Team names and dates

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*clears throat* ahem huh- wha- OH yea I forgot it was starting.. anyway this is chapter 7 of "A slime and Faunus love story" I hope you like it and this chapter will mainly just be the dates with all the girls in the harem. Because well. The names are going to be kinda weird and not make sense and I'm sorry for that. Let's do this. *yeets myself out window*

-previously we saw the teams fight against the Grimm and an alpha Grimm. And someone knows who Izuku is. But without him knowing.


Opzin: *clapping his hands as he smiles* well done everyone. Well done I must say you all have it your all. But without further ado. Let's start with the teams the first team. Izuku, Blake, Mikan, Ruby, and Weiss. The leader will be Izuku midoryia. (IBMRW)

Blake, Mikan, ruby, and weiss: congrats little brother/zuzu/zuku/Izuku

Opzin: next team is phyrra, Nora, velvet, Yang, and winter. The leader will be phyrra. (PNVYW)

The team: 'Awh I didn't get on izu's team' congrats phyrra.

Opzin: the final team will be. Stella, penny, neo, nejire, and Melissa. The leader will be Stella. (SPNNM)

The team: congrats Stella.

Opzin: your all free to go school starts 4 weeks from now good luck and have fun

Opzin: now before you all leave will Izuku come to my office? We have something to talk about.

Everyone: 'oh no did izu fail? No no he couldn't but just to be sure I'll follow him'

-location change to the office-

Izuku: y-yes sir you wanted to talk to me?

Opzin: yes. You see izuku you did pass the test but you got a relic that I made myself.

Izuku: h-huh what do you mean sir?

Opzin: *sigh* Izuku just call me opzin alright? (Izuku nods his head) good so there is a reason why that relic was there.

Izuku: why though si- I mean opzin?

Opzin: .... That relic has a enchanted circle in engraved in it at the button. This relic was there to see if In a real life situation that relic is meant to be a civilian. Izuku. *smiles* you are what they call an "all rounder" do you know what it means?

Izuku: yes Mr opzin an all rounder is someone who can attack, defend, rescue, and help others in combat.

-to the harem-

Stella: move you baka I can't hear it

Weiss: what do you mean you dolt!

Velvet: shut up both of you or were going to get caught

Yang: well I'm just hear to make sure my little bunny is alright.

Ruby: excuse me? Who said he's yours?

Blake: he's mine!

-everyone just stares at Blake with a very confused face. Blake realized what she had just said and turned bright red.

Phyrra: wow that was- something

Nora: agreed but since we know Izuku is fine I should go walk with him.

????: what do you think your doing?

-everyone turns back and see's what they were hoping not to see. Glynda goodwitch. But before anyone can say anything they hear a loud crack and look at the door as it falls the harem fell as well over each other

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