R&R: Relaxation & Resentment

Start from the beginning

During breakfast, your phone pinged. You caught a glimpse of the contact in your peripheral vision and felt physically ill. So, you pretended you hadn't seen it. Then it pinged again, and again, and one more time. Kuroo looked at you over his glasses. "Seems urgent." With shaking hands, you pick up your phone and shut your eyes upon reading the message. You had been doing so well.

Akaashi got up from his chair and came to your side, reading the messages over your shoulder. "Don't listen to her, Y/n. Today's about your grandma. Focus on her."

Still discouraged, you nod. He tilts your head to look into your eyes. "Everything's okay. You're okay." He pulls you into a hug as you wipe tears. Hesitantly, Bokuto stretches out his hand for your phone. You slide it over and he reads the messages out loud.

1: I see now that you're just confused.
2: You just want to look like those other girls because you're insecure.
3: Just stop being immature and stupid.
4: We have the ash scattering today so grow up and stop making everything about yourself. We haven't seen you on this FAMILY trip in three days. It's disrespectful to everyone.

He looked like he was holding his breath. "I- I don't- Damnit." He excuses himself from the table. You watch him go, sort of wanting to follow, but decide against it.

Instead, you head upstairs to get dressed. Walking past the bathroom door, you hear sniffles. You still loved Bokuto very much, of course, but couldn't bring yourself to break the tension by comforting him.

The next time you saw him was when everyone was downstairs waiting on you. It looked like he and Akaashi were arguing. "She needs us," Akaashi said. "She needs you. She doesn't need me being there making everything worse," Bokuto insisted. "I've done enough damage." His voice broke. You stood there, unnoticed, and clear your throat. "You don't have to come if you don't want to. I don't want to force you." He turns to you. "I don't want to make it—" "You're not," you interrupt.

His eyes soften, and he smiles a little. "Okay! I'll go. I want to be there for you!" You head for the door, concealing the small grin you'd caught from him. In the car, Kenma let you have the window seat, and watched you gaze out of it at the trees while Kuroo drove.

"Blue looks good on you," he whispers, half of him hoping you wouldn't hear. You did and smile small. "Thank you, Ken. Long hair looks good on you." You tuck a strand out of his face, your hand lightly grazing his cheek. The trees took your attention again.

Finally, the four of you arrived to the spot. You could see your family members gathered, and noticed immediately that your mother was wearing black. That was the one rule: no black.

Something told you this would only be a preview, so you stalled at the car, claiming that you needed to change your shoes. The boys went off, but Kuroo came back, realizing that you were actually just pacing. "Nice shoes. They look... exactly the same?" he says, raising his brow. You nervously smile. "Uh.. I'm just breaking them in?" He shakes his head and opens the car door, inviting you to sit. "Talk to me. You getting anxiety over seeing your family after what happened?" The silence was loud. You looked from your hands to up at him and slowly nodded.

He leans over and cups your cheeks. "You listen to me. Whatever your mom pulls, whatever your sister pulls, and whatever your heart pulls, too, because I know this is an emotional time, I pinky promise to be here for you no matter what. You don't have to be afraid." You sniffle and hold out your pinky, which he locks his onto. Still holding your head with his other hand, he pulls you closer to kiss your forehead. "Ready?" he asks, to which you stand up and take his hand. "Ready."

As soon as she caught sight of you, Chiyo started up. "Look who's graced us with her presence!" She, too, was wearing black. You gripped Kuroo's hand tighter. "Look who's being disrespectful, yet again, and wearing black." She glares at you. "You know what-"

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