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It was Cannibal. Y/n heard stories about him. Cannibal The Untamed... How he ate dragons that were smaller than him... Also the dragon eggs, newborn dragons, and dead dragons. All of the people who tried to claim Cannibal ended up dead. Y/n knew it would end badly for her because no one survived facing the Cannibal. Y/n threw the torch into his opened jaw, not to hurt him but to distract him. Cannibal shook his big head, Y/n got even closer and started to climb on his back. Cannibal shook his whole body but Y/n was holding tightly. The beast decided to get out of the cave, when he did Cannibal flew up. One of Y/n's hands slipped so she was holding for her dear life.

"Fuck!" Y/n was sure that she will fall and die. When she noticed that Cannibal wants to bite her or rather eat her she screamed. "Lykirī, Cannibal! Dohaerās, Cannibal!" He looked with his emerald green eyes into Y/n's violet eyes, she thought that he gave up but it was a game. Y/n put her right leg on the side of the dragon and use it to jump on him. Cannibal shook again, Y/n almost slipped to the other side but she managed to keep her balance. Cannibal wasn't pleased with this, he started to spin and fly up and down to throw Y/n off. There was no saddle so the task was even harder for her, thank gods that she used to ride without a saddle. Y/n was suprised that he didn't eat her, maybe they bonded and now he was testing her? No matter the reason Y/n intended to claim him. She squeezed her thighs and held Cannibal even more tigthly. Both of them weren't going to give up. A long while passed maybe even an hour before Cannibal calmed down. Now he was flying without trying to throw his rider off. Now Cannibal The Untamed was tamed by Y/n Targaryen. She became the first Targaryen who claimed two dragons.

"See? Not bad at all." Y/n couldn't believe that she survived. It was something special about it. She claimed the unclaimed. Soon enough Y/n landed, her family was waiting for her. Daemon didn't look happy, Rhaenyra was admiring the dragon so were Jacaerys and Lucerys.

"Is this..." Rhaenyra started.

"Yes." The mother nodded slowly, she was proud. Her not so little daughter claimed another dragon.

"What did I tell you? Do you have any idea how stupid it was? I thought that we raised you to be a better person than this." Daemon was furious, he was scared that Y/n won't survive. Cannibal had bad reputation. She had one dragon already why would she try to claim another one?

"Everything is fine." Y/n stopped herself from rolling her eyes. Daemon did worse things in the past.

"You could die! Don't you see that?"

"The war is coming." Y/n bit her lip.

"Stop it. You are paranoid. Why are you talking about a war? You seem to be so sure about it but the truth is... You know nothing, Y/n. Your obsession makes you weak." Daemon's eldest daughter clenched her jaw. Y/n wanted to him to tell her that he's proud of her but instead he just makes her feel bad. She hated feeling weak, she despised weaknesses.

"Can we talk in private?" Everyone except Daemon and Y/n left. "Do you know why I'm talking about a war? I dream about it every night. Every night I see the same things and I just hope that it's not true. I pray to the gods asking to not let that happen but I'm so so tired. I'm exhausted... but I know I have to prepare for the war. I can't stop because I know that if I stop then something bad will happen. You don't understand, do you?" Y/n broke down.

"No, Y/n. I don't understand why did you go there and tried to die. Would that help in a war? Or is it what you want?" She looked at her father suprised.

"Do you think that I don't want to live?" Daemon didn't answer. Y/n nodded. "I see... I'm not fragile. One stupid betrothal won't make me want to die. I thought that you had a better opinion of me."

"Stop acting like a child." Y/n smiled but it wasn't a pleasant smile.

"Why? Since I was a child I had to act like a grown up. It wasn't fair."

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