The test.

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-ahem. *clears throat* well this is part 6 of the book but before we start please ask me some questions I really wanna answer any questions you all might have. I wanna know how you guys are liking this book. If you are well I have some good news for you! We aren't even half way through completing this book! Far away from it. Hehehehe

Last time~ we saw a summery of there training.

-present time-

-Izuku's pov-

We just got done training and are going to apply to beacon yesterday was ruby's Birthday as she turned 18. She said she "wanted something she couldn't get back" I had no clue what she ment until out of no where she kissed me on the lips in front of everyone as they were watching I blushed up a storm and saw angry looks on everyone's face.

-flash back-

Ruby: hey izu~ wanna know what I want for my gift~

Izuku: sure Ruby what do you want for your birthday I'll do my best to get something to make you happy.

Everyone else: 'note to self: when our birthdays come around ask for a kiss'

Ruby: I want something I can't get back~

Izuku: huh? What's tha-

-Izuku wasn't able to finish his sentence because Ruby Smashed her lips against Izuku's while putting her tongue inside of izuku's mouth as he was blushing up a storm everyone looks jealous with there hair covering there eyes and a deadly aura surrounds them

Ruby: *separates kids from Izuku* I got my gift from you~ but you have to take responsibility of taking my first kiss~ zuku~

Izuku: *faints*

-end of flashback-

Ruby: *holding izuku's arm between her chest while smiling happily* so zuku you gonna be on my team?


Izuku: w-well we will just have to wait and see until we get to the beacon.

Ruby: I see~ well then let's hurry up and get to beacon

-when they get to beacon-

????: hmmm this is quite a lot isn't it glynda?

Glynda: indeed it is a lot opzin. *spots Izuku and neo* 'isn't that Izuku and neo? Huh they have really grown'

Opzin: glynda? Hey Glynda!

Glynda: h-huh y-yes?

Opzin: geez you really aren't paying attention are you?

Glynda: *sigh* yep but let's just hope this year they will actually listen in my class

Opzin: *chuckles* who knows Glynda. Who knows.

-when the students get into beacon

Izuku: wow this huge

Yang: *giggles* yea cutie~ but who's going to sleep with you tonight~

The harem: 'I am'

Izuku: w-well I- I don't know b-but let's just get going now

-when they got inside-

Opzin: everyone. Welcome to beacon. We will all train you to become hunters and huntresses. I hope you all are ready for 4 years of hell because it's going to be a literal hell for all of you. But since it's your first day applying to beacon we will let you all get some rest so go to the waiting room and have fun sleeping.

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