Chapter 11

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"What's taking them so long? What are they talking about?" Emilyn came into Ana's room and sat on the bed.

"Probably business talk by now," Ana said. "Just go to sleep,"

"But I can't," Emilyn took one of the pillows and screamed into it.

Ana laughed and took the pillow away from her face, "now you know I felt." Ana told her. "Don't worry, Christopher is way stronger than Finley. He won't break that easily."

"Hey, I heard what you said," Finley drying his hair with a towel and walking towards them.

"Oh babe, don't be such a sour puss," Ana grabbed the towel from Finley and made him sit down on the bed. "You made it through at the end." She drys Finley's hair.

After a while, Emilyn heads back to her room and waits for Christopher. Not long, she fell asleep waiting.

"Alright, enough business talk. Is late." Mrs Conner said. "Christopher let me show you to your room."

"Can you show me Emilyn's room first? I want to say goodnight to her." Christopher ask.

"I think she's already asleep," Mrs Conner said. "Come let me show you your room."

"Oh, uhm. Okay," Christopher reluctantly followed her.

"Here you go," she opens the door.

"Thank you, Allegra," Christopher said.

"No problem, so good night. See you tomorrow," she closed the door.

Christopher took out his phone from his pocket and saw a notification. Ana had sent him a picture and directions to Emilyn's room.

"Thanks," Christopher said with a smile. He opens his door and looks if anyone is around before heading out. Christopher found the door and when he twisted the doorknob a loud sound blared. He barely opens the door, just a little twist and an alarm sounded.

Christopher tries to find a button or something to shut it down. "What's going on?" Emilyn opened her room door and found Christopher flustered. Ana and Finley also came out of the room wondering what was going on. "What did you do? Shut it down," Ana yelled with one hand covering the right side of her ear.
"I don't know I was just trying to open the door," Christopher explained while heading into the room to find the alarm system.

"I knew my parents would have done this." Ana still yelling.

"Can someone please switch it off?" Finley yelled. Suddenly it became a silent bliss.

"I knew you would try to sneak in," Ana's mum and dad walk over to them with a smirk on their face.

"Mum, Dad, why would you do that?" Ana asked, "Just let Christopher stay with Emilyn for the night."

"No, I would not allow it," Ana's dad said.

"Dad, they are getting married," Ana said.

"Yeah so, not like they are married. No sleeping together in my house unless you are married."

"Fine, whatever." Ana gave up. "I'm going to bed," she drags Finley with her back to their room.

"Alright, everyone back to bed," Mr Conner said, "You too Christopher."

Christopher sighs and walks back to his room. "Mr. Conner, would it be okay for Christopher to stay with me? Just for tonight." Emilyn asked.

"Emilyn how many times have I told you to stop calling me Mr Conner? Call me dad or Cameron." Mr Conner said. "And no, he can't stay with you. Now go back to bed Emilyn."

"Alright," she looks down. "Goodnight," Emilyn closes the door slowly as she watches Christopher walk away.

Before Emilyn fell asleep, the was awoken by the alarm yet again. But this time she saw someone coming in her door and smashing something on the wall.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" She yelled quickly turning on the night lamp beside her. "Christopher?" She said as the sound of the alarm was gone. "What are you doing? What's gotten into your head?"

"Shh," he shushed her and closed the door. "Let's go to sleep, we will talk in the morning." He walks towards Emilyn.

"What? No!" Emilyn got out of bed. "Explain now!" She demanded.

"Angel, listen. I'm tired and I work really hard to turn that thing off. So let's go to bed first alright," he grabs her hands and guides her back to bed.

"But if you destroy their things, they are going to kill you," Emilyn said.

"Is okay, I'll handle it tomorrow," He pulls the blanket up to her chin and wraps his arms around her waist.

Emilyn moves around in his hold, putting her hands on his chest to put distance between them. "Stop, you can't just ignore what happened just now," she glared at him.

"It will be fine. I'll explain it to them tomorrow," Christopher grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his waist. "Now sleep." Emilyn sighs and close her eyes, falling asleep.

Christopher moved his hands around the bed but frowned. He opens his eyes slowly and frowns deeper when he sees Emilyn is not beside him.

He looked around the room and found her sitting on the chair in the corner of the room. "Morning," he said.

"Morning, now get dressed. Is time for breakfast," she said with no emotion.

"What got you so grumpy this morning?" He asked.

"You are the one to talk, you know what did you did last night."

"Angel, I've told you. Is not a big deal." Christopher got out of bed. "I'll pay for a replacement."

Emilyn frowns and crosses her arms. "Go clean up and get dressed. We are going down for breakfast and you are going to apologize."

"Fine," Christopher threw his hands up in the air and walked into the bathroom.

After Christopher got ready, they headed down for breakfast. "You are going to apologize to them first thing before you do anything," Emilyn told him as they walked down the hall to the staircase.

"Yeah I know," Christopher groans. "Is not a big deal anyway. I can always pay them for the damage or just replace a new one. Is not like is expensive," he chuckles.

Emilyn turned around and glared at him, "You know I don't like how you talk about money like is no big deal."

"It's not," Christopher let out a light laugh. Emilyn frowns at him. "Alright, alright," he pulls her closer to him by the waist, "I'll apologize." Emilyn nods and they walk down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Morning," Emilyn called out.

"Morning Emilyn, Christopher," Mrs. Conner replied. "How's your sleep?"Emilyn nudges Christopher's arm.

"Cameron, Allegra. I would like to apologize for destroying the alarm last night," Christopher apologized. "I just couldn't stay away from Emilyn."Connor and Allegra laugh out loud.
"What in the world is going on here?" Ana asked when she and Finley came into the kitchen confused.

"Good job, you've surpassed our expectations," Connor said.

"What are you talking about?" Emilyn asked, frowning looking at the two of them.

"We set up the alarm just to see how long you can last without Emilyn," Allegra confessed. "Might I say not very long," she chuckles. "Remember how long Finley lasted."

"Yeah, a year and a half," Connor answered.

"So you just do it for a show?" Emilyn asked. They nod. "That is just so messed up," she shakes her head and walks around them getting some breakfast.

"Finally," Ana said with an esparated sigh "someone gets me." Ana walked over to the dining table and got some breakfast.

"Well is fun," Ana's dad said.

"You have weird parents," Emilyn said.

"Tell me about it," Ana rolled her eyes. "I knew they would pull that kind of stunt. Just like they did to Finley."

"Oh come on, don't be so dramatic," Mr Conner said. "We are just doing this to prove if they are worth it for you girls. "If Finley didn't have the determination, you guys wouldn't even get married."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Ana waved off. "I should thank you guys for all the insanity that you put Finely true."

"You are so welcome," Mr. Conner said. Ana and EMilyn shakes their head at his reply.

"Come and have breakfast with us Christopher, don't just stand there." Mrs Conner told him. Christopher quickly took a seat next to Emilyn.


"Thank you for your hospitality, Allegra and Cameron," Christopher said.

"Come back and visit soon alright," Mrs Conner told Emilyn and Christopher.

"Will do," Emilyn said with a smile.

A/N: Hey readers, another day, another update. So what do you guys think about this update? How crazy are Ana's parents? Only in stories things like that happen:D. Anyways, comment on what you think. Always love reading your comments. See you guys soon.

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