I hopped in the shower after tying my hair up. I shouldn't have kicked her out the way I did but she really had to go. It was still a school day and I was doing weekend activities.

I wrote quietly in my notebook as my English teacher taught the lesson

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I wrote quietly in my notebook as my English teacher taught the lesson. On the way to this class I got an email from my physics teacher about the importance of not missing class. He had a lot of bold words that indicated he was upset about my lack of presence. His words not mine.

It's only the third day of his class and he irritating me. That pop quiz he assigned had a mixture of harder material we didn't learn in the introduction course. Most of the class tried to bring it up to him Wednesday but of course he called us all incompetent and that we need to take education serious.

"As apart of this class, there are a series of stories we will be reading, please take now and next week to obtain the reading material. The first reading assignment will be due next Friday, class dismissed" I closed my notebook as everyone shuffled to leave. I packed all of my things up and followed everyone else out of the door.

As I was leaving, I was seeing if my friends wanted to meet up and eat before they go to practice. Apparently I'm still not allowed to come back, he was actually serious about it. I wasn't tripping since I was working out and practicing on my own time. I continued the walk to the cafeteria as I slipped my AirPods in.

My father had called me a few times but I've been blowing him off saying that I was busy. I wanted to resolve the issue between me and coach before he inserts himself. I wanted to have as much playtime this year without him holding me back for whatever vendetta he has against me.

"What up boy" Drix said as we dapped.

"Shit cooling, you learned something today" i joked as he smacked his lips.

"It won't be long until he stop showing up" Tai said making me laugh. Drix somehow finessed into never showing up but still having passing grades. I don't know how he does it.

"Have faith in me this year, I'm really gon' try" I glanced over at Tai before we broke out into another laughter.

"Fuck y'all" I patted his back as our laughter died down. As we were getting closer to the dining hall, my stomach began to rumble. That granola bar barely held me over. "What y'all did in practice?"

"He had us drilling like crazy, the same ineffective routine he swears will get us a ring" I shook my head. One thing about Coach Knox, he won't try anything new.

"That's because some of the people on the team need to practice offense instead of defense" Tai said.

"But y'all know that man hates to be challenged, one of his flaws as a coach" I added as we got to subway's line. 

"So y'all ready for the pool party tomorrow?" Drix asked rubbing his hands together. I smirked. This would be our 3rd time attending... and it never disappoints.

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