All seeing eye? part 4 Episode 2

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Mei, Sandy, and Tang were all sitting in front of the tv watching a movie as Sandy drank his tea, Tang continued to eat his noodles and Mei was just finishing her soda. Mei feels her phone vibrate as she looks at her phone to see who is calling. "Mk calling I'll be back." said Mei calmly as she gets up off the couch. Sandy picks up the Tv remote. "Alright do you want me to pause the movie?" asks Sandy as he looks at Mei. "Nah I know what happens since I've seen this movie before so I should be good if I miss some parts. Hope you both enjoy the movie." said Mei as she walks away from Sandy and Tang and answers Mk's call. "Alright and will do Mei," said Sandy as he puts the remote down and drinks his tea.

 "Yellow Mei speaking." said Mei enthusiastically as she puts the phone up next to her face. "Hi um Mei I sorta have an issue here and I need your help." said Mk nervously. "Oh what's wrong?" asks Mei confused and concerned. "Ok so you know how I was delivering noodles from one place to another today and just trying to do my job as efficiently and quickly as I could because the number of orders that needed to be delivered today was a lot?" asks Mk nervously. "Yeah? Why did something bad happen when you were driving?! Are you ok?" asks Mei concerned. "I Uh sorta it isn't anything super bad but um still bad... I'm ok but um... Ok, so a kid sorta got into my car when I was delivering and didn't say anything the entire time I was delivering noodles.... And-" said Mk nervously. "What?! Mk how did you not notice a kid get in your car and that kid could have been there with you for hours maybe?! Do you know where the kid came from when the kid got into your car?" asks Mei panicky now and now worried. "I don't know Mei! I was just tired and more focused on delivering noodles. I didn't see him till now! I don't know what to do since the kid his name is Jin by the way also Jin won't tell me where he came from so I can get him back to his guardian. Not only that what exactly am I going to say to them when I get jin back to them if we even find out where Jin's guardian is? Am I supposed to be like hi sorry I have your kid, your kid just walked into my car and I didn't notice till a few hours later? That sounds extremely suspicious mei?!" said Mk panicking a bit but not loudly since he didn't want to scare Jin away. 

"Yeeaaahhh....Um ok, we can figure this out. Um let's talk to Sandy and Tang and we can try and figure this out." said Mei worried and a bit panicky but just trying to calm Mk down a bit. "O-Ok... It probably is better with more people's help... But um what exactly am I supposed to do? I don't see nor hear anyone looking for Jin around here... Should I just wait here for a few minutes and then go try and backtrack my delivery steps?" asks Mk nervously and unsure what exactly to do. "Um just stay in the area for a bit for now till we figure out what to do." said Mei nervously. "Ok... Thanks, Mei. I'll see if I can find the kid guardian around here then." said Mk nervously but a little less nervous since Mei was now going to help him with this situation. "Alrighty and don't hang up Tang and Sandy are still here so We should be able to talk to each other soon ok. I'm sure we can figure this out Mk." said Mei still a bit nervous. "Ok.." said Mk still nervous. 

"Um is everything ok? You seem nervous?" asks Jin confused as he stops drinking his juice as he looks at Mk. "Oh um yeah everything fine I was just surprised that you were just here in the back of my car. Um question how long have you been sitting here without saying anything?" asks Mk still nervous. "Uhhhh A few hours I think? I was just nervous to say something cause you seem busy and tired and your Monkey kid, and you saved me and my guardian, and brother from the skeletons, and you seem very powerful, and you know monkey king, and I read about monkey king, and um I'm just rambling now..." said Jin nervously as he looks at Mk as he just goes back to drinking his juice. Mk just blinks as he looks at Jin. "Ah ok well um me and my friends are going to try and find your guardian to get you back home." said Mk still nervous as he looks at Jin. "Alrighty but I don't think we need to my brother usually finds me." said Jin as he stops drinking his juice to talk and then goes back to drinking his juice. "Um alright but just to make sure you go back to your guardian we are still going to try and find your guardian." said Mk nervously. "Uhh ok. As long as I get to hang out here with the Monkey kid then it's fine." said Jin happily as he drank his juice. "Hehe right..." said Mk nervously. 

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