All-Seeing eye? part 6 Episode 2

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Red sun grumbles in frustration and slams the door as he was a tiny bit on fire. "If I have to open another door that leads to a dam plant room I'm going to lose it. And why the heck do they have 6 plant rooms over there 20 or something rooms up Here?!" said Red sun frustratedly. 'And this is only the third floor who knows how many more rooms they have of the same room since they already have 6 plant rooms even though they grow the same things in those plant rooms! Ugh, there has to be a way to find this All-Seeing eye faster than me walking around aimlessly in this person's house!' thought Red sun still angry on fire. '"Well hi there youngster I'm assuming you are Dave?" asks the old man who just came out of an elevator holding a cane behind Redsun. "Dave?! No, I am the great-" said Red sun he moves his hand and disperse his flames making them go out as he looks at and faces the old man. "Ah, you youngsters with your fancy titles. Well Dave I know you have a tendency to get lost like your boss mentioned but I do need some help fixing some broken machines since your boss said you are a mechanic in all. He also told you be updating my security for the All-Seeing eye correct?" asks the old man calmly as he interrupted Red sun and looked at Red sun. "I Uh.... He failed to mention that to me..... Also, my name isn't Dave it's Re...." said Red sun as he stops himself and thinks. 'If I helped this old man with simple tasks then I can get to the All-Seeing eye and have no problem taking it without having to technically steal it from an old man since it would be a technical payment for fixing his things and updating his security......But I don't have my tools nor materials.....I'm also tricking an old man but then again he is a mortal.... And mortals have short lives... I guess I can help this weak old man as long as I get the materials and my tools... But I can't exactly go back home and grab them I don't think mother nor father would approve of that much.... Maybe....' thought Red sun to himself. "Re? Well that is a unique name." said the old man calmly as he looks at Red sun.

"Ah sorry but no it's Re-...Lane?" said Red sun. 'Probably wouldn't be a good idea to tell this old man my name just in case this weak old man does know my real name.' thought Red sun to himself. "Ah ok I see your boss still hasn't gotten over his Transphobia?" asks the old man calmly as he looked at Red sun. Red sun blinks as he looks at the old man. "Um Yeah he, unfortunately, hasn't um not to sound rude or anything but um you sound like you have known my....Boss... for a while." said Red sun as he strained his voice slightly when he said, Boss. " It's quite alright and I've known him for a year and I'm sorry to hear that Relane. He's always been not a great person with the whole respecting gender identity thing." said the old man calmly as he looked at Red sun. "Right... Um before I help you I, unfortunately, don't have any of my tools or supplies with me...S-" said Red sun as he was going to continue talking but the old man interrupts him. "It's quite alright, You dropped off your tools and supplies earlier remember?" asks the old man calmly as he looked at Red sun. " Uh right it's been hectic the past two days I just forgot where I dropped them off." said Red sun as he looked at the old man although he was slightly annoyed at first by the old man interrupting him. "That's understandable Relane It's been pretty busy with everything going on. I can lead you to the supplies and then I'll lead you to update the All-Seeing eye security after. Um, I hope you don't mind but does Relane have any special meaning? It's a very unique name." said the old man calmly as he looked at Red sun and slowly turns back around to the elevator.

"Uh, I don't mind it means....Re—--Liance. Yup, that's it.Reliance..." said Red sun calmly and then having to catch himself on the actual meaning to his name to something else to not give it away. "Reliance? Well that's an interesting name but hey at least it's interesting and I am trusting you to update my security so it makes sense I think?" said the old man with a slight chuckle as he pushes the elevator button behind him. "Uh yeah... I thought it is an interesting name to go by then my actual name...which is Dave...." said Red sun a tiny bit awkwardly as he walks over to the old man. Red sun stops by the old man and gives the old man some room and doesn't stay close to the old man but wasn't extremely far from the old man. "That makes sense well Relane I hope you know that even though your boss doesn't respect you Ill still be paying you the regular amount and maybe a tad bit more depending on if you do a good job Relane." said the old man calmly as the elevator goes ding and opens. "Oh uh alright then but you don't have to." said Red sun calmly as the old man starts to go into the elevator. " Nonsense you know how business works I pay you before and after you have done some work." said the old man calmly as the old man was in the elevator now. "Alright." said Red sun calmly as he wasn't going to argue with an old man. Red sun once there was enough room in the elevator follows the old man into the elevator still giving the old man and him space between them. The old man then pushes a number button on the elevator and the elevator door closes.

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