5 - Adjustment

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Eden's POV


I'm trying!

Try harder!

Shut up! You're not helping!

The internal mental argument between Rieka and I has been going on for my entire training session with Valleth and I can feel sweat starting to form on my forehead from my exertion. It's been a few weeks since I arrived at Emberholde, and things are in full swing. I've been attending all my classes so far and finding the transition relatively comfortable.

The only thing not comfortable is training my magic with Valleth three times a week. I know she's trying to help me, but my magic hasn't manifested in any full capacity since we've been training. It's flickered here and there but nothing of substance. Currently, Valleth has me focusing on a target and trying to manifest any type of magic to hit it.

We're currently outside her house near the lake, with the dummy near the northern bank.

I sigh loudly, my frustration getting the better of me as I drop my hands to my sides.

"I feel stupid." I say as Valleth looks on and she gives me a half smile.

"You're not." She says simply and I shake my head in disagreement. "I haven't been able to manifest a single ounce of magic at that target, and holding my hands out makes me feel stupid."

"You're still learning."

"You sure there's still magic in me? It didn't all comes out the night I attacked people?" I question and Valleth moves closer to me and grasps my hands, bringing them more up between us. I go to pull away, but she tightens her grip. "Wait." She states abruptly, and I stop fighting her.

I feel warmth radiate from my hands and I look down at them and gasp. All my fingers are glowing bright orange. "It's there, Eden. Believe me. I can feel it, and it's substantial."

"Then why can't I use it?" Sighing again, she releases my hands and I move a few paces away and turn my back to her, trying to stem the tears of frustration that are threatening to fall. I clear my throat and wipe my eyes quickly before turning back to her.

"I think you're mentally blocked from trauma."

No shit.

"There's no doubt I am. Last time this manifested itself, I killed people. That's a good reason to block it out."

"If you learn to control it, that will never happen again."

Silence passes through us as I listen to her words.

I know, but even that is proving to be difficult.

"We can stop for today; it's getting late anyways." She smiles at me sweetly before walking over to the front door of her small house near the pond, and grabs my bag, bringing it back over to me. I take it from her with a nod of thanks.

"You'll get there, just please don't lose faith."

"I won't give up. I promise."

"Good. See you next week. Enjoy your weekend."

I give a small wave and head back towards the dorms.

- - -

Dante's POV

"You know this is unacceptable." I state plainly to the Alpha standing in front of me.

Already three weeks here and nothing has changed.

The Alpha stutters. "I... I apologize, Alpha."

"Enough with the apologies and do what's asked of you. Make the changes."

"Yes, sir."

I turn around and walk out of the office and make my way to my room in the visitor's wing of the Alpha's pack house. I roughly open the door and slam it, my anger getting the better of me.

"I don't know if I can help this pack." I say angrily before sitting on the edge of my bed, placing my head in my hands. I take some deep breaths to settle myself and then lay back on the bed with a soft thump.

Our Alpha King asked for me to help this pack with their transition since their new Alpha is very inexperienced, but that's been the biggest understatement. He's cowardly and fearful. Has no sense of what he's doing or his responsibilities of leading his pack to prosperity.

I told the King I was happy to help, thinking that I could you know, help; but this is proving to be a big challenge for me, and I'm starting to lose my patience and my sanity. I want to go back home, where it's familiar. I know Eros is handing everything well in my absence, but it doesn't change the fact that I would rather be there, leading my own pack than helping this one.

Hopefully things improve enough here soon so I can do exactly that. Go home.

- - -

Eden's POV

"You haven't made any friends yet?" Adelaide asks as she sits down on my couch in my living room.

I shake my head as I move to the kitchen. "No, have you?" She half smiles. "Well, yeah. I'm not at the same level as you in other classes so I've gotten to know some people here." She turns and leans over the back of the couch, eyeing me with concern.

I bite my lip. "I don't think anyone likes me. I'm pretty sure they've all heard why I'm here."

"So? They don't know you yet, sister. Give some of them a chance yeah?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah okay."

"I mean it. This was supposed to be good for you."

"Yeah, yeah." I scoff and she chuckles.

"Don't you have class soon?" I ask and she looks at her watch, her blond hair falling in her face. Her eyes go wide, and she grabs her bag from the coffee table as she stands up. "Shit. I'll see you later!!"

I watch as she rushes out, the door not even closing behind her. Laughing, I walk over and close it quietly.

She's always running around, late for something.

"At least some things never change." I say to myself before I start to get my things ready to go to class myself. It's Monday, the start of a new week and I've got two classes today: Language and History/Lore. I don't mind Mondays, the classes are light and not too challenging, which leaves more energy for me to train with Valleth in the evenings. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, like clockwork.

So far, I'm liking it here, and aside from not making any friends, I feel like I'm doing way better than how I was before, but obviously very disappointed in myself that my magic control isn't improving at all. I sigh and grab my bag and head out to class, my head clouded with a mixture of annoyance and anxiousness.

Maybe a friend to talk to would help.


- Laying down more foundation! Dante will be back at the pack in a few chapters and then we will get more into it!!!

- See you in the next one!!! - vv

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