Chapter 7: Under arrest

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 „You cannot quit and you know that!"
Furys voice came from behind me.

Two of his men grabbed me while I was making my way back to my room chased by Tony and Steve. As soon as they realized Fury had heard everything they backed up. Fury had been more than clear that I would join the Avengers one way or another.

„What now? You're gonna put me in prison?"

Fury smiled.

„I thought about that, for sure. Just to teach you a lesson. But the odds of you snapping there are too high."

„Too bad. I already planned how to join forces with all those psychopaths just to make your life living hell."

„I really don't like this new sarcastic attitude", he said.
„It's really fucking annoying."

„You wanna know what's really annoying?", I asked.

„When you're forced to move in with a bunch of people that give a shit about you and then they try to set you up with the person you hate the most. That's annoying!"

„You'll get used to it."

With that a sharp pain hit me in my neck from one of the guys that were holding me. He pulled a silver injection device away from my neck and put it back into his pocket.

„Ow! What was that?"

Tony and Steve both also looked to Fury in confusion.

„You leave me no choice. Y/n y/l/n, you are officially under arrest. You have just been fitted with a surveillance device. We are now able to locate you at any given time. If you ever decide to leave this compound, the device will send electric shocks through your body every 15 seconds until you pass out and/ or return to the compound."

The men behind me let go off me.

Immediately I ran my hand over my neck but the injection wound was so small that I couldn't feel it.

Fury and his men turned around and left.

Steve went after them.

„Did you know about that?" I yelled at Tony.

„I swear to god I had no idea!", he assured me.

I was left in complete shock.

„We're gonna fix this, y/n."

Neither Steve nor Tony could convince Fury. Tony then took me to his lap where Bruce was already waiting. But Bruce failed too. The device was in too deep. There was no way it could be taken out without the matching devices.

I was under arrest and there was nothing we could do about it. 

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