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"What are you doing here?" She stood up. Daemon walked closer to Viserys' bed

"I got a message that you caused some complications. I didn't want your mother to worry so I arrived. Did I get it right? You have beaten up six guards?" Y/n raised an eyebrow... how did he get a message so fast?

"Yes, but I can explain."

"I'm sure you can." Daemon smiled. He was proud of his daughter. "Little rebel, leave me and Viserys alone." Y/n nodded and left the room. Her father seemed to not have a problem with her little fight. After a couple of minutes he walked out of Viserys' chamber.

"What now?"

"We are going back to the Dragonstone."

"But what about Viserys?"

"I will keep an eye on him. Caraxes and Phoenix are standing together, let's go." They headed to the exit. Y/n could feel people watching them.

"Are you mad?"

"I don't know, yet. It depends on what happened." Y/n climbed on Phoenix.

"I came here like mother requested." She started.

"I heard" He waited for Y/n to continue.

"Yeah, and one of them stopped me and told me that I can't go to the King because the queen forbade it. I wanted to go anyway then Criston Cole showed up and provoked me and I hit him..." Daemon laughed. That motherfucker deserved that. "And other guards caught me, then Phoenix showed up and distracted them and I knocked them down. Aemond led me to the throne room from where Alicent sent me to Viserys."

"Why did you go with Aemond?"

"I was hoping that grandfather would be there but I was wrong."

"Don't be naive."

"So... Are you mad?"

"I'm proud of you, Y/n. At first when I discovered that my first child is a girl I wasn't convinced. And it wasn't about that you were the next female heir, it was just that... I wanted my firstborn to be a man, I wanted him to protect his little sister but oh gods I was wrong. You can perfectly take care of yourself, I saw that when you claimed Phoenix, and when you beat Aemond up once." They laughed. Y/n had  great relationship with her father. "I saw that you can protect not only yourself but also your siblings. You have grown into a powerful woman just like your mother... and grandmother. Alyssa, my mother didn't like to wear dresses or being courted by men. She loved to train battle skills just like you. My father loved her for it." Y/n noticed that Daemon's mood changed.

"Do you miss her? I know that she died when you were three years old but sometimes people remember things from that age."

"My father told me a lot about her, eventually I started to remember."

"Like what?"

"She used to take me to fly with her on Meleys." Y/n smiled.

"Really? You were a little kid."

"She had a good bond with Meleys, she knew that she won't hurt me." Y/n stroke Phoenix's neck.

"It's magic, isn't it?"

"Everyone has different opinions. Do you think it's magic?"

"I do."

"So be it."

"It's a..." Caraxes and her father were gone, she looked up and noticed a red tail. Y/n knew what that meant.

"Fuck, it's a race then. Sōvēs, Phoenix!" (Fly) Huge dragon got off the ground. Y/n squeezed her thighs holding for dear life. Soon enough she noticed Caraxes. "It's not fair, you didn't tell me!" Daemon laughed.

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