Chapter 21: Kidnapped

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My first real kiss.

He held me close to his ripped chest with his muscular arms as we embraced our kiss.

When he parted from my lips he looked down at me with a smile, "Well now you have."

"Thanks," I giggled slightly still mesmerized. His smile turned into a frown as I felt something cold and hard wrap around my waist. I looked down to see a chain and I released a scream as I was sent flying back.

"Nashi!" Jellal yelled but I was already in the grasp of a strong woman with black hair and chocolatey-red eyes.

"Oh don't worry, you're coming too." The girl mused as her hand turned into another chain, apparently her other chain arm was holding me, and grabbed Jellal who was already in full gear.

Jellal slashed at the metal but it kept its hold on him and his armor quickly disappeared, "My chains won't let you use your magic."

Well that explained a lot. I couldn't feel any of my fabulous flames inside my finger tips.

Okay. Is this the point where I fight back or scream? I think screaming is good. Just as I was about to scream a gag was placed over my mouth. You have to be kidding.

I looked up to see a boy with blue hair and blue eyes. He looked exactly like Jaylee except for the fact that he was male.

"Good job, Brie." The guy snickered and looked over at Jellal, "You got a Fernandes, too? Hashtag score." I swear Jaylee was turned into a guy.

"Thank Rin. Now let's get back to HQ with these two losers and make master happy." Brie replied.

Rin. Rin....where have I heard that name before? It sounded familiar. Hmmmm.....

'D.E.A.T.H. killed.....Rin Fullbuster.'

'He was Jaylee's twin brother but he was murdered by DEAD," Lucy answered softly, "Poor Juvia-san was upset for days that she became ill. That was a dreadful time for Fairy Tail."'

Ohhhhhh right. No wonder he's a male Jaylee. Wait why am I being kidnapped by Jaylee's twin? Oh crap I'm being brought to D.E.A.T.H. and maybe literally death.

When I felt my butt hit a hard surface I was brought back to reality. Since when was I in a bag? I need to start paying attention. Oh crap, I'm having a Natsu moment. I probably have ADHD.

'Shush Nashi!' My inner self yelled at me. 'Okay. Okay.' I told my inner self. Gosh why are inner selves so bossy?

I felt the surface beneath me rumble so I assumed I was on a moving vehicle. I am so thankful that I don't have motion sickness.

I waited until we came to a stop and I was lifted up and tossed onto a back. I let out of muffled, "Ow!"

When I was put, more like thrown, on a surface again my bag was untied along with all my other bindings.

"Well, well. What do we have here? A Dragneel and a Fernandes. Well done, Brie." A man in a throne mused while his fingers tapped on the dark iron arm. The room I was in was dark and completely made of iron. The only light were the torches that were mounted on the wall every few feet. It reminded me of the place I found Luke.

"Ahhh, I meet it again!" The short demented man cackled. You have to be kidding me, not him again. He should really go back to kindergarten and learn his English.

Jellal sat only a few feet away from me and he glanced at me worriedly while I kept my scowl at the short Egor guy.

"I was really hoping we wouldn't," I grumbled in a disappointed voice.

"You know this guy?" Jellal asked me in concern. "Yeah, he tortured me in a cell with Lu---I mean---yeah I've seen him somewhere before." I bit my lip. 'Stupid. Stupid!'

"Luke shall come back to us." The throned man smirked showing his gold teeth. Gross. Who was his mom? A troll?

"In your dreams!" I spat. There was no way in hell I was going to let this man have my older brother again.

"You shall see," He walked up to me and placed a finger under my chin and lifted it up so I would meet his hideous eyes.

"Don't touch her!" Jellal barked while fighting the chains that still bound him but to the ground.

"Oh I will," the man chuckled, "Mount them both in the cell!" I was picked up by Brie who used her stupid non-magic chains again.

They brought us to a cell, similar to the one I was in before and mounted us to the walls so Jellal and I were facing each other.

"We'll be back later!" Brie giggled and skipped out of the jail cell along with Rin. I looked out the bars and saw a scarlet haired girl staring at the ground what looked like she was debating on something.

I returned my gaze to my own space and Jellal caught my eye, " was the first date?" He chuckled nervously.


Hey guys! I love this ship wars thing. It gives me a thrill inside. I'm going to do something evil and you guys are gonna hate me but I'm not gonna tell you so you're gonna have to wait! MUAHAHAHA!

So what do you think of the books so far? *smiles innocently*

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