Chapter 3

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Hearing about her son's death, Wish Thornton fell sick and didn't leave her room for days. Vorkalth was just as shaken but didn't have any other choice than sending their second son next. They were in need of men and he preferred sending his own son than himself. He thought his wife would die when she heard the news but against all odds, she got better right before they received word of their last son's death. Wish didn't look alive anymore and just sat next to her son's body with empty eyes. At least what was left of their bodies.

"How did they turn out like this?

-I don't know, your majesty. The Crown Prince was found in a cave and the second Prince was found at the border of a river. Everyone else was dead too so we don't know what happened to them. They must have been ambushed."

Vorkalth looked at the bodies with a frown:

"It doesn't make any sense. Why didn't they take them as prisoners? They would be way more useful to them alive."

Hearing this, Wish finally woke up and opened wide eyes:

"Did you send them to war knowing that they couldn't win?"

Vorkalth sighed:

"Calm down. There are people listening.

-I don't care who is listening! Did you send my babies to die?

-I didn't! I thought that they would be taken hostage.

-And would you have saved them if they did?"

Vorkalth hesitated and that was too much:

"You monster! You would have left them to die!

-Monster? They wouldn't have killed them! I would have saved them! What did you do for your children?

-I wasn't the one who sent Angeline to them!

-Don't you dare say her name!

-Avoiding her name doesn't mean she doesn't exist! It was your idea to send her as a fiance!

-You were the one who didn't want to send your sons! How dare you put the blame on me? You are the one who abandoned your children."

Wish stopped talking and she went even paler than before. No one thought that was possible:

"You are right. I killed them... All of them. God is punishing me because of what I've done."

She suddenly started crying:

"I was a horrible mother. I never hugged her. I abused her. She only wanted love but I never gave it to her. When she brought me flowers I..."

Vorkalth didn't have patience for this and gestured for someone to take the Queen away. Now that his sons were dead he could only ask for help. At first the idea had revolted Vorkalth but he wouldn't hesitate anymore. His children gone, he couldn't pass on the Thornton name anymore and that was the most important at the end. He quickly sent messengers to all his brothers and sisters, waiting for their answer patiently. But surprisingly nothing came even after two months.

"What do you mean nothing? What about the messengers?

-They never came back, your Highness...

-How could they not come back? Did something happen on the way?

-We do not know, your Highness..."

No one wanted to bring bad news to the King and that messenger learned his lesson. He would never bring any kind of news ever. Vorkalth started panicking again. What would he do if no one came to help him? What was his family doing? They needed to protect the Thornton name. At the beginning of the war they had expressed their willingness to stand by his side. So why were they silent now? Did something happen to them? All of them?

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