All Seeing eye? Chapter 2 part 2

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"So how has everything been for you guys today?" asks Sandy as he finished taking a sip of his tea. "It's been busy...My boss closed down the library today because of the mass amounts of people coming in and out. As much as you think not many people would come into a library these days apparently a good amount of people still like to read information that isn't found online or would rather pay to rent the book less than what they can for buying the book and see if they even like the books they rented." said Tang with a sigh as he then slurps up some noodles. "My day sucks I was going to practice on the track today but a bunch of new racers showed up and because there were too many racers there the race track owners closed the race track. I didn't even get to practice today and when me and my crew look up to see if any other race tracks are open nearby they also closed down from the amount of people." said Mei annoyed as she just drinks some soda. "I see well that's unfortunate to hear. I think many places are going to close down today or over the next few days to try and get used to the amount of people here. Although it's quite surprising how the refugees could have this much effect in a day." said Sandy as he drinks some tea. "Yeah it is quite surprising from what I know it usually takes months for refugees to just settle in and affect a city, I know a few families help their families that are refugees but I don't believe they could get the refugees that they know that fast on there feet in less than a day." said Tang as he was a bit confused as he continues to eat noodles. "True. I'm quite surprised at how quickly my buddies and I have been getting calls to pick up shipments and drop them off. It usually takes a lot of paperwork but it's been a lot easier especially since this place called del-illuminate speed aka D.I.S has been involved. D.I.S has been making things a lot easier and faster in allowing me and my friends to deliver things from one place to another." said Sandy as he drank more tea. "D.I.S? I don't think I've ever heard of a company like that. Although the acronym could probably be changed." said Tang as he ate more noodles. "I've heard it a few times, and I don't think they should change the name D.I.S. is a pretty good name especially since this company from what I've seen owns a variety of things. There 2 main things they mostly focus on are technology and Cultural anthropology and history. They have a few smaller businesses as well but each business has done pretty well from a food establishment, videogames, and even some places where the places are required to criticize or disrespect people." said Mei as she takes another drink of her soda and was scrolling through her phone showing Sandy and Tang the places D.I.S was involved. "Criticize people? Why would they make a place like that?" asks Sandy confused as he looks at the phone. "Agreed although some businesses do have places that do that but I've only heard of food places criticizing customers as part of their business." said Tang as he looks at the phone as well. "True and they do have some food places like that but it seems they have other business to help people learn about how criticizing someone affects the mind of that person as well as a business where their whole job is to find and correct poor business ethics and make sure that the workers undermanagement get proper treatment and care. There are a few other things but I don't see any from what we have seen. Just hints that other businesses criticize people and get a profit from it." said Mei as she continues to scroll and look to see what she can find about D.I.S. "Intresting so do you think D.I.S is possibly helping the refugees here since they helped Sandy deliveries?" asks Tang curiously as he eats some noodles and continues to look at Mei phone. "Probably D.I.S has appeared a few times in my deliveries to a different business." said Sandy as he drinks some tea. Mo meows in agreement with Sandy. "Mhhh. well, let's just look it up. Oh yeah seems like they are. It seems D.I.S. has a program to help donate to the ones in need and help refugees. It seems they recently just got the ok to come to this land and help the refugees that came here to this land from their homeland? Wait why were there refugees from their homeland coming to this land?" asks Mei confused. "Uhhh I'm not sure. What was their homeland's name?" asks Tang confused. "Well, usually refugees leave their homeland because of something bad. I hope wherever D.I.S comes from that everything is ok there and nothing bad happened." said Sandy concerned. "It doesn't say. Other online also just say the same thing but nothing from D.I.S homeland name." said Mei confused. "Odd." said Tang confused as he eats more noodles. "That does seem odd. I don't think I know of a business that helps people but doesn't say where they came from. But anyways I know you guys are a bit frustrated about the events going on but I'm sure things will hopefully get better. Especially if the city is getting some help." said Sandy as he drinks tea. Mo meows in agreement as Mo looks at Sandy, Tang, and Mei. "Well, I hope you're right. I don't think it will be great if I don't at least do racing this week." said Mei with a sigh. "That's understandable I also hope these issues of lots of people and not being able to deal or help with the number of people to come in so I don't have to be told that they were closing earlier. I'm getting almost paid the same amount as usual but it's a bit less and that's a bit concerning." said Tang as he eats the noodles. "That's understandable hopefully housing and rent prices don't go up. If it does and you don't have a place to stay anymore Tang... I do have room on the ship for you to stay." said Sandy as he looks at Tang. Mei takes her phone back and looks over her phone as she drinks more soda. "Thanks, Sandy I may take your offer if house and rent prices go up and I can't find another job on time or just end up getting fewer hours at my job." said Tang with a sigh and a bit worried as he just eats more noodles. "No problem you just have to be ok with all my cats, you have your own room here but my cats have a tendency to meow a lot at 2 in the morning." said Sandy as he drinks his