Chapter 3

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Alice fell asleep on the couch and Kate, and I flew the ship. Everything was quiet for a while. I didn't know what to say.

"I don't like you." Kate said out of nowhere. I looked at her, but she didn't look back.

"Why?" I asked softly. She didn't answer me. She just continued flying. I cringed at myself. I have always kept to myself. But I wanted to talk to her. To understand why she didn't like me. I wanted to know. I had to know.

"I want you to tell me what I did wrong. I can't fix it if you don't tell me."

"I don't have to tell you anything." Kate snapped and rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit confused. Was this about me killing Han? I was sorry. I told her that.

"Maybe if you were in my shoes, you wouldn't like you either." Kate snapped as she left and left me alone. I flew in silence as they slept.

"I don't understand you at all, Kate."

"You don't have to." Kathe snapped at me some more as she glared at me.

"You can't stay mad at me if you won't tell me how to fix it." I groaned.

"Yes, I can." Kate mumbled.

Perhaps I was being entitled and rude. But Kate refused to tell me what the matter was. I don't know why she hasn't just kicked me out as if I was garbage that needed to be thrown into an endless space. I even thought about leaving on my own to make her happy. But it was Alice that stopped me from going. It was her smile and laugh. She was kind and selfless. She always thought about Kate and I and our wellbeing before herself. At the same time, I wondered why she cared so much about me. She barely knows me and so far, all she knows is that I'm the long-lost twin brother of Kylo Ren or Ben Solo. It was hard to tell considering they're the same. I also killed my father and angered my brother and left him to be blamed since we had the same face. I'm a monster and she's an angel and neither goes together.

I laid down on my bed as I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and saw Alice. Her eyes were looking directly at me. She had a weak smile and shrugged.

"Are you okay in here?" Alice asked walking slowly towards me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks." I mumbled with a slow nod.

"Why aren't you with Kate and I?"

"I don't think she likes me too much and I don't know why."

"She's not open to new people. She needs to gain trust, but she'll come around. She's been through a lot and that's a part of it. Maybe the main reason, I think. But Kate knows Kate." Alice replied as she sat next to me.

"I killed my father, Alice. Do you think that's why she's mad at me?"

"Yeah, that's actually it. She envies you. She lost a lot without a choice, and you did too. But once you got it back you took it from yourself, and you lost everything all over again." Alice explained.

"But I don't get it though. What are you saying?"

"You should ask Kate. She might tell you. But we're landing on Jakku for parts. Prepare for it, okay?"

"Sure." I murmured softly as she got up and left. For the first time in a while, I found closure. There's a chance I could win Kate over. And I was going to do that even if it killed me.

After a few hours of flying with Kate as an attempt to soften her up, I laid on my bed while reading Jedi and Sith books, I wanted to learn from both sides and choose what was right for me and I heard a knock on the door seeing Alice.

"Am I interrupting your studies?" Alice asked, looking at the book in my lap.

"No," I answered and shut the book and looked up at her, still sitting on my bed. "What's up?"

"You know some about the force, correct?"

"Some but not a whole lot, why do you ask?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I have had this feeling, like something bigger than me. I have always felt it since I was a young girl but ever since we met, that feeling has grown stronger somehow. I have moved things with my mind before." Alice answered and sat next to me on my bed.

"Perhaps it is the force?" I suggested with a lazy shrug.

"How can that be? I have no force users in my family, I had a normal childhood with my mother and father, how would that be possible?" Alice asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"The force does not just choose people who are already related to force users, yes, it is more common with force users to already be related to another force user, but the force can be with anyone and to some degree it is with everyone, but some are chosen to use it." I explained.

"Has the force chosen me?" Alice asked and bit her bottom lip.

"I believe so," I answered and nodded. "Ever since you and I met, I have felt something between us but also, I have felt something in you alone, I did not know what that was before but now that you have told me this, I believe you are a force sensitive."

"I want to learn the ways of the force."

"I am still new to it and learning it myself," I sighed. "But I want to train with you."

"You would do that with me?" Alice asked.

"Of course," I said smiling at her. "I am quite fond of you and you could be strong user, I truly believe it."

"Thank you, Ren." Alice said and gave me a warm smile.

"My pleasure." I replied grinning at her.

"What are you studying now?" Alice asked and looked down at the book.

"Force healing, do you want to learn about it?"

"Yes." Alice answered.

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