CHAPTER 4 Like the Old Days

Start from the beginning

With a gentle push, Remus opened the creaking gate and guided Sirius along the flagstone path that led to the front door. Lavender and roses scented the air, and the cottage beckoned with an embrace that had long been missed.

Inside, the cottage enveloped them in its cozy interior. The walls were adorned with tapestries, each telling a story of their shared adventures and cherished memories. A stone fireplace, the heart of the living room, crackled with a warm fire that bathed the room in a soft, flickering light. Comfy, well-loved furniture beckoned, inviting them to sit and unwind.

Standing in the welcoming embrace of their shared space, Remus and Sirius exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a jumble of emotions—nervousness, excitement, relief, and a hint of uncertainty. Their journey had been filled with hardships and separation, and now, as they stood together in the heart of their sanctuary, they faced a new beginning, one filled with hope.

Taking a step closer, Remus gently cupped Sirius's face in his hands, his thumb tracing the contours of Sirius's cheekbone. Their breaths mingled, and the world outside seemed to fade away as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Sirius," Remus whispered, his voice trembling with the depth of his feelings, "I thought I'd lost you forever."

Sirius's hand found Remus's waist, pulling him nearer until their bodies almost touched. His voice was equally shaky as he responded, "I'm here, Moony. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."

Their lips met in a tender, tentative kiss, a silent promise of all the emotions they had long kept hidden. It was a kiss filled with the relief of reunion, the joy of rediscovery, and the anticipation of what lay ahead.

As the kiss deepened, they wrapped their arms around each other, pulling each other closer, their bodies aligned in perfect harmony. It was a slow, intimate dance of tongues and lips, a kiss that conveyed all the words they couldn't find, all the emotions that had been bottled up for too long.

Breaking the kiss, Remus rested his forehead against Sirius's, their breaths intermingling in the quiet room. "I love you," he whispered, his voice a fervent declaration.

Sirius's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he replied, his voice filled with unwavering certainty, "I love you too, Moony. Always have, always will."

With their foreheads still pressed together, Remus and Sirius shared a soft, affectionate smile, their eyes locked in a deep, intimate connection. They knew that they had a future together, a chance to make up for all the lost years, and they intended to make the most of it.

They slowly separated, but their hands remained intertwined as they made their way to the cozy living room. The stone fireplace crackled with warmth and cast dancing shadows across the room. A plush, comfortable couch beckoned them to sit, and they did so, side by side.

As they settled on the couch, Sirius turned to Remus, his fingers gently tracing the back of Remus's hand. "Do you remember our time at Hogwarts?" he asked, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips.

Remus's eyes sparkled with fond memories. "Of course, I do," he replied. "How could I forget?"

Their fingers intertwined more tightly as they delved into the past, recounting the adventures and misadventures of their youth. Remus spoke of their late-night conversations in the Gryffindor common room, of stolen kisses in hidden corridors, and of evenings spent gazing at the stars from the astronomy tower.

"Do you remember the time we turned the Great Hall into a jungle during breakfast?" Sirius asked, a devilish grin spreading across his face.

Remus laughed, the memory flooding back vividly. "That was one of our finest moments."

Sirius leaned in closer, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "It was our seventh year, right before Christmas break. We had been planning it for weeks."

Remus nodded, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "And James had smuggled in a bag of Dungbombs from Zonko's, just for that extra touch."

Sirius chuckled at the memory. "The look on Professor McGonagall's face when she walked in and saw the Great Hall filled with trees, vines, and all sorts of magical creatures was priceless."

Remus joined in the laughter, recalling the chaos that had ensued. "The students were all trying to find their seats, but they kept getting tangled up in the vines or chased by invisible monkeys."

Sirius shook his head, his grin widening. "And don't forget the singing parrots that wouldn't stop serenading Snape. He was livid."

Remus laughed until tears welled up in his eyes. "And then there was that giant boa constrictor that somehow ended up draped over Professor Flitwick's shoulders."

Sirius wiped away a tear of mirth. "We had to step in and reverse the spell eventually, but it was worth it. The look on everyone's faces was unforgettable."

"Speaking of memories," Remus began, a sly grin tugging at the corners of his lips, "do you remember that time we got stuck in that broom closet?"

Sirius's eyes widened in surprise, and then a wicked grin spread across his face as he nodded. "Oh, how could I forget? The infamous broom closet of the Gryffindor common room."

Remus chuckled, the memory vivid in his mind. "It was during our fifth year. James and Peter had managed to distract everyone with some prank in the common room. We took advantage of the chaos and slipped away."

Sirius's gaze turned fond as he continued the story. "We thought we'd hide in the closet just until things settled down, but as it turned out, we weren't in a hurry to leave."

Remus's fingers brushed over Sirius's knuckles as he recalled the sensations of that stolen moment. "Our laughter died down, and then our eyes locked. I remember the way your breath hitched when I leaned in, and how your lips tasted like the Butterbeer we'd been drinking earlier."

Sirius leaned closer, his lips brushing against Remus's earlobe as he whispered, "And I remember the way you kissed me, all soft and slow, like it was the only thing that mattered in the world."

Remus closed his eyes, reliving the memory as if it were happening all over again. "We were so lost in each other that we didn't even notice when James and Peter finally managed to open the closet door."

Sirius chuckled softly, his warm breath sending shivers down Remus's spine. "And when they found us, they couldn't stop teasing us for weeks. I think that's when they finally figured out our secret."

As they reminisced, their voices were filled with warmth, and their laughter was a beautiful, shared melody. The past came alive in their words, and they felt as if they were back in time, reliving those precious moments.

Underneath the fireplace's soft glow, they shared stories of love and friendship, and the room seemed to hold the echoes of their laughter and whispered confessions. The weight of the years melted away, leaving only the undeniable truth that their connection had always been deep and unwavering.

As they sat hand in hand, the firelight casting a warm, golden halo around them, Remus leaned in to place a tender kiss on Sirius's lips. It was a kiss that sealed their commitment to each other, not just for the future, but for all the years they had yet to share.

Their hearts, once torn apart by circumstance, had found their way back to each other, and they knew that nothing could ever truly separate them again. In their cozy cottage, surrounded by the memories of their past and the promise of their future, Remus and Sirius were finally, and unequivocally, home.

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