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Mentiri || Kim Seungmin

(A) to lie; the act of lying.


A week since Seungmin felt something was wrong with his body. He just got a check-up three months ago and received a positive result. He is a healthy man.

After the promotion of their new album Straykid's schedules are still packed. They have several flights abroad and even attend an international concert. It's a vibrant moment in their careers, they are at their peak and Seungmin cannot believe that his group is so popular now. He can't believe it but he is happy. Proud of his members and himself. It was only a vivid dream when he was 17 years old, too innocent and passionate about his chosen career. Sacrificing not only his youth but also his life, betting on his talent and perseverance, and of course, trusting in his leader and his members.

So Seungmin could not understand why blood was flooding his nose for 15 minutes. He thought it was just a normal nosebleed, he was tired, and it was given to all of them. Being popular isn't always rainbows and sunshine. Expectations are heavy and suffocating, they need to be perfect, need to look good in anything, and need to be good examples for their junior. They are the standard, the perfect group.

Seungmin believes in his members. They had been together for years with ups and downs, tears and sweat. They were a group made of steel and he trusted them with his life.

Jeongin left him to eat with Changbin last night. They promised each other and Seungmin waited in the lobby only to find out from Chan that Jeongin was out having dinner with Changbin. He doesn't even receive a text message informing him that they went together. He waited in vain and got upset when their manager picked him up innocently scolding him for staying out while they had an early flight the day after. Their flight was to Los Angeles and his next meal was four hours after the performance.

He performs without eating and Jeongin doesn't even apologize, he looks smug with Changbin laughing at him too. He ignores it, of course.

Their stop was in Japan. Seungmin is planning to invite one member to his vlog. He just wanted to chill or maybe go camping or visit popular hot springs. He hinted it first to Hyunjin, promising that he would join his mini escape.

"What Seungmin? I'm with Felix, we're busy." Hyunjin's voice was laced with annoyance when he called him to ask where he was.

"W-Wait... How about-."

toot toot toot

Seungmin snorts, rolling his eyes, not taking personally the rudeness of his member ending the call. He texted Jeongin but did not reply to him. He called Jisung next and the man answered thank you very much.

"I'm with Minho and Changbin hyung. I'm not sure where was Jeongin... Wait, I'll call you back Minnie." Seungmin sighs, eyeing his abandoned bag pack. He thought no one would go out today since he never heard of them making plans. Even the GC was muted. Normally, Seungmin checks his members' schedules by seeing the chat in GC.

Tex Message:

From: Han Jisung (13:12)

Jeongin says he was with Felix and Hyunjin. Anyway, I'm busy now. Later then.


Kim Seungmin is a very rational person. He thought first that his members were having a conspiracy against him and pranking him for pulling this shit because they know it won't affect him. Perhaps, a joke because he told them he had a plan for his vlog now and he invited his members and he was flat-out rejected saying they were too tired to go out. Hyunjin was the only one who promised him but he guessed, it wasn't anymore.

Mentiri || Kim SeungminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang