Who let them cook?

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"So, what brought you here in Maryland, Dave? New York wasn't good enough?" Anthony said to David.

"President got me a house in...Upper Marlboro, Maryland." David said, making Anthony look at him with a raised eyebrow.

He then pulls out his smartphone and uses Google Maps, "Is it this house?" Anthony said, showing David a large three-story house.

"Yeah, that's the house. Why?"

"Because my house is next-door." Anthony said, as Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, Velvet, Fox, Yatsuhashi, Coco, Mercury, Emerald, Cinder, and Oscar looked at David.

David blinked in surprise, his gaze shifting between Anthony and the house on the screen. "No way, Ant. You live next door? That's one hell of a coincidence."

Anthony chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, it does seem like a crazy twist of fate. But hey, it'll make it easier for us to catch up and hang out."

David grinned, clearly excited about the prospect. "Absolutely. This is going to be awesome."

As the two friends shared a moment of laughter and camaraderie, the group from Remnant couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Having David nearby could prove to be an asset in their efforts to adapt to their new life on Earth while keeping their true origins a secret.

"By the way, Ant. Sienna Khan there?" David asked getting looks from Blake and Velvet.


"Bitchin. Can she live with me?" David said with a happy smile.

"Woah slow down there, Demon Dog. You got ask her first before you end up like that situation in Thailand." Anthony reassured David as confused looks were around them.

Yang with a smirk asked, "What happened in Thailand?"

David chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's a long story, guys. Let's just say I had a run-in with a particularly enthusiastic street vendor who wanted me to buy some knockoff watches. Things got... interesting."

Ruby leaned forward, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Interesting how?"

David sighed, realizing he might as well share the story. "Well, let's just say I ended up with a bag full of what I thought were watches but turned out to be something completely different. Let's leave it at that."

The group shared a collective laugh, appreciating the lighthearted moment amidst the chaos of their current situation. It was clear that Anthony and David's camaraderie extended to their friends, making the transition to this new world a bit easier to handle.

"Do you have any stories from Thailand, Towson?" Cinder asked as Anthony thought about for a good second. Then answered.

"I had threesome with two Thai women." Anthony bluntly said making almost everyone spit-take.

The group erupted into laughter, with shocked and amused expressions on their faces. Jaune, in particular, turned bright red and started coughing uncontrollably, while Ren just shook his head with a small grin.

Cinder raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a sly smile. "Well, well, Anthony. You're full of surprises, aren't you?"

Anthony chuckled. "Always expect the unexpected, Cinder."

It was clear that this new world was full of surprises, and the group was slowly adapting to the unusual circumstances they found themselves in.

"How I did it? By doing a Scottish accent." Anthony said as some asked to hear it and he nodded. He clears his throat as David puts on bagpipe music from his smartphone, "Who the phak told you I don't have a horse license? Phak sake. I cannot believe why you keep asking for a stupid shet license? Aye mate. I got your wee cunt license right here. Now phak off and let me go shank those wee bastards, alright?"

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