All-Seeing eye? part 7 Episode 2

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"I see. Well, your daughter seems to have good taste in vehicles." said Red sun calmly as he looked at the old man. "She definitely does and doesn't get any ideas youngster. As Much as you met her a few times don't expect me to not be able to kick your ass if you hurt my daughter also she is not allowed to date till she is much older you got that? I understand she is around your age but that doesn't give you any right to my daughter do we have an understanding?" asks the old man sternly and somewhat threatening to Red sun as he puts his cane in front of Red Sun's face. "Get Any ideas?! Sorry old man but you got the wrong idea. I definitely don't have any interest in your daughter." said Red sun annoyed and a tiny bit angry as his hair goes on fire but he makes sure to not burn the supplies and tools he holds as he looks at the old man. "Good I'm glad we are on the same page." said the old man as he sets his cane back down and starts to walk into the elevator. Red sun angrily huffs as his fire goes out.

'Who does this weak old man think he is? It's understandable he wants to protect his daughter but it's not like he could win in a fight with me. Then again he has no idea who I am and just thinks I'm just Relane or Dave.... But still, I don't think this weak old man could handle a fight.' Thought Red sun as he made sure the elevator didn't close on the old man as the old man slowly continues to walk into the elevator. Red sun continued to hold the tools and supplies as he held the elevator door for the old man.

Turblen had completely frozen the pillar and was carefully being held up by AMity by the pillar in a no-laser zone. Turblen gently and carefully reached his paw into the pillar by the All-Seeing eye frozen inside the pillar as the ice moved out of the way for Turblen. Turblen eventually reaches the All-Seeing eye which was now exposed and no longer floating and was resting on the ice. Turblen gently picks up the All-Seeing eye and carefully pulls his paw out of the ice holding the All- Seeing eye. Turblen then gently moves the All-Seeing eye from his paw into his tail and Amity brings him down back to the floor. 'Thanks now let's go before the old man shows up.' signs Turblen as he gets down to the floor and takes the All-Seeing eye from his tail and holds it in his paws and starts to head down the pathway of no lasers that they came from. 'K. just make sure not to drop it Mr. clumsy paws.' signs Amity as she follows Turblen. ' Clumsy paws? I'm pretty sure you're the clumsy paws sister.' signs Turblen as he continues to hold the All-Seeing eye and make his way through the pathway with no lasers. 'Surrrrreee that's totally the case.' signs Amity sarcastically still following Turblen.

Red sun walked into the elevator once there was enough space and room to get in and once the old man was inside the elevator. The old man pushes a button on the elevator as Red sun continues to hold the tools and Supplies. The elevator doors then closed and start to go up. Turblen and Amity then open the door and look around the hallway to see if anyone was in the hallway. Amity and Turblen don't see anyone and both come out of the laser room while Turblen still had the All-Seeing eye in his paws. Turblen and Amity then close the door behind them. "Thank you Dave for showing up but You should stop getting lost. My father won't be all that happy about you being so late." said a woman's voice behind Amity and Turblen as a door opened from one of the rooms on the other side of the hallway that Turblen and Amity didn't go through. "Sorry Shin It's been a busy day and I can't seem to remember where I put my tools and supplies." said a man from the same room.

Amity and Turblen look at each other and quickly look around for anywhere they could hide. Amity and Turblen see the pillars and quickly go over to hide behind the pillars in the hallways. Amity and Turblen go to their individual pillars and Turblen still had the All-Seeing eye on his paws.

"My father probably knows. Oh also someone impersonating you, they have your tools and supplies and are coming up with Gramps." said the woman's voice calmly as Turblen and Amity could hear footsteps coming down the hallway. "I'm sorry what?" said the male voice as he walked with the women. " Yeah I saw them on the security cameras they claimed to be you sorta. They said their name was Relane and that it means Reliance or something like that. I didn't pay too much attention but just assumed your boss is testing out a new employee to take your job. They probably told gramps they were you to not confuse gramps so I decide to leave them be and look for you to see if your boss told you of them." said the woman's voice calmly as the woman continues to walk down the hallway. "No, he didn't..... And also it's Delease... Dave is my dead name." said the woman walking next to the other women. "Ah Ok does your boss normally do that?" asks Shin calmly as she was halfway down the hallway Amity and Turblen were in. "No not usually well he does try and make other employs take my job but he usually cusses me out in a text saying I need to go and tries to gas lite me," said Delease calmly and a bit sadly as she walked next to Shin.

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