Chapter 5.5 - Veiled Intentions Continued

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Carefully, I slip the paper from the pile, my fingers trembling with a mix of excitement and anxiety. I unfold it cautiously, revealing words written in a language I don't recognize-characters and symbols that are foreign to me. My heart sinks momentarily, confronted by the possibility that I might not be able to decipher its contents. But I refuse to give up hope. This could be something important, something worth pursuing. I need to find a way to translate it or seek assistance from someone who can.

Just as I'm about to delve deeper into the paper's mysterious message, a distant sound reaches my ears-a soft rustling, a faint footfall. Panic surges within me, and I quickly fold the paper, making it as inconspicuous as possible. The safest hiding place I can think of in my moment of desperation is my shoe, and I slip the folded paper inside, praying it remains undetected.

With the paper concealed, I move swiftly to collect the empty basket and exit the room. My heart pounds in my chest, as I blend in with the ebb and flow of the castle's occupants.

Room after room, I switch the linens, each chamber telling a different story through its decor and furnishings. As I work, my heart races with the thought of the mysterious paper hidden in my shoe.

Finally, I approach the last room of the day, the linens in my basket nearly depleted. The anticipation grows as I enter, and the opulence of this chamber takes my breath away. It's unlike any other I've seen so far, with gilded mirrors, luxurious tapestries, and a bed adorned with silk sheets. As I begin to switch the linens, I can't help but wonder what secrets this room might hold, what hidden truths lie beneath the veneer of grandeur.

With practiced efficiency, I complete the task, my hands moving deftly. As I fold the final sheet and place it in the basket, a sense of accomplishment washes over me. I've successfully navigated the day, and now it's time to secure the paper hidden in my shoe somewhere safer until I can get it to my brothers.

My thoughts are consumed by this mission as I step out into the hall, lost in thought, and a collision interrupts my hurried pace. I stumble back, a gasp escaping my lips, and I'm met with a voice accusing me with irritation.

"Hey! Who do you think you are, that you need not look where you are going?"

I lift my eyes to meet the gaze of the person I've run into, my mouth starting to shape an apology. Tall and confident, he's dressed in clothes that denote wealth and power. His fine garments and air of authority mark him as someone of importance, and my heart sinks at the realization that I've collided with a noble. Just my luck.

"I could have you fired, you know," he continues, his green eyes glaring at me with an intensity that sends shivers down my spine. "What is the use of having help that cannot even walk down the hall without crashing into someone?"

"I'm sorry," I stammer, trembling with a mixture of fear and desperation. I can't afford to lose this job. This is my chance to make a difference, to change Anamore for the better. "I won't do it again. Please," I implore once more, the desperation evident in my voice.

Before judgment can be passed, a page approaches the man, handing him a piece of paper tied with a red ribbon. He unrolls it, reading the contents, and the expression on his face shifts from anger to something more complicated. Clenching his fist, he turns back to me.

"I should not be so irate, but it's been a difficult day." he says, his voice laced with frustration. "Go quickly, get back to work."

I manage a curtsey, releasing a breath I haven't realized I've been holding. What am I thinking, putting everything at risk like this? I need to be more careful. With a quick nod of acknowledgment, I turn and hurry away, eager to put this encounter behind me and return to the safety of the kitchen, where the nobles are less likely to cross my path.

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