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The flight was rather pleasant, well if that's how Y/n could call it. Phoenix was flying next to Y/n and Cannibal. He seemed to accept a new companion even though they tried to fight a couple of times, Y/n stopped them every time. Y/n had a feeling of regret that she didn't talk with her mother but she began to feel like they didn't want her there. She was the black sheep of the family even though she always was trying to be perfect. She learnt how to fight, speak high valyrian, archery, horseriding, dancing, and many many more but it wasn't enough. Something inside her was broken and she couldn't fix it. Maybe she was the problem? While she was close to King's Landing Cannibal went crazy, Y/n didn't know why but he just started to spin around again. She didn't expect that so he threw her off. Y/n was caught off guard so she let him. While falling she wasn't scared it was more like relief. Something or rather someone pulled her hand and she was on a dragon again. Except... It was Vhagar.

"I didn't allow you to touch me." She hissed at Vhagar's rider, she was annoyed. Maybe because Aemond saw how Cannibal threw her? Why did Aemond have to be everywhere? He saved her... yes, but she didn't need that. She didn't ask for that.

"Drop the act, Y/n. Was I supposed to let you fall and die?" She rolled her eyes. Now he will think that he is a hero.

"Yes, it would benefit both of us." She was being honest, like always.

"How would it benefit me? I would have to look for a new wife and mother o..." Y/n didn't even want to hear about it. She wasn't going to sleep with him or worse, bear his child.

"I will not be a mother, don't even dream about it." Y/n couldn't see but she was sure that Aemond smirked.

"As my wife, it is your duty."  She wanted to kick him, hard or throw him off of the Vhagar.

"Then I'm not able to bear a child, no one will know." That shame was better than sleeping with Aemond.

"I will. Do you really want that shame? Do you want to people talk about you like they talked about Visenya?" Y/n admired Visenya, there was something about that woman. She was a great warrior not just a queen and Y/n wanted to be like her... well except for some crimes.

"Visenya didn't want Aegon just like I don't want you so people can talk." It was the truth.

"Who told you that? Visenya? If no then it's a rumour." Y/n frowned.

"It's true. Aegon married Visenya out of duty and Rhaenys out of love. It would make sense since he didn't have an heir with Visenya for ten years." Aemond raised his eyebrow even though Y/n couldn't see it. She learned so much...

"Maybe she wanted him but he didn't want her?" Y/n laughed. Men.

"Why are we even talking? Just land and let me go." Y/n was exhausted from talking with Aemond. It was like he had different opinions on purpose.

"Are you okay?" She didn't expect that kind of question. It was weird, perhaps a trick?

"I would be if you would just leave me the hell alone. Is it so hard? Yes, we are betrothed but I'm not going to spend the rest of my life being next to you like a slave. I have my own life. You and I both know that this marriage is only for the alliance."

"Since you are the heir..." He mocked her. "You have to produce your own. Who will take the throne after you?" Y/n didn't think about it. It was her duty as a queen to have an heir. But what if she doesn't want to? Would it be so terrible?

"Your father isn't dead, after him my mother will rule so why are you trying to manipulate me? I will be old when I get the the throne. Jacaerys' children will get the throne after me." It was actually a nice plan. Y/n knew that Jacaerys for sure will have children, he was the family type of person.

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