"No...no...no, it's not working," Bonnie mumbled out her face wet with tears. She looked, unlike her normal self; free of makeup, hair in a sloppy low ponytail, and wearing clothes that were a couple of sizes too big for her. Damon let his eyes study her for a moment and he made a mental note that a make-up free slightly messy Bonnie Bennett was really quite breathtaking.

"Bonnie?" Caroline called out gently to her obviously distraught friend and Bonnie jumped at her unnoticed visitors.

"Care," Bonnie sobbed out in relief as a small smile crossed her face. But that small instantly crumbled at seeing the other person standing in the doorway behind Caroline. Damon stared back at Bonnie curiously, and what he saw in her eyes kept him silent. He saw a fear he hadn't seen for a long time. He wondered why Bonnie would show fear when she looked at him, she hadn't since they had returned from Kai's prison world, and if he were to be completely honest, and not for some time prior. Not since she had started to realize the power of her magic. The two newly forged friends stared at one another for a few more seconds before Bonnie broke the gaze by bowing her head and averting her eyes back down to her Grimoire. "He did this and...It won't go away...I can't make it go away. It's inside of me Care," She spun panicked eyes to Caroline who approached her and began to kneel beside her. "I don't understand how it's even possible, I've tried everything, but it won't go away. It's like he's made it so I can't use my magic on myself."

"Ok sweetie, who are you talking about?" Caroline spoke in a soothing voice as she reached out and stroked Bonnie's wild tresses. "What's inside of you that won't go away?" She asked and then Bonnie grasped Caroline's hand and placed it against the small, firm swell of her belly, which wasn't noticeable in the oversized sweatshirt Bonnie was wearing. "Oh my God," Caroline exclaimed in surprise, but before she could question Bonnie further her words died on her mouth when she looked up at Bonnie and found solid black eyes and a face cover in black veins staring back at her.

"And I'm so hungry," Bonnie hissed out before grabbing Caroline with incredible strength that the young vampire couldn't shake off. Bonnie dove in and gripped Caroline's neck into her mouth, bit down breaking the flesh here, and began to drink deeply. Caroline cried out in surprise and pain which caused Damon to rush in to assist. Damon grabbed for Bonnie but she easily swatted him away. His face held a curious and confused look as he moved back to where Bonnie still feed from Caroline. This time he hesitantly lashed out and struck her across her face, which knocked her unconscious.

"Ok what the fuck was that?" Caroline cried out as she jumped from her spot on the floor. She held her hand against her bloodied neck while looking down at Bonnie's body cradled in Damon's arms as he sat with her on the floor.

"Looks like Bonnie's been turned," Damon spoke out as a look of shock, disappointment, and anger washed over his face. His mind already filled with thoughts of the things he would do to the vampire who would dare touch his witch.

"No, something's not right. She's still human Damon," Caroline said and Damon allowed his senses to pick up the tell-tale signs that told him that Bonnie was still in fact human. "Then there's this," Caroline kneeled down again and lifted Bonnie's shirt to reveal that she was pregnant. Damon's eyes doubled in size as his mouth fell open slightly. "Damon, Bonnie and I went out to the lake just a couple of weeks ago. She wore a bikini and 'that' was not there. She looks like she's about 5 or 6 months pregnant. She's freakishly strong...and apparently I look like food to her," Damon was at a loss for words as he stared at Bonnie swollen belly in amazement just as his phone vibrated in his pocket. He shifted Bonnie's weight in his left arm as he reached for his phone with his right hand. He pulled his phone out, glanced at the ID, and then answered as he focused his concerned eyes back to Bonnie.

"Now is not the best time little brother, something is seriously wrong with Bonnie," Damon spoke out into his phone while still looking at Bonnie with a confused scowl on his face.

"Yeah well considering what arrived at Alaric's while I was visiting with him, I'm not surprised," Stefan replied as he stood in the boarding house with Alaric.

"What are you talking about?" Damon questioned.

"It was a package. Inside there were some baby items meant for Alaric and...There's a VHS tape with yours and Bonnie's name written on it. It's apparently from..."

"VHS...Kai," Damon growled out, his voice laced with anger as he thought about the warlock who had made his and Bonnie's life a living hell.

"Yeah, you need to get back to the boarding house now."

"We're on our way," Damon said as he ended the call not bothering to ask for any details. "C'mon," He said to Caroline as he carefully lifted Bonnie up into his arms and turned back to the exit. "We need to get back to the boarding house."

Later at the boarding house

"What happened to Bonnie?" Stefan questioned as he watched Caroline and Damon enter the room, the latter carrying a still unconscious Bonnie.

"Still not sure," Damon mumbled out as he moved to the nearby sofa and gently settled Bonnie upon it. Once he had her comfortably situated he kneeled beside the sofa and brushed her stray locks from her face, as he stared at her serene face with worried eyes.

"What we do know," Caroline spoke out. "Is that Bonnie's pregnant and she thinks that I'm food," She rubbed at her sore neck, which was still red and swollen and bore Bonnie's teeth marks. She was a bit surprised that it hadn't fully healed already.

"What...wait Bonnie's pregnant?" Stefan asked as he moved closer to regard the sleeping beauty.

"Yeah," Caroline said as she scowled and stepped closer as well. "And I swear she's gotten bigger in the time it took us to get here from her house."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing too," Damon confirmed as his brow bunched in confusion.

"Yeah, well that explains the note I got with the box of baby things," Alaric finally spoke and then tossed back his 3rd glass of scotch.

"What did the note say?" Damon asked as the he, Stefan, and Caroline all stared at their unkempt, slightly drunken friend.

"That I should give the baby things to Bonnie since Joe and I wouldn't need them."

"I should have guessed that sick son of a bitch was behind this," Damon hissed out. "He must have raped Bonnie while she was stuck in that prison world with him," He added his rage evident as the others in the room looked at Bonnie in shock. "God, she told me about some of the stuff he'd done to her, but never 'that'," Damon's anger then turned inward onto himself, if only he hadn't left her there, as if her had had a choice.

"I think we should watch the tape, I'm sure he's going to tell us in great detail and pleasure exactly what he's done," Alaric said. "First we need to find a VCR."

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