Later there were new crop of Strike Force members geared up to shadow Jim, Sebastian, Harvey, and Barbara. "Meet the new crop of Strike Force members. We're throwing them in the deep end, but they're ready. They'll be shadowing you in a TAC SUV. I'll be monitoring from here. Now, the second I don't like something, I'm pulling the plug. Agreed?" Nathaniel asks them making everyone nod but Jim who was looking at Leslie. "Gordon?" Nathaniel said making Jim look at him. "Agreed." Jim said to him and he walks away from the group. Sebastian walks over to Jim who was getting his gun ready. "You are too wrapped up in this thing emotionally." Sebastian said to him making Jim look at him. "You are getting sucked into this mind game that Barbara is playing." Sebastian said to him making Jim walk over to him. "I need your support because of this. Since you are more familiar with Barbara's current situation than I am, please stand by me because I am aware that nobody else in this room is. Therefore do you have my back?" Jim asks him making Sebastian think about it for a second before answering. "To the end." Sebastian said to him. "We're moving out!" Harvey yelled as he walks to the exit holding Barbara. Sebastian walks over to them and he garbs Barbara's arm. "Ow, I can see why he liked you." Barbara said to him. "Don't even push me." Sebastian said to her as he takes her to the exit. "Hey, Lee. You don't mind if I borrow him for a little while, do ya?" Barbara said to Lee as she gets push out of the building while she chuckles. Outside the GCPD, Jim, Sebastian and Harvey escorted Barbara to the car. "You good?" Jim asks Harvey who nods. "Anything that makes Captain Barnes' tight ass nervous, I'm all for." Harvey said to him as he walks over on the other side of the car. "Watch your head." Jim said to Barbara while Sebastian pushes her into the backseat of the car. Jim sits in the front of the car with Harvey while Sebastian sits in the back with Barbara. "So, you want to tell us where we're going?" Jim asks her. "Head downtown." Barbara said to him making Harvey start the car and they head downtown.

As they drove downtown, Barbara looks over at Sebastian who was giving her a look. "What? You mad at me?" Barbara asks him with a smile but Sebastian doesn't talk to her making Barbara turn to Jim. "Hey, Jim. Cheer up." Barbara said to Jim who looks at her. "Where's your spirit of adventure?" Barbara asks him with a smile then she looks away from him. "Next right." Barbara said looking at the road making Harvey turn right. "I know it's a trap. And Galavan's using you like a puppet. It is Galavan who's behind all this, right?" Jim asks her. "Mmm, mmm, mmm." Barbara hums with a smile. "He's a psychopath, Barbara. He's using you. He's laughing at you. And when he's done with you, you're just a loose end. He'll kill you." Jim said to her. "You really don't like this Galavan guy, do you?" Barbara asks Jim. "She's not talking, Jim. We need to turn this car around. Now." Harvey said to Jim. "Just give me a little more time." Jim said to him. "You calling him the psychopath when there is one in this car." Barbara said then she looks at Sebastian who was staring at her. "I can see it in his eyes, he wants to end my life right now." Barbara said to Jim while staring at Sebastian who leans over to her ear. "You are so lucky that they are in the car otherwise I would have slash your throat." Sebastian whisper to her in a deep voice.

While venturing downtown, Sebastian was looking out the window while holding his gun. "Barbara, listen to me." Jim calls her making Barbara look at him. "Are you listening? You have a lifetime ahead of you. Don't throw it away on madness." Jim said to her making Barbara nod a little. "And maybe you can get a new start like my brother." Jim said to her making Barbara look at Sebastian. "I heard that Sebastian is your brother, I didn't see that coming but you learn new things everyday." Barbara said to them making Sebastian look at her.

"Gordon. Bullock. Come in."

Barnes radios in making Harvey pick the radio up. "Go ahead, Captain." Harvey radios in back. 

"I don't like this. You're boxed in. There's lots of cover. High vantage points all around." 

Barnes said to them. "Perfect spot for an ambush." Sebastian said to himself.

Love Between Psychopaths/ Gotham Book 1Where stories live. Discover now