tea. "I'll keep it in mind." said Tang as he continues to eat noodles as he looked forward toward the doc. "I'm sure they won't raise up prices of housing and rent as much as there are a lot more people now D.I.S seems to be helping the refugees have a place to stay so I do not think the refugees would make rent prices and housing prices go up hopefully." said Mei as she looks at Tang and drinks more soda. "Hopefully your right Mei. Also hopefully Mk does take time to rest today the noodle shop was very busy today." said Tang as he eats noodles. "That's understandable I'm pretty sure most businesses are busy today. If he falls asleep when he gets here or we can't play Monkey mech today like we planned that's ok." said Mei as she drinks soda. "True plus you guys can always play it another day when things aren't as hectic." said Sandy as he drinks his tea. "True I'm sure we will get to play it if we can't today or some other less hectic day." said Mei enthusiastically as she looks at Sandy. Mk drives up to the outer part of the doc on land and parks in an empty spot where other cars are also parked by the doc. Mk quickly goes off and delivers 3 other delivery noodles to people at the doc. Mei Notices Mk and she put her phone away and waves Hi with her free hand that wasn't holding a soda. "Hi, Mk! If you can't Play Monkey Mech today we can play it another day!" shouts Mei enthusiastically. Mk finishes delivering the noodles when he hears Mei and he looks over to Sandy's boat. "Hi, Mei and I should be good to play today just may be a bit later than planned! Also Hi Sandy and Tang! What are you guys doing?! I thought you guys were busy today?!" shouts Mk as he starts to make his way back to his car on the doc. "Hey MK and My job closed down early today because of the number of people!" shouts Tang as he stops eating his noodles and looks towards Mk. "Docks of shipments closed down early today because of all the ships coming in! So I'm Going to be docked all day!" says Sandy a bit louder than what he normally is. "Alrighty see you in a bit then! And the track was closed down today so I couldn't practice today!" shouts Mei as she stops waving Hi and puts her free hand to her mouth and the cup thing where you try and makes your voice louder when shouting at someone far away. "Oh Ok! Seems like everywhere is pretty busy! I wish you guys good luck for the rest of the day then! I Gotta get back to work but I'll talk to you guys later ok!" shouts Mk as he waves bye to them as he gets closer to his car. "Alright See you Mk Stay safe!" says sandy a bit louder than normal. "Bye MK Text me when you're free!" shouts Mei as she moves her hand away from her face and waves bye to Mk. "Yeah! See you later! Good luck with delivering all those noodles!" shouts tang. Mk just nods to them to say he heard them and then stopped waving bye as he quickly goes to his car. Mk then gets in his car and puts his phone back in place with the directions and he starts to head off to deliver the other noodles. "So wanna watch some tv?" asks Tang as he eats noodles. "Sure I'll go get things set up is there anything, in particular, you want to watch?" asks Sandy. "Uhh well we can watch the animated series Monkey king." said Tang. "Or we could watch a movie?" suggests Mei. "True but what movie would we even watch?" asks Tang. "I'm not sure but ill let you guys decide while I go get popcorn and stuff." said Sandy calmly as he gets off the couch and drinks more tea. "Well there are a few movies we can watch and alright sandy." said Mei as she drinks her soda. "Alright and thanks, Sandy. Also true should we watch a Monkey king movie or something else?" asks Tang calmly as he eats his noodles again. Sandy drinks his tea as he starts to head off towards his kitchen as Mo stays on his shoulder still. Red sun underground where the bull clones were being made and by his father's throne takes a clear blue screen that looked like it was made of light blue glass and was glowing from one of the Bull clones. Red sun looks over the blue screen as it showed images of the artifact that the demon bull family saw the old man had in the refugees the day before yesterday. Princess Iron fan and DBK were sitting in DBK throne talking as they drank some tea and ate some dumplings. "I see. Well from what the bull clones found is this artifact is safe to use for its power and The All Seeing Eye is just a key to finding two other artifacts that have gone missing for some time. The All Seeing eye also seems to have the ability to allow the person that has it to see through walls, tell when someone is lying, provide some information about topics that seem a bit complicated, and do some other things. The Bull clones have also been montering that old guy and saw where he placed the artifact." said Red sun calmly as he sits down in his chair next to DBK's throne and hands the blue screen to her parents. Demon bull king takes the screen from Red sun and gives Red sun a bag of food as Princess Iron fan poured a cup of tea for Red sun. "Excellent, From the looks of it we could have an easier time getting into and out of places as well as hopefully find other powerful things that are safe so I can obtain more power." said DBk as he looks through the screen. Princess Iron fan hands Red sun his tea as she eats a dumpling. "Of course and thank you. Father, will you allow me to handle this and get the artifact? I know the demon bull clones can most likely handle it but I do need to pick up a few parts and from the looks of it. The old man's place is next door to the store I'm getting the parts from." said Red sun as she takes the tea from Princess Iron fan and takes out some hot dumplings from the bag DBk handed him. Demon bull king looks at Red sun as he thinks about it since the events of the LBD and him wanting to protect Red sun, Princess Iron fan stops eating the dumpling and looks at Red sun. "As much as I would prefer you to stay here till we know that spirit isn't around and that the spirit can't follow us home. I do think it would be a good idea for you to go out. You have been down here for a while just trying to figure things out and working on your robots. Don't you agree with my love?" asks PIF calmly talking to Red sun first and then looking at DBK. Demon bull king sighs. "Yes, I do agree dear. But if anything seems to go wrong that you can't handle, just come straight back here and let us handle it. Also, you should finish eating before you leave. " said DBk as he looks at PIF and then looks at Red sun. "Of course father and thank you." said Red sun as he looked at DBK and PIf. Red sun has been wanting to go out but his parents are a bit paranoid about the spirit coming back. "Good." said the Demon bull king as DBk looks back at PIf. PIf, DBK, and Red sun start to eat their food and drink their tea. 