You discerned her visage as she turned into a puzzled one before she asked, "Did they both argue?" Your eyebrows crumpled as you asked, "Oh! Seokjin Oppa didn't tell you?" You blinked in astonishment but before Yeji could answer you both heard a voice.

"Oh! Kitty and Taetae!" Your eyes enlarged as you twitched your head around to look at Aeri who was staring at Taehyung's phone.

You blinked as Aeri looked at you with a bright smile on her visage, grinning like a Cheshire Cat before she twisted the bright screen of the phone toward you.

You twitched your orbs down at the screen of the phone that she was holding in her hand, securely.

You discerned your and Taehyung's wedding picture, making your eyes enlarged which were already widened beforehand.

The picture was clicked when you and Taehyung were dancing in the dimly lit room while your scarlet dress was swaying midway in the air while Taehyung was holding you close as he had just twirled you around, gazing down at your visage with all the intimacy when the photo was clicked.

Your heartbeat skipped a beat as it was hammering against your ribcage as you gulped down a lump in your throat before clamping your lower lip within your teeth, firmly.

You could sense the warm blood gushing to your cheeks as they were tinted pinkish.

You could feel your throat burning as you stretched your hand to take hold of the phone from Aeri.

She instantly let it out of her grip while Yeji walked toward Aeri, "Bad manners, Aeri. You shouldn't open anyone's gallery like that." You stared at the photo of Taehyung and you, unwittingly.

"But mumma, it is Taetae uncle's wallpaper." Aeri tried to decipher her mother while you took a glance at Aeri and then back at the phone screen, "He has our wedding picture as his phone's wallpaper? But why? Like why does he have it as his wallpaper."

You traced the picture with your orbs while you could feel butterflies tingling around your heart making their way down to your stomach, "Calm down, Y/n. Calm down." You tried to simmer down your racing heartbeat which was racing up every passing second.

Clamping onto your lower lip you heard Yeji say, "Sorry, Y/n-" You instantly looked at Yeji as you interjected her sentence, "No. No, it's okay." Yeji took a glance at your visage and she could make out that you were blushing but turned a blind eye to it.

She smiled as she turned around trying to hinder her smile as she took the stainless steel pan of the stove before placing it on the countertop.

You let out a sigh before you placed one of your palms over your cheek, feeling warm. "Y/n, Are you blushing? Of course, not. I am just surprised."

You cleared your throat while Aeri was looking at you with her doe orbs and grinning as if she understood everything, "Nowadays kids are dangerous." You thought before you gave the phone back to her, "Here." She smiled as you patted her cheeks with the tips of your index finger, twice.

Meanwhile, in the lounge, Taehyung and Seokjin were sitting on the adjacent couch. An awkward silence was lingering in the air which conquered the atmosphere from the last few minutes.

Taehyung was sitting with his hands intertwined together and his elbow rested over his thighs.

Taking a glance at Seokjin he again looked down at the marble flooring of the lounge when he heard his brother's voice, "Umm... What about the deal with the Yangs? Did you crack the deal?" Seokjin asked, looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung straightened his back as he nodded, "Yeah." He whispered as he leaned back onto the couch, his back touching the soft material of the cushion.

Seokjin nodded with a mild smile, "Great." He muttered under his breath, trying not to make it sound awkward.

Taehyung licked his lower lip before biting onto it for a jiff as he looked at Seokjin and asked, "How... how come you are here?" Taehyung thwacked his fist on his thighs, lightly trying to look somewhere else as he patted his thighs with his palms.

"Oh! Y/n invited me with Yeji and Aeri for breakfast. She wanted to surprise you." Seokjin declared as Taehyung licked his lips, "That's what you think, hyung." Letting out a sigh, "Do you think so?" Taehyng asked with his eyebrows raised.

They both locked their eyes as Seokjin let out a heavy sigh, "Hm... Okay. She wanted us to meet and talk." Seokjin spilled out the tea as Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows, "I knew it." He muttered under his breath but Seokjin heard him.

"She had to because we both weren't making any move." Seokjin pointed out as Taehyung chuckled before saying, "We both know who was at fault that day." Taehyung tried to make Seokjin decipher his point of view as Seokjin huffed.

"Taehyung, no one was at fault on the day of your wedding." Taehyung rolled his eyes at his brother while huffing and listening to his brother, "Hyung, don't start again. Mrs. Kim was at fault and you can't deny it every time." Taehyung declared with his low yet stern voice.

Seokjin let out a frustrated sigh, "Taehyung she is my mom and yours too and she just drank too much that day so what's the big deal with it." Seokjin declared.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows, "Oh! Then what is the need for this discussion then? Just leave it then. There is nothing to discuss now." He announced leaning back on the couch as Seokjin did the same in frustration as there was a few seconds of silence in the lounge.

Seokjin attempted to break the silence again just like the big brother he is, "Taehyung. Listen to me. I know that she was at fault and it is her nature which no one can change. So try to understand." Seokjin said as Taehyung looked at him while clamping his lower lips between his teeth.

Seokjin continued as he said, "If she is at fault then we both are also equally at fault. We shouldn't have argued like that and I am sorry that I shouted at you like that." Seokjin declared, closing his eyes before opening them and looking back into Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung could feel the ping of guilt in his heart and deep down he knew he was also at fault and did all this because of his anger issues.

Taehyung took in a deep breath as she looked away while Seokjin sighed, still looking at Taehyung, hoping to see Taehyung's reaction.

"I... I am also sorry." Taehyung muttered, loud enough for Seokjin to hear. Seokjin raised one of his eyebrows as he squinted his eyes at Taehyung while Taehyung looked at him with his side eyes to see Seokjin's visage, "What did you say? A sorry?" Seokjin asked.

Taehyung opened his mouth but nothing came out of his throat, "What did you say? Where did you learn to say that word?" Seokjin said with a mild smile on his visage as Taehyung twitched his head to Seokjin and threw a glare at him.

"I can see how much she has changed you in just a few days. You really do love her, Taehyung that's why you are changing yourself for her." Seokjin thought before looking back at Taehyung and chuckling.

Seokjin pressed his lips together before scrutinizing Taehyung's expression as he raised his hands in the air in defense, "I... I didn't say anything.... But I just heard a sorry." Seokjin mocked, irritating Taehyung.

"Stop it, Hyung!" Taehyung warned but Seokjin let out a fit of giggles. He took a glance at Taehyung as he saw him stretching his hand beside himself and getting a hold of a cushion before throwing it in Seokjin's direction.

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