Chapter 1

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Viscount had trained and raised me as if I was his son. He named me Ren. The man who raised me had taught me how to fight, kill and to take care of myself. I had no idea about who I was or what I came from. All I know is what Viscount taught me.

"Ren." Viscount said in an angry tone.

"Yes, father?" I replied. I regretted it instantly and cringed. 

"I'm not your father. I am your master. Your parents are gone, they never loved you." Viscount sneered.

"I'm sorry..." I apologized and looked down in shame.

"Loving and caring for someone is weak. To be truly strong you must turn off all your emotions." 

"I understand." 

"Well done. I have good news." Viscount replied in a kind voice. It always threw me off. He could change his emotions quickly. I could barely keep up. 

"What is it?" I asked a bit confused at Viscount's sudden kind tone. I grew up with that and I thought I would've been used to it but I wasn't.

"You've done enough training and you are going to be a storm trooper for Snoke." Viscount announced.

"What?" I replied shocked.

"I sense that you don't like that." 

"I don't." 

"Well it doesn't matter. You will be a storm trooper and that's final." Viscount demanded.

"Master, I've never explored the galaxy." 

"Well you will now, Ren." 

"On my own, Master. I grew up here and growing up I wanted to go. On my own terms. Not because of Snoke." I argued.

"Ren, you've been trained for this. It's your destiny." 

"Well maybe I don't want that destiny."  

"What do you propose you do then?" Viscount chuckled mocking me. 

"Why must you do that?" I asked angrily.

"Child, pain makes you stronger. Anger gives you power."

"I hate you." 

"Good." Viscount replied.

"I sense anger, resentment and hatered in you, Master." I grinned. 

"Yes." Viscount replied.


"I've taught you well, young Ren. But I know you must hurt someone... is it Snoke? Because if it is we can rule the galaxy together. You and I." Viscount suggested.

"I'd rather see you suffer and in pain." 

"And how will you do that?" Viscount asked.

"Like this!" I answered grabbing our lightsabers and sliced Viscount's body in pieces. I was shocked and afraid of myself. I wanted to scare him. But something dark in me killed the only person I  knew.  I didn't know what to do but I took the lightsabers and went into Viscount's ship and went into space.

I was amazed at the sight. I knew if I and Viscount were in a life-death battle Viscount would sacrifice me in a heartbeat.

A huge ship caught my eye and I was in awe and fear. This ship is big compared to mine. I thought to myself. This must be the leaders of the galaxy. I thought. I slowly drove away to not get attention but I felt the ship pull towards the ship and I was afraid. I felt weak of panic and fainted. 

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