Chapter 7: The Unexpected Fullbuster

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***Guild Hall ; 9:00 AM***
"So are you going on another job with your dad?" Jaylee groaned. "Nope." I smiled, ignoring her poor attitude. "I was thinking we could take a quest together." Jaylee's annoyed face turned into a smile, "Really?" She joyed. "Yep." I smiled. "Yay!" She hugged my tightly, "I still-- need to br-- breathe." I gasped while laughing. "Oops sorry." She let go of me with a guilty but happy face.

I sipped on my apple juice, I think you can tell that I love this stuff, until the guild door swung open. Everyone was silent as a caped figure walked in. I looked at Jaylee who decided that the table was more interesting. "Storm..." Jaylee murmured under her breath. Storm? Was there going to be a hurricane? Did this figure have storm magic? What was going on?

"Welcome back, dear boy." Master Makarov greeted. "You get as much silence as Gildarts these days." He mused causing the figure to laugh. "It's funny because I'm only 15." Makarov nodded his head, "And an S-Class wizard."

"Do you know him?" I whispered to Jaylee. She nodded solemnly, "It's my older brother. Storm Fullbuster." I gasped. How could her brother be S-Class? Was he really that powerful? "Come on, you brats. Get back to talking. This silence is making me feel old." Makarov groaned.

Storm took of his hood so that everyone could see his perfect black hair that was tinted blue. Then he had these beautiful gray eyes that you could get lost in for...What is wrong with me? I mentally smacked myself. Okay keep it together. Sure he's handsome; so what? He could be a jerk for all I know.

"Hey sis." Storm greeted Jaylee, "Do you need something, Mr. Fancy?" Jaylee scoffed. "What did I do to you now?" Storm asked, clearly hurt. "Every moment I see your face is every moment ruined." Jaylee growled. I could see the hurt in storm's beautiful eyes. "Jay, how am I ruining your life?" He asked like he was dealing with a delicate flower. "You know what you did." She said standing up and storming out of the guild.

Storm looked at me, "Hello, Nashi." He smiled his beautiful smile. "How did you know my name?" I asked confused. "I can read people's thoughts." He shrugged causing me to blush, "So your my sister's friend, am I right?" I nodded. "Do you know why she hates me so much? I've tried to read her thoughts, but she found some way to shut me out." He sighed. "I'm sorry, I don't. She never talks about you and if the topic is brought up she just changes the subject." Storm gave me a sad smile, "Thank you. I guess I will find out someday." He sighed staring at the table for a moment. "By the way, you are very beautiful." He commented. My cheeks turned bright pink.

"I will see you later?" He asked me with a grin, "Sure." I smiled back at him. Once he left I saw my Dad come over to me, "Hey Dad." I greeted. "Nashi, I want you to stay away from that dangerous boy." He instructed. I raised an eyebrow, "But why?" I asked, for some reason I felt my heart peeling in two. "He's dangerous and can toy with people's emotions. He's a Storm Godslayer but he also has thought magic. Don't let him get near you." Natsu said in a dangerously low voice. "Yes, Dad." I sighed. "Good girl," Natsu patted my head then went back over to Mom.

Why does he have to be so overprotective? And who is Storm Fullbuster really?

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