All-Seeing eye part 12 episode 2

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Mei and Tang hopped off the boat and were back on the docs. Mei and Tang sit down on a bench on the docks. "Do you think they will be ok and do you believe Red Boy?" asks Mei as she continues to hold Jin. "I'm sure they will be. Mk dealt with Redsun before so he should be able to do so still and I'm not sure if Redsun is lying or not." said Tang calmly as he sat on the same bench a bit away from Mei. A group of people walked over to Mei and Tang and began to ask questions to them about what happened to Sandy's ship and if they should be concerned about it. As Tang and Mei talk to the group of people about the situation that happened Jin not wanting to be so close to the ship and so many people manage to get away from Mei and the group of people.

Jin quickly walks away from the group of people surrounding Mei and Tang and quickly walks on the dock towards the sidewalk away from the ships. 'Ships are scary. I don't like ships. Hopefully, none of these ships become like the other ship and start to flip. That be scary.' thought Jin to himself.

"Where the heck did that old man go?" asks one of the nurses concerned as they had parked by the hospital and the nurses and people were getting out of the vehicle. "He went for a walk. He will be back in a little while." said Shin as she walked over to the nurses in her regular clothing and her blades were gone. "Alright then well you must be Shin Darek spoke about. Delease was just brought inside." said another nurse who Darek introduced Shin to earlier when he was yelling at Shin earlier. "Ok thank you and yes um is she going to be alright?" asks Shin calmly to the nurse. The nurses, Shin, and people talk and eventually go inside the hospital.

Darek was walking on the sidewalk along the dock as he was humming. Jin makes it to the end of the dock and sees Darek. "Gramps?Gramps! What are you doing here?!" shouts Jin as he runs over to Darek and hugs Darek. "Jin there you are, that old book texted me that you went missing and asked if I could track you down with that little light I gave you. You alright?" asks Darek as he looks at Jin. "Granny isn't an old book and also why would Granny text you? You two hate each other like fire and water. Or water and Oil?" asks Jin confused still hugging Darek. "Simon was worried and that old book wouldn't stop nagging me about me giving you that light tracker and that if I never gave you it I wouldn't have to deal with her nagging and that I should just give her the location where you were. The old book has no idea what she on about and I needed the walk anyway. Also, you hanging onto me like a kola did something spook you?" asks Darek with a slight huff. "Ships are scary." said Jin hugging Darek more. "I see. Well, why don't we get you to Simion. also here." said Darek as he pulled out the All-seeing eye. Darek then opened a compartment of the All-seeing eye. Inside the compartment was a small piece of artifact. The small artifact looked like a piece of something and had a black and golden outline. The piece looked like a small rectangle and had these squares going in and out of it with an aqua-green gem in the middle of it. Darek then closes the All-seeing eye and hands Jin the piece. "What is this?" asks Jin as he takes the piece and looks at it. "It's a piece to a puzzle that the old book has been looking for. Just give it to her once you see her for me." said Darek calmly as he continued to look at Jin. "Oh ok yeah I can give it to her later." said Jin calmly as he stopped hugging Darek and put the piece away in his pocket.

Amity finally finished writing something on a page and then she turned it around to Redsun. Redsun reads it and it was an insult that pissed him off so much that he just straight-up attacks Amity and Turblen. Amity and Turblen then attack and defend themselves from Redsun attack and Redsun, Amity, Turblen, Mk, and Sandy get blown off the ship and crash into the dock. The group of people surrounding Mei and Tang scatter and run away from the crash on the docs. "Um, are you guys alright?" asks Tang concerned as he looks where they crashed into. "Those Peasents I swear if I find....." said Redsun angrily as he got up onto the dock and almost fell into the water as he saw Darek a bit away talking to Jin. Redsun then quickly goes towards Darek without saying anything. Amity and Turblen fell into the water near the docks. Amity and Turblen hop out of the water and they see Darek too. Amity then uses her wind magic and makes her and Turblen go straight towards Darek. "Well that was weird." said Mei as she looked towards where they were going.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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