2 - Change

701 36 3

Eden's POV

Yet another day in complete isolation.

Sighing, I flip another page in my book that I'm reading as I lay on the couch with a blanket; one of the only pastimes I enjoy that make this time alone more bearable.

Of course, I read romance novels, to only torture myself more.

He hovers over her, staring into her eyes before he leans into kiss her deeply, full of passion. His kisses trail down her body, making her body come alive with heat...

I scoff out loud, placing the open book on my chest and lean my head back on the arm of the couch.

Why do I read this shit? It's not like I'll have sex anytime soon; or even have a relationship with anyone.

You will eventually Eden. Don't lose hope.

It's hard Rieka.

I know.

I find it harder emotionally after I have a visit from one of my family members, but especially when it's Adelaide. I know it's hard for her, mom, and dad. I wish that they would just move on with their lives instead of trying to advocate for me. Lachlan isn't going to change his mind, and for all I know he plans to keep me here forever until he gets bored with my treatment and who knows? He may want to have me executed after torturing me for so long.

I'm interrupted by a loud knock at my door, followed by the sound of it unlocking. I quickly get to my feet, placing my book down on the coffee table, all while keeping my eyes on the door. Thedoors here are all locked with old locks and ancient keys like in the old days.It's a sound that has become all too familiar and slightly triggering for me.

I wasn't expecting a visit today, which means it's either a guard or...

The door swings open and in walks two guards followed by the exact man that I never want to see again.


I hold my head up as he stops in front of me, only a brief distance away. I don't break eye contact or mask my face for him; I just stare at him with distaste. Our bond dissolved a long time ago, and I hold him in no regard as my Alpha nor as my ex-mate.

He's tall and built like any wolf with Alpha blood; lean, muscular, and intensely strong and powerful. His short brown hair is styled, and he is in causal denim jeans and a black t-shirt. I watch as he eyes me up and down, clearly looking for any change in my behaviour.

You're not going to get anything from me, bond breaker. Rieka says in the back of my mind.

I stay stone-faced as he nods at the two guards who stand on either side of me.

"Good to see you, Eden." He says with a smirk, knowing damn well I feel otherwise.

"What do you want?" I say coldly.

He raises his hands in a surrendering motion. "Whoa there. Just here to talk. Pass on information."

"What information."

"There may be hope for you yet."

"Stop talking as if you didn't set me up, Lachlan." I seethe, clenching my fists at my side.

"Okay fine bitch. I'm only doing this because your stupid family won't stop pestering me about releasing you, saying you've served long enough for your mistakes etcetera..."

"What an annoyance..." I say sarcastically and roll my eyes. "You wouldn't have to be dealing with this if you didn't reject me and having kept me prisoner for over a year."

"Whatever. They went and found a place you can go to get out of my hair. I'm done with this fucking charade of punishing you. I just want you out of here so I can live my life."

"I'm happy to leave. The feeling's mutual asshole."

"The guards will pack your shit. You're going to Emberholde Academy that is on another Alpha's pack lands. Alpha Dante Ashvale of Shadow Sun pack. He's been running the academy since just before your incident and it seems to be the gathering place for damn freaks and criminals like you."

My eyes widen.

Fuck. Not Dante Ashvale.

"Fine. Is there anything else?" I say with disdain, just wanting him to get the fuck out.

"Adelaide is going with you; your parents are in waiting for a transfer to Dante's pack so they should be joining both of you shortly after your arrival if all goes well."

I nod slightly, feeling a bit more relieved that my family is leaving too. I watch as Lachlan goes back to my still open front door and goes to leave. He turns at the last second to glare at me. "Goodbye freak of nature, hope you get what's coming to you."

"Not until you get what's coming to you." I state plainly and watch as he scoffs and walks out, followed by the two guards. The familiar clicking sound of the lock hits my ears and I exhale loudly, sitting back down. I look down to my hands, which are shaking and I notice an orange-like glow near my fingertips.

I close my eyes and inhale deeply, trying to settle myself.

Your magic stems from your emotions, Eden. Don't let them rule you.

I feel Rieka stepping more into my consciousness, helping to settle my racing mind and heart.

I open my eyes and the glow is gone, my hands back to their normal state.

"Thank you, my friend." I say out loud and sigh loudly.

- - -

"Really? Fucking Dante Ashvale?" I groan as I lean back into the couch, Adelaide sitting down beside me.

"I know, but there was no other option. At least we will be away from here." She says with an apologetic smile.

Dante is well known in the wolf communities. He's reckless, unforgiving, and apparently a major asshole to deal with. I've never met him personally, but I know my dad has had to deal with him a few times when he was Beta of our pack - Moorgrey - a long time ago and had nothing good to say.

I mean he could have changed in the amount of time that has passed but he still has a reputation.

I'd only heard of Emberholde Academy just before my incident, as Dante was trying to make a place that wolves could go to school or train if they wanted, but also be a haven for those who want to avoid becoming rogue or have extra talents they want to hone.

I guess that means me now, although I really couldn't define what my abilities are at this exact moment aside from knowing I can access magic somehow and it's tied to my emotional state which is very unstable...

"It will be a transition, that's for sure, but I know we will adjust and be better away from here and away from Lachlan." Adelaide says confidently and I look at her and nod.

"I just hope that being at Emberholde doesn't turn into another prison."

"Have some faith. Anywhere is better than here."

"Yeah, unless it's worse than here."


 - next one down! Enjoy!

 - See you in the next one!! - vv

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