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Why? Why? Why?

The question that did not want to leave her mind. It got her confused, but only for a moment. She pushed this matter aside, the servant was more important.

"She was poisoned... And I could have done so much more for her." Y/n wasn't the one to feel guilty about someone's death, but this case just made her heart ache... As a woman and as a human being. Well, Y/n was flawed in empathy sometimes but not in situations like this. It pained her, the constant fights with men for equal rights. That servant was obedient, never complaining and yet she got a fate like this. Y/n tried to understand women's suffering but she failed to do so. She couldn't understand the pain women have to go through all the time.

"It wasn't your fault, it wasn't I swear Y/n. If anything it was my brother'a fault." He tried to calm her down, he didn't like to see her blaming herself. Aemond still hated her but she didn't deserve to feel guilty.

"And yet you support him." Aemond wanted to say that he didn't, that he didn't want to but only...

"And yet I support him." Left his mouth. Y/n wanted to believe that Aemond was good, she wanted to believe that he was the same sweet Aemond from their younger years, but the words never came out.

"Then you are just like him." Her words hurt even more than any dagger or sword could. She had the power to hurt Aemond and she did. Aemond didn't understand why was he so bothered by her, why did her words mean anything to him? She was no one why then he cared about her opinion? Why did he care at all? He tried to tell himself that it's because of their shared past, but that was a lie. Perhaps even Aemond himself didn't know it. He looked at her with his eye, like he expected her to add and she did. "I will drag you and your family down." She hissed angrily. Y/n wasn't the one to fuck around.

"You are welcomed to do so, sweet niece but don't forget that you and your family are my kin too." Aemond tried to keep his tone cold. He hated Y/n, sometimes he just wanted to strangle the life out of her but yet, he never did. Was her hatred for him even stronger? Would she even hesitate to kill him if it didn't mean declaring a war? He was sure that she would, maybe just to get rid of her feelings. He knew that she had feelings for him, perhaps still those feelings that she never got to express as a child. It amused him how a short and light woman like that can threaten him.

"And it hurts me to remember so, dear uncle." She felt frustrated. Y/n was alone in King's Landing, surrounded by snakes. Helaena wasn't the one to back someone up and Viserys... Yeah, Viserys couldm't remember his own name at this point.

"The girl is dead, there is nothing you can do, there is nothing you can prove." He tried to speak some sense into her, she was so damn stubborn.

"But there is! I will figure it out and drag all of you down, for protecting him." She truly wanted to fight for that servant, avenge her somehow.

"I command you as your betro-" Aemond didn't get to finish.

"You what?" She chuckled even though her face was showing anger. "You are beneath me, you do not get to command me." Her tone bitter, Aemond did not like that but she was right. Well, he did not let that slide.

"Bastards have no right to the throne." He said coldly. Y/n remembered something.

Young Y/n was sitting in the Dragonpit, deep sigh left her lips. It wasn't new to her that some people kept questioning her birthright. People couldn't say that she was a Strong, after all she had silver hair and lilac eyes but the resemblance between her and the rogue prince couldn't be mistaken, and while Rhaenyra claimed Y/n to be Laenor'a firstborn daughter, Y/n herself began to doubt it. Aemond noticed the struggle of his best friend, he sat down next to her.
"It doesn't matter who your father is, Y/n. To me you are the most wonderful person in this world, my futute queen." Aemond swore caressing her cheek and then her hair. He was speaking from his heart.

Y/n snapped out of the memory. Aemond was a traitor, everything he said in the past was a lie... or was it? Aemond seem to sense that something was on her mind, he jist didn't know what.

"You said it didn't matter who my father was." It sounded like she accused him of something, perhaps she was conflincted with herself.

"And you believed me? Gods, maybe you were naive after all." He didn't mean it, he truly didn't. He wanted to hurt her, Y/n reminding him of their past hurt. Maybe it hurt a little too much to his liking, that's why he snapped. "Mother asked me if I wish the wedding to take place sooner, I will began to prepare it with her. One week from now, sweet niece." Y/n's eyes widened, is that how he is going to play? He would made the wedding happen faster because of his hatred towards her? Just to annoy her?

"It's not just your decision." She has a say in it too, it is also her wedding after all.

"My dear father was pleased to hear that both of us want the wedding to happen sooner. He was pleased to hear our will to reunite House Targaryen." Y/n felt at loss. When did this motherfucker lied to her grandfather like that? How come didn't he have any duties? Is his life's only purpose to torment her?

"Oh, I know what are you doing." She bit the inside of her cheek nervously. "Trying to make me forget about the servant, but I do remember and I will not forget. I will find a proof, something... anything. I'm sure she wasn't the first victim... and when I do find it then your brother is going down, and you are going with him." She turned around, her dress twirled at the sudden movement, her hair swaying from side to side. She walked away proudly but her mind was pure chaos. She knew she would have to contact her ally, she just wasn't so eager to do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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