an option.

Cassie placed her sunglasses on her head and tied the new red flannel around her waist.

Tyson was carrying all four bags. Percy and Cassie had offered to take one but Tyson was perfectly fine.

The four snuck around the boat, following the signs to the admiralty suite.

Annabeth went ahead, checking the halls invisibly. They ducked away when somebody passed, but it was only the passengers in a trance.

On deck thirteen, Annabeth's voice broke their silence as she stuffed them in a closet.


Some guys were walking down the hall.

"You see that ethiopian drakon in the cargo hold?" One said.

"Yeah, it's awesome." Another chuckled.

Annabeth almost suffocated Cassie's arm with how tight she was holding.

Cassie got the hint and hit Percy's shoulder. They knew that voice.

"I hear they got two more coming. They keep arriving at this rate, oh, man-no contest." The familiar one told.

The voices became distant.

"That was Chris Rodriguez! You remember-from Cabin Eleven." Annabeth realized, now visible without her cap.

Cassie just remembered that Chris hadn't come to camp this summer. Normally he'd be hanging around in the arena with some of his other undetermined buddies.

Percy seemed to have the same thoughts as her.

"What's another half-blood doing here?"

Annabeth didn't know, shaking her head in response.

As they inched closer Percy got the feeling something evil was near.

"Percy." Annabeth halted and shot her hand out in a stop motion, but accidentally hit Cassie in the stomach.



They were near the edge of a glass barrier that blocked anyone from falling down a decorative hole through many stories.

At the bottom was a bunch of shops but it was the groups of monsters that had caught Annabeth's attention.

There was a bunch of Laistrygonian giants like the ones Percy had been attacked by at his school gym.

In the group were two hellhounds, and some . . .

"Scythian Dracaenae," Annabeth whispered. "Dragon women."

Yeah that was the name. The women had snake tails for feet.

In the middle of the semicircle of monsters was a young dude killing a straw dummy.

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