Chapter 9

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When Imperia came back she was wearing a tight black dress. It had a mermaid cut and hung on the ground for 5 meters. She sat back on the throne and seemed in a way better mood than when she left:

"I feel way cleaner now. So who do we have left? Jezebel! I am so happy to see you. Really! You were the only person who was nice to me here. Why did you guys bring her here?

-She didn't want to leave her sister alone."

Imperia looked at Leora.

"Your sister wouldn't want you to suffer, right wifey?"

Leora nodded and Imperia smiled:

"See? You should leave while I'm being nice."

But Jezebel wasn't budging:

"Queen Imperia, I beg you. Please forgive my sister. She is a good person. She is the best person I've ever met. She never wanted to be Queen and only took the responsibility to protect me. She just wanted me to have a normal life."

Imperia chuckled:

"What a lovely sister.

-Yes! Leora never did anything for herself. She only lived for me and her people. She is a selfless person. She deserves a second chance."

Imperia started slowly nodding and Leora could feel goosebumps when she saw her amused smile:

"She was indeed very selfless when she slapped me."

Jezebel froze:

"That's not...

-Didn't I technically become one of her people when we got married?


-Yes or no?

-Well, yess but-

-You said she only lived for her people. Then why couldn't she live for me? You just said that I was one of her people.

-She didn't hate you, she was just very busy..."

Imperia laughing made Jezebel stop talking:

"I don't know if you are a very nice person or if you are just naïve, Jezebel. I am a bit jealous. It would have been amazing to be like you.

-Please... If you gave her some time she would have warmed up to you. Leora is a very shy person...

-So is it my fault for not being patient enough?

-No that's not!

-I am so sorry for not taking more beating after having experienced it for 18 years. You are right, after being abused for all my life I should have supported it a bit longer. After all, it didn't hurt anymore. But how long are we talking exactly? A few weeks? A few years?


-You have to tell me exactly. How long should I have waited?

-I-I don't know...

-Of course you don't. But I will tell you, darling. They never would have stopped hating me. I have been nothing but nice to your people but they didn't care. All they saw was my last name. You were the only one who separated the person from the name and that's why I am patient enough to have this annoying conversation with you. If it weren't you, they would already be dead.

-They would have accepted you... They are not bad people... They...

-At this point I don't even care about them accepting me or not. I don't accept them.


-You ran out of arguments it seems. That's enough. Take her while I am being nice."

And Jezebel got dragged away. Imperia sighed before smiling at Leora:

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