Chapter 2

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"What do you mean there's nothing left?"

The messenger didn't have time to budge and the chalice full of wine hit him right in the nose. He started bleeding and his eyes teared up but he had to get it together if he didn't want to be beaten:

"There is no money left... I am so sorry but there is nothing.

-That can't be!"

Nothing could protect the man from this angry man and he soon collapsed to the ground. Alerted by the noise, Wish Thornton rushed to the room and screamed:

"Honey! Stop!"

But her husband wasn't listening to her and she didn't dare put herself in danger either:

"Please, calm down. We will find a way.

-What way? All of this is because of that bitch! Why couldn't she do her job for once?

-I know, darling. I know. We will find her and send her back."

She shouldn't have talked because now the man's anger was directed at her:

"We couldn't find her anywhere for six years! Six years! Where the hell did that cunt hide? She couldn't do anything right. I told you from the beginning that she would be bad news."

Now it was the wife's turn to be angry:

"What should I have done? Should I have sent one of our sons? We can't lose them!

-You should have raised her correctly! It is all because of you that she stabbed us in the back!

-I couldn't know that she would run away! She had always been obedient."

Feeling his blood boil the man grabbed his sword and started attacking the table behind him. His wife didn't dare say anything and started crying. After a few minutes the man finally calmed down and seeing his wife cry, he hugged her:

"I am sorry. I know that it isn't your fault. All of this is because of that witch.

-Vorkalth, what are we going to do?"

Vorkalth Thornton looked around the room with a frown:

"We have to sell everything.

-Can't you just ask for some money? I am sure that your brother-

-How could you say that? What will they say about us if they hear about it? No, no one can ever find out."

He suddenly grabbed Wish's shoulders and forced her to look at him:

"We are going to sell everything we can and we are going to hire all the bandits we can. We are going to win this war no matter how."

The woman's face went pale:

"Sell everything? What do you mean? Do I have to sell my dresses?

-Of course you have to sell them! Who cares what you wear if we lose the war against the Shadowends. We can't lose against them. Never.

-But what about our mines? Is there still no news?"

Vorkalth shook his head:

"Nothing. I don't know who did this but as soon as I put my hands around their necks I'll kill them. Until then gather everything that's worth something. Go!"

Wish didn't wait any longer and ran away with tears running down her cheeks. How could their world crumble so suddenly? One day she was living in heaven and the next day they were at war and were falling behind. Not once would she have imagined this outcome. She always thought that she would live happily ever after if she married the Crown Prince. All of this was because of that tramp. Wish knew as soon as she gave birth to her that she was going to destroy her life. But she thought that she had raised her well and not once did she ever dare raise her voice against her parents. What happened to her? How could she burn down the whole Palace? Wish still couldn't believe what was being said about her daughter and thought that Shadowend lied to them.

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