03 | Golly Gumdrops

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Shoutout to @IC_Rainereads for this Luke Dawson mood board.  It's a mood.  Enjoyy

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Chapter 03: Golly Gumdrops

If you think about it, everything revolves around cheese. If you really think about it.

"CHEESE!" the cameraman yelled.

In the instant the flash blinded me, Luke turned my head and kissed my lips. Caught in the photo. Lips locked, forever.

Damn his reflexes are good.

Mrs Dawson sighed disapprovingly as she stood beside the cameraman, "Do you really have to do that, Luke? I raised you less vulgar."

I felt Luke's soft lips turn into a smirk through our kiss.

He loved riling people up.

I opened my eyes just to roll them at him. Our bodies were close, and I felt his fingers pressed between the fabric of my shirt, holding me tight. He inched his hand slowly down my back, feeling his touch electrify my skin.

Does he have no shame?

We were in the middle of an open park with running kids, picnicking couples and, most importantly, his family.

Mrs Dawson turned to her husband, pleading him to stop us, "Darling, aren't you going to say something?"

Mr Dawson waved her off, speaking aggressively on the phone.

Meanwhile, the cameraman was packing his setup for the day. Charlotte was talking to her boyfriend and a couple strangers had stopped by the benches to watch the end of the photoshoot.

I guess they got a little extra. Ha.

"We done here?" Luke said, not waiting for the response.

He was already taking my hand and walking off court. He wanted to get out of here faster than I could walk.

I yanked his hand back, not forgetting my bag as we passed the bench. I clasped the straps and swung it over my shoulder, following him over the grass.

"Luke, slow down!"

"Why?" he asked, looking more alive now that he was away from his family and the basketball shoot, "You want to take the scenic route?"


We walked out of the park and there it was. Luke's black jeep wrangler parked around the block.

Luke and I were still holding hands as I slowed down, "Can you send me his address? I'll follow your car but just in case we-"

"What do you mean?" he turned towards me, his blue eyes staring into mine, "You're coming with me."

My heart fluttered.

"I need to bring my car back. I drove it here," I explained, pointing to it in the distance.

Luke looked to where I was pointing. "First off, you're pointing at a Ferrari so I really hope you remember where you parked. And secondly, I'll have Art drop it off at the house. So let's go."

Art was still trying to make amends with Luke after Jersey-gate. 

Paying Luke back is a situation I knew all too well.  And I felt sorry for Art.  

He walked towards his car as if he'd just solved all my life's problems. His left hand slipped into his chinos' and pulled out his keys. The chain flipped round his index finger and I heard a click – the sound of his car unlocking.

He turned back towards me, his hair ruffling in the breeze and causing his white shirt to press against his chiseled body. "You coming?"

I gulped.

Oh, what I'd like to do to him...


The door shut as we sat on his leather seats in the air-conditioned car. The music turned on where it left off and I glanced over at Luke.

His eyes were closed as he rocked his head back against the car seat and exhaled. I could see the pressure rolling off his shoulders and he was becoming himself again.

"What's the article about?" I asked him, clutching my bag on my lap.

They'd sent a fancy cameraman for the pictures, so this one felt like a big deal.

His eyes remained closed as his lips parted. I watched his adam's apple move and he spoke to recite the interview's concept, "Small town boy heading to college as an NBA prospect."


"Feels a bit fake to have it in a park you never go to, but I guess it makes for a good image," I shrugged, clapping my hands to get the energy going, "So let's turn that frown upside down! We're running late to the party."

Luke nodded and sat up, much less energetic than I'd hoped. He dropped his left hand onto the steering wheel as his right-hand shifted gears. The car started to move smoothly, unlike my own.

Something suddenly caught my attention in the corner of my left eye.

I looked out the passenger window and saw, for a brief second, fabric fly outside and then disappear.

"What the-" I pressed my face against the window, squishing my nose, to peer down. Eyeballs strained, hands flat on the glass.

What in the flying monkeys was that?

Luke glanced at me weirdly. He slowly extended his finger and pressed a button to roll the window down. My face practically fell out. At least I could breathe better - and see outside better.

I rubbed my bruised nose and stared down, "Golly gumdrops!"

My hands gripped the edges of the open window until my knuckles turned white.

"Uh..." Luke stared at me, "Are you going to say anything else or are you just... you?"

I froze.


I was still frozen.

Luke stopped the car, and I felt his hand on my back. He started to lean over to see what I was looking at when I sat back in my seat and pressed my hands against his chest, pushing him back.

"No," I told him, the fear etched all over my face and in my voice.

Luke paused for a moment to read my expression. Then, without saying anything else, he pushed open the car door and walked out. I tried to grab his shirt and stop him but it was absolutely futile. 

I pressed my hand over my eyes, shaking my head, wishing that I hadn't seen what I had just seen.

Why can't we catch a break?

I heard Luke's voice outside. "What the f*ck is this?!"

He's seen it.

A/N: A cliffhanger?  Moi! *shocked*  Don't worry, the next one's up! ->

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