Chapter 10

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"Anything you say."

There was something weird about Leora's gaze and Imperia didn't like the way she said those words. She looked way too content with the decision. Was that all? Wasn't she going to grimace? Wasn't she going to get angry? Wasn't she going to look disgusted? Why did she look so... Empty? This made Imperia want to tease her. She was going to see how long Leora could keep up her act.

Imperia turned to Adoranz with an evil smirk:

"Please show my dear wife to the Queen consort wing."

Adoranz immediately nodded and Leora followed the guards outside, her head held high. Imperia did her best not to be bothered by it. Just a few days and Leora would crumble at her feet like all the others. She just had to be a bit more patient. She could do that easily. After those five days of partying she did deserve to spend a few days sleeping. The others would take care of Leora until then and by the time Leora woke up, things would be way different.

Before leaving, Adoranz still ran back to Imperia. He bent towards her and whispered. The other bandits didn't seem to like someone getting so close to their leader but they couldn't say anything and just waited.

"Just to be sure: when you meant taking her to the Consort wing, you meant putting her through the same living conditions you were while you were here?"

Imperia rolled her eyes, not able to hold back her laughter:

"That was implicitly obvious, Adoranz."

The latter shrugged:

"I still wanted to make sure!"

He pointed to the people behind them:

"I don't know how they always read your mind perfectly. What if I did something unnecessary and then got yelled at?"

Imperia raised her hand to her heart, pretending to be hurt:

"When have I ever yelled at you?

-Oh, my sweet Queen... How should I say this? You are very very loud when you get drunk."

Imperia frowned and Adoranz immediately added:

"Not that I mind of course. I always loved loud women."

Imperia pushed Adoranz's face away with a smile:

"No one will want to date you if you are this flirty."

Adoranz shrugged:

"Then it's perfect. I was never looking for anything serious anyway.

-And you thought that after seven years I would finally accept your advances?

-I am very patient."

Imperia bent closer to Adoranz's face:

"Oh, really?"

The latter got so surprised that he forgot to breathe for a second.

"I... I thought that now... Now that you finally got your revenge. You know... We could hook up."

Imperia laughed:

"With all the experience you got I didn't think you would crumble so easily.

-It's not my fault that you are this gorgeous! A strong woman is very intimidating. I can't feel my hands anymore. I think I'm having a heart attack.

-Oh, we wouldn't want that would we? I think you should hurry up and show my dear wife to her room."

Adoranz suddenly turned towards Leroa:

"Wow! I completely forgot she existed. Not that it's important. Who doesn't love a married woman?"

Leora still didn't budge a millimeter, not showing what this sentence could make her feel.

"Take her to her room, Adoranz. And then walk around the castle and try finding yourself a pathetic girl to fall for you."

It was now Adoranz's turn to pretend being hurt:

"I beg your pardon? The woman I decide to hook up with will be the luckiest woman on Earth.

-Sure, sure.

-All the women I slept with have told me that it was the best night of their lives.

-I don't doubt it.

-You look like you do.

-Do I?"

The bandits started losing their patience:

"Queen Imperia told you to do something. No one wants to hear about your one night stands.

-You really are no fun. It is always all work with you. Chill out, will you? I'm going already."

Adoranz still rolled his eyes before leaving the room:

"I'm amazing in bed."

Laughter accompanied Adoranz's leave and the latter did his best to pretend not to have heard it. It was hard because now that he was alone with Leora, the latter was silent as a tomb. Adoranz did try striking up a conversation a few times but Leora was worse than a wall:

"Though day hugh?"

Leora ignored the question.

"It must be hard losing everything the second you thought you won. It's even worse than never getting it in the first place.



-I don't know.

-What do you mean you don't know? You just lived it.


-Oh my God... Poor Imperia. Who would want a wife like you? No wonder she went off to kill her entire family after being forced to marry you."

Leora just nodded and that made Adoranz open wide eyes:

"How are you so calm? Did they give you some pills while you were being held captive?


-So it's innate?"

Leora shrugged.

"I could have a conversation with a stone wall. But you are worse than that.


Adoranz sighed and sped up. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. Fortunately the Consort wing wasn't that far and Adoranz finally opened the door. However when he saw what was inside, he closed the door back with a frown:

"I think we are in the wrong corridor."

Leora shook her head:

"No. It's here."

Adoranz opened the door again and glanced inside:

"But... It looks so pretty."

Leora stared down at her shoes.

"Are you sure this is where Imperia lived?


-I'm not stupid. Are you trying to sleep somewhere more comfortable? She told us about her room multiple times.

-It really is here."

Adoranz frowned:

"Did you renovate it?


-Why? I can't understand you."

Leora didn't answer.

"Okay, it's not important. Stay here for now. But don't get too comfortable. Some friends will join you soon."

Leora hesitated a second before walking inside the room. This was the first time a feeling passed her face and Adoranz got so surprised that he continued staring at her for a few seconds. Leora just continued standing there, in the middle of the room, looking at her feet. Adoranz was going to ask why the room was so dusty despite having been renovated, but he changed his mind at the last second and closed the door.

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