𝟎𝟏𝟓: 𝐗𝐕

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As he reached for a lighter, Zane's thoughts seemed to swirl around him. With a sigh, he brought the lighter to the blunt he had prepared earlier, watching the end catch fire. He inhaled deeply, allowing the soothing smoke to fill his lungs. The sensation was comforting, and it momentarily eased his mind.

"Aye K, You got word back about the warehouse? We need to start moving this money." Zane mentioned.

"Yeah, but they want 10% of what you making from this shit so it's up to you what you tryna do." King announced, causing Zane to blow out a stressful breath of air.

"Fuck.. Ight, Ima talk to em but until then continue moving this shit from yo lounge."

Zane reclined on the plush leather couch, feeling the softness of the material against his skin as he let his head fall back gradually. The dimly lit room was filled with a faint, hazy glow, illuminated only by the ember at the tip of the blunt he held between his fingers.

Bringing the hand-rolled cigar-like creation up to his lips, he inhaled deeply, savoring the slow, deliberate draw. The pungent aroma of the smoke filled the air as he held it momentarily, letting the soothing sensation envelop him. With each exhale, a plume of smoke billowed forth, curling and dissipating into the room.

As the fragrant tendrils drifted away, Zane's tense demeanor seemed to melt away with them. The calming effects of the smoke coursed through his lungs, easing his frayed nerves, and allowing his thoughts to settle, even just for a brief moment. It was a temporary escape from the weight of the world, a respite in the midst of uncertainty.

King's eyes held a genuine concern as he leaned forward, his voice low and steady. "Z," he said sincerely, "Mack had told me that some niggas in a slick red low rider was ridin' around 25th, asking questions about you. Fuck that's about?"

Zane's expression hardened, a simmering frustration beneath the surface, His tone laced with a dangerous edge. "Some niggas? What's Mack's number."

Lifting his lower body up a bit as he dug into his pocket for his phone Zane unlocked it and handed it over to King to put his number in. Already knowing what time he was on King nodded as he put Mack's number into his contacts.

"You think it's them same niggas who was looking for you a few months ago?" King asked as he handed back Zane's phone.

Zane's response was blunt, laced with a matter-of-fact tone that left no room for doubt. "Who, Keeno? I been ended that nigga's life months before that shit," he stated firmly before taking another deliberate drag from the blunt. The room seemed to hold its breath for a moment.

"Nah not Keeno. But if this do got something to do with him they most likely looking for revenge Z. Think smart about this shit, Keeno was a big-time gang leader and he had niggas that would lay down they whole family for him. " King explained.

"And that's why he's fuckin' dead. That nigga ain't bigger than me, and thinking he was is what got him six feet under." His words carried the weight of unresolved anger and resentment.

He continued with a cold determination, "Whether they worked for him or not, when I get they shit, they gon' be layin right next to his bitch ass." Zane's tone conveyed a sense of retribution, hinting at his intent to settle the score and bring justice, regardless of the consequences.

"But until then I got some running round to do. You know my number and stay yo ass out my fridge nigga." Zane demanded as he pointed at Jay leaving him in charge to watch over the house.

Aware of the persistent threats looming over him, Zane realized the urgency of refocusing his energy and returning to his former, vigilant self. During his time with Sierra, he had successfully managed to steer clear of confrontations with both his adversaries and law enforcement. However, following their breakup, a transformation seemed to have taken place within him, intensifying his determination to amass wealth while simultaneously transforming him into a more ruthless and calculated individual, ready to do whatever it took to protect his interests.

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