chapter 6 ~ Vlive

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"Soobin what the fuck is happening."
He respond in tears.

"I don't know Y/N. I-I think they are gonna terminate my contract. Yeonjun is shouting and Park Jiwon nim and its not looking good."

He sniffles through the phone.

"Look they are trying to put me on hiatus. They are trying completely wipe me from our upcoming comeback. They are even suspending the contract with LV. Soobin there is no way they are terminating your contract, you are the leader of txt."

"I know everyone keeps telling me that but they really think I'm dating you. They won't listen to me."

"That's absurd, if they followed us the whole time we didn't even kiss or anything."

"Try telling them that. I'm to shy to shout."

"I wish I could come over but this is just as bad for me and the public seeing me will stirr thing up even more."

"I have to go, my manager is calling me."

"OK we will get through this. Love you."
I hang up the phone and throw it across the practice room onto the sofa but it bouncers off and lands on the floor.

you drop the duffle bag on the floor and walk put of the room to go back to the office.
You storm in and march up to the meeting room and swing open the door. Everyone turns their head you you and a few people scoff. You sit down in the spare chair next to your manager. A woman who you recognise and head of marketing starts yelling at me.

this immediately acts as a catalyst for others to shout complaints at me and I try sit with out flipping everyone off or breakdown crying. After a minute JYP raises his hand up and everyone in the room goes silent.

"Y/N, Friday 5:47pm you slipped out with leader of tomorrow by together and went of a date without telling either of your managers or any staff. Do you realise your mistake? It doesn't just end there though. After slipping out you went on a date walking around with no staff or protection to say the least. Do you realise your mistake? Then lastly you went back to his dorm on a public bus."
Jiwoo speaks up to him.

"Park Jin young nim in her defence she was trying to have a normal time out with her good friend. You know they were both trainees when she was still at HYBE. Although she did make a mistake by not telling anyone I believe her going on hiatus is unreasonable."
A man on the other end of the table exclaims.

"Do you know how many emails I have received asking to confirm their relationship and dating rumors not to mention the calls and letters too?"
She turns to him.

"Yes but I dont see why we can't just deny the rumors and say that male female friendships can exist amongst idols."
JYP clears his voice and begins to speak again.

"I know to some this my seem out of hand and a overreaction but as a company we have decided that the best thing for her is to stay out of this comeback and focus on the boys. I'm sure you know how much backlash we receive as it is with having a female in an a boy group. End of argument. As for y/n please may the people who I mentioned before the meeting stay."
Half the staff gets up collecting their stuff and leave the room sighing and giving me dirty looks. Once the door is closed again I lean forward and grab the bottled water infront of me and take a sip. JYP starts talking again he turns to our choreographer and starts telling him to remove me from dances and make ot8 choreo. He stands up shaking his head and walks toward the door  patting my shoulder before leaving. Jin young then starts talking to the marketing lady from before and starts talking about removing me from all campaigns. I turn to look at Jiwoo.

"There is no way this is happening right now."

"Believe me if I could do something right now I would but I'm pretty much as helpless as you are."

"Do you know how long the hiatus will be?"

"I really hope it's not long. But I heard someone mention a solo album so don't be surprised if someone tells you about that."
You slump into your chair.

"So they are putting me in hiatus so that they can focus on my solo career."
You stand up from the table and waln out the room everyone looks confused on the way out the office you bump into bang chan.

"Fucking Lord I was looking for you I just heard what happend and rushed to the company."

You say bluntly and push his out of the way so that you can get out of there as soon as possible. You go back to the 9th floor trying to avoid everyone and lock yourself in the practice room. You walk up to you phone that now has a crack on the screen but you don't care and pick it up you push the duffel bag out of the way and set your phone up against the mirror and turn on Instagram live after a minute you see 100k+ people have already joined so you decide to start by clearing your throat.

"I just want to firstly address that stays are going to be receiving some bad news soon that many won't like but in this situation was not my decison. Secondly, I want to take this time to say that I am denying any allegations there are with Soobin who is the leader of tomorrow by together. We are just good friends and as some stays may know I was a trainee with him for two months when I was still in hybe but didn't make it."
You sigh trying not to cry or look at the comments which I know will be filled with hate. You look into the camera and fix a piece of hair and continue.

"Again this was the decision of JYPE and had no say in this but it has already been done and..."
You look at the views 540k+ people watching.
"...and I hope people respect what is about to happen. I'm sorry to those of you who thought this would be a lighthearted live but right now some things are inevitable."
You look at the comments to see mixed reactions you sigh again and end the live abruptly. You stare ate yourself in the mirror. What am I going to do? You send Soobin a quick text asking if everyone is going well at hype and flop down on the floor spreading your arms and legs. You close your eyes and try not to look at the atrocious ceiling light spelling out JYPE and wonder if they really will make me do a solo.

9th member of Stray Kids // y/nWhere stories live. Discover now