'I'm glad they are letting me go out today although I can handle myself and I can just leave anytime. I just don't think mother nor father will be thrilled about that idea and they seem like they need a little help with figuring out technology. Mother has a better understanding than father does but at least he is trying to figure it out. Although it's slow and takes forever, at least we are spending time together. Im not sure where that spirit went and mother seems nervous that the possibility of the spirit following us home would be an issue so she and father are hoping to find something here to defend against spirits. Father spoke to uncle Winged strike about the events of the spirits and that's how mother and father found out about the artifacts from Shēng huó Megapolis and how some artifacts could deter spirits away that we don't want around. I'm glad Uncle Winged strike said something so father and mother cannot have the possibility to be possessed by the spirit but I'm not glad that we have to stay in this peasant town when we could have gone home a while ago or seen a different city and have new peasants to mess with. Why am I even thinking about this now? I should just focus on eating and just think of a plan.' thought Red sun to herself as he drinks some tea and then eats some dumplings. The two small demons that set up the table, the Racoon and red panda demon finished serving the ten demons now sitting at the table. The ten demons all sat in their own seats. The demons that were lower down the hill had left to go into the other caves to not disturb or cause issues in the meeting. The red panda and Racoon demon once excused from the ten demons go to look around the cave area below to make sure no other demons were dumb enough to stick around. "So I see we are all here. Do any of you nitwits know why you're here or do I have to spell it out to you morons again?" asks one of the ten demons in the shadows that sat at a black and purple chair. One of the ten demons laughs sitting in a gold, quarts, and blue fancy chair. "Of course, they know a great way of addressing us although you could be a more creative little guinea pig. And since the little guinea pig asked I do know why I'm here although it is quite tempting to try and see how easily you break." said One of the ten demons sitting in a gold, quarts, and blue fancy chair in an excited voice. the ten demons in the shadows that sat in black and purple chairs scoffed at One of the ten demons sitting in a gold, quarts, and blue fancy chair. "Now, now you know the demon ruler said to play nice and it is unfortunate for any of you to accidentally perish at this table. It would ruin some plans and make things a bit difficult for the demon ruler. We all know how unfortunate that would be now don't we?" asks another ten demons calmly who sat on a gray and white stone fancy chair that had a mix of jewels and patterns of pathways. Another ten demon laugh happily and chaotically. "It would be so unfortunate but fun. I mean the mess would be extreme and the demon ruler would punish us for our failures but where is the fun without a bit of death and destruction?! Plus we all been itching for a fight besides those two nut jobs who want to be left alone and isolated all the time." said the other ten demon happily and chaotically who sat in a dark blue and red fancy chair that had a chaotic pattern mix with gold, silver, black, and tan metals. The ten demon that sat in a dark blue and red fancy chair referred to the other two demons sitting around the table. One of the two demons the ten demon that sat in a dark blue and red fancy chair referred to sitting in an aqua and black fancy chair that had an ocean and death pattern. The other demon the ten demon that sat in a dark blue and red fancy chair referred to sat in a green and gray fancy chair that had a pattern of dead plants. The two other ten demons that the ten demon who sat in dark blue and red fancy chair referred glare at the ten demon who sat in a dark blue and red fancy chair as the aqua and black fancy chair that had an ocean and death patter ten demon just lays their head on the table and yawns in tiredness and wanting to get some sleep while the ten demon that sat at the green and gray fancy chair that had a pattern of dead plants sinks into there chair and tries to make themself not be visible by the other ten demons but left an aura like leave me alone or you die. D "As much as that would be amusing to watch you insects struggle for survival, we do have a job to do. Plus the sooner we get it done the faster I can get rid of you unworthy parasites." said another ten demon who sat at a light green and light blue stone chair that had patterns of animals and ecosystems. "Unfortunately I have to agree with the ecological freak and we should get back to business." said another ten demon who sat in a gold, gray, and light blue with sky pattern fancy chair. The two smaller demons the raccoon and red panda were on opposite sides of the lower part of the main cave and both give a thumbs up to their leader for the coast is clear. "We can speak more freely now because there aren't any other demons besides my third in command." spoke another ten demon who sat in a white and light green chair that was fancy and had a musical rhythm design in the chair. The ten demons began to speak to one another freely about what the demon ruler wished them to do while insulting and threatening each other. The smaller demons were dismissed by their leader and they meet up at the right side of the cave. The two smaller demons both walk out of the main cave to the other cave to the right that was a hallway cave. The smaller demons head down the hallway of the cave to try and get to the other actual cave that this hallway cave ended up at farther down the hallway cave.

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