Clothes and Music

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"Anyways, we need to get you all new clothing." Anthony said to everyone as some understood the narrative of why. Others however...

"But I like my clothes." Summer, Ruby, Raven, Coco, Weiss, Nora and Sienna said liking their outfits.

Anthony sighs, "Again, your clothing looks weird in today's fashion, but you can wear those here. Or at a cosplay event." He said as everyone either nodded in agreement or said 'Fine'. "And before we do that." He turns to Coco, "Coco, since you're the Fashion Queen here. I need you to get the measurements of everyone here, besides your team, RWBY, JNPR, Oscar, Cinder, Emerald and Mercury. They'll be coming with me to the mall to clothes shop."

Coco gave him a smile and a thumbs-up, "Got it!"

"Why do I have to come?" Cinder asked Anthony.

"Because you'll probably do something stupid or break something." He said as Cinder didn't say more. "Also, Glynda, Hazel, Ghira, Salem. You four oversee watching the house and watching everyone."

"Besides Glynda and Ghira. Why Hazel and Salem of all people?" Raven asked.

"Because those four I can trust overseeing you all and making sure the house doesn't catch on fire." He said silencing Raven. "Also, Kali?"


"Can you teach Willow, Summer and Raven to cook?" Anthony asked as Kali nodded. But Summer and Raven felt offended, but Ant was quick, "Summer, you only know how to bake. And Raven, you pipe your mouth."

Summer sighs in defeat, "It's true. I only know how to bake."

Raven just grumbles, "Cooking is hard."

It was then Anthony thought about their Scrolls. They probably have no signal at all because there's no CCTs on Earth. But what about using WI-FI?

"Glynda let me see your Scroll?" Anthony asked as Glynda handed him her Scroll. He begins typing on it for bit, smiles, types again and hands her back her Scroll. "That should do."

Glynda was a bit puzzled, "What did you do?"

Anthony pulls out his smartphone and calls a number. A second later, everyone hears Glynda's Scroll ringing.

Oscar was the first to speak, "But...I thought..."

"That you need a CCT to have the Scrolls work? Yes, I thought the same thing. But what about using the WI-FI to call and text? Well, that's what did to Glynda's Scroll. I put in my WI-FI in and now she can use it." Anthony spoke surprising and amazing everyone. Even Watts was impressed.

"My word, that was geniusly tactful and very astute, Mr. Towson." Watts said as he complimented Anthony.

"Thanks, Doc. Had to learn a thing or two while in combat."

After Coco was done getting everyone's measurements. Anthony leads CFVY, RWBY, JNPR, Oscar, Cinder, Emerald and Mercury to the garage.

"Luckily, I have two vehicles, a 2024 Chevrolet Traverse SUV, and a 2029 Chevrolet Suburban SUV. I, RWBY, JNPR and Oscar will be in the Suburban. While Coco and her team, Cinder, Emerald and Mercury will be in the Traverse following behind us. Also, Coco you're driving."


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