Chapter 13

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As I was running I had gotten hit by a storm trooper on the side of my stomach.

I screamed in pain. Ouch.

I sensed the trooper getting closer. I knew what he was going to do.

The storm trooper went to finish me off, I kicked and took my lightsaber and stabbed him.

I was still alive but very weak and I saw Rey, someone I once met. I gasped for air as I got closer to her. I grabbed my stomach and groaned from the pain.
I fell on the ground and groaned again. I crawled close to her and held her close to my body. I looked around to see if there was anyone else who could help me save her, but no one was around. I looked down at her. Rey was not cold yet, but her pulse was gone, and I could feel her death.

I held her body close and used the force to understand her. I sensed she hated Kylo Ren, but she loved Ben Solo and Ben loved her too. I remembered studying about force healing and how Anakin Skywalker, my grandfather, wanted to save the one woman he loved, but couldn't. I knew I could not get to my brother in time. I'm breaking my promise to Alice. But if she were here, she would understand. Alice would be proud of me. I thought.

But I wanted to save Rey. I had to. For Ben. This was my way of apologizing for killing our father. I hope this works.

I closed my eyes, focused and used everything in me to heal her.

It took a few moments, but it felt like forever. I thought she would never come back. She still felt frozen. No movement came from her body. Please, please wake up. Ben needs you. Then I felt a hand touch mine. Rey.

I looked up and Rey was staring at me and stood up in shock and I could not tell if she was confused or happy to see me. Does she even know of me?

"Ben?" Rey whispered. I didn't know what to say. I was dying and I felt it. I wanted to tell her who I was. I wanted to tell her it was me who killed Han Solo and not Kylo or Ben. But I knew I couldn't. Not physically. I wanted to touch her cheek to show her but she pulled me closer and kissed me. I kissed back but not in a romantic way because I didn't love Rey as I have loved Alice. I wasn't Ben. It was my way of saying goodbye to her. To show her that I had a change of heart. Maybe I can show her the truth this way. I thought as Rey pulled away.

I touched her cheek and showed her everything in quick flashes. I showed me meeting Ben. I showed her that it was me who killed Han Solo. I had even showed her my entire childhood.

Rey gasped in shock. I could see her putting the pieces together in her mind.

I wanted to tell her I was sorry but I was in too much pain so I decided to share my thoughts with her. If you ever find my wife, Alice please let her know I will love her forever and I will wait for her.

Rey just stared at me and nodded letting me know she would do it if given the chance and I smiled at her, thankful to her.

Tell Ben I'm sorry for everything. I said through the force.

I will... it's okay. Rey replied back through the force.

I felt colder. I knew this was the end. I thought of Alice as I fell on the ground and I closed my eyes,  accepting my fate.

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