New beginnings of the forgotten tales. Episode 1 Part 4

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MK and Monkey king were traveling over the ocean. Monkey king is on his cloud while Mk was using the staff to cross the ocean. Monkey king would have tried to use the faster way which would be carrying Mk on his cloud but Mk was still trying to learn proper balance so this would be good practice till Mk got the hang of it. "I think I'm starting to get the hang of this now?" said Mk a bit confidently as the staff continued to travel through the ocean. Mk was hanging onto the end of the staff above the ocean but did get too close to the water a few times so he was a bit soaked. "Well, it is better. You haven't fallen off." said Sun Wukong calmly with a slight smile at Mk as he looks at Mk and continues to fly on his cloud. "So what's the plan once we save the refugees?" Asks Mk as the staff continues to travel across the ocean, Mk almost falls off the staff but catches himself. Mk sighs in relief that he didn't fall into the ocean as he continues to go across the ocean on the staff. "When you save the refugees I'll be in my bird form and see if that odd feeling is coming from the refugees. We should also probably get the refugees back to the city although that would most likely take all day if we travel with them. Oh if I don't feel anything from the refugees you can handle getting the refugees back to the city by yourself?" asks Monkey king as he continues to fly next to Mk. "I uh... Yeah, I believe I can. I just would need to know where the city is from where we find the refugees." Said Mk a bit unsure at first but a tiny bit more confident as he continues to try and get balance. Mk comes close to the ocean water and gets sprayed by the mist of the waves before the staff moves again away from the water and continues to travel on. Mk coughs once and wipes away the ocean water from his face as he almost slips off the staff but manages to catch himself and stay on the staff. "Ok cool thanks bud. Also, are you alright bud? You seem to be a bit wet." Asks Monkey king a bit concerned as he looks at Mk. "Hm oh yeah I got this. Just a bit difficult since we are in the middle of the ocean and the waves are moving. You don't think there are any sharks in these waters nearby right?" Asks Mk a bit nervously as he continues to try not to fall off the slippery staff that travels across the ocean. "Alright and maybe not sure. I'm sure we will find out if you fell in the water maybe." said Monkey king calmly. Mk laughs a bit nervously as he was sweating a tiny bit but it wasn't noticeable since he was wet. "Right. Well, I'm sure I won't fall into the water.... Yeah I got this." said Mk confidently but he wasn't taking the idea well. "Yup. I'm sure you got this bud. And hey at least this ocean is one of the normal oceans." said Monkey king with a smirk as he looked at Mk. "Normal oceans?" asks Mk confused but still a bit nervous. "Mhhh? Oh yeah, guess most people wouldn't know. Well, there is this continent... islands? Well, a place that has many islands and one big island that I went to visit a while back and its oceans were not normal. Depending on where you were on the islands or what island you were on there were some odd creatures. I remember in one of the oceans there were these hybrid fish that had some odd abilities. I believe a few had spider-like abilities that could crawl and shoot webs-" said Monkey king calmly as Mk interrupted him."Spider fish?!" said Mk panicky as he loses balance and falls into the ocean as his staff goes back to normal size. 

Monkey king blinks as he stops flying and jumps into the ocean after Mk. Mk quickly swims to try and grab his staff but he gets pushed down by the ocean waves. Mk couldn't grab his staff as he gets pushed down by the waves as Mk spins in the water going downward. The ocean was deep and dark as Mk and Monkie king couldn't see anything besides the black water, the staff, and each other. Monkey king swims more like Monkey king sinks over to Mk as he grabs Mk. Mk stops spinning as Monkey king grabs him as he was disoriented from the wave pushing him down and causing him to spin. Monkey king calls his cloud into the water and uses the cloud to push him and Mk toward the staff. Monkey king grabs the staff as he then flies out of the water holding Mk in one arm and holding the staff in his other hand. "You alright bud?" asks Monkey king concerned as he looks at Mk. MK coughs up water." Y-yeah- I'm fine. Bleh, why does the ocean gotta be so salty and scary, and cold." said Mk with hoarseness in his voice as he coughed a few times after he finished talking. "You sure? You did just get a mouthful of seawater and I'm not sure bud." asks Monkey king as he moves away from the ocean waves so they don't get pulled into the ocean again. Monkey king didn't go too far from the ocean waters but not too close to the ocean waters either. "Y-yeah I'm sure I just need a minute." said Mk still with hoarseness still in his voice. Mk coughs a few more times as he coughs up a bit more ocean water. "Alright, bud. I think that should be enough practice though for now." said Monkey king calmly but still concerned as he continued to look at Mk and hold Mk and the staff. "O-ok...coughs... Um, can I ask you a question while we travel to the refugees?" asks Mk his voice still sounding the same. "Of course, bud. What's on your mind?" asks Monkey king as Monkey king continues to hold Mk and the staff as he starts to fly over to the area he last saw the refugees again. "Ok um, so I was wondering if you knew who Moon Ikigai was... You didn't answer that question earlier.." asks Mk, Mk's voice still not normal but a little bit back to his normal voice as he looked at Monkey king. Monkey king makes the staff disappear as his flying gets a bit faster as he holds Mk. "Uhhh.... Is there any other question you want to ask bud?" asks Monkey king, a tiny bit nervous as he smiles at Mk. "Well no... Just that..." said Mk a bit unsure if he should have asked that question now. 'I would ask how to get better balance but he probably just says I have to believe in myself and change the subject just to focus on telling me I have to believe in myself or something.' thought Mk to himself. Monkey king just sighs as he continues to fly. "If I tell you who Moon Ikigai is, can you not ask more questions about him?" asks Monkey king not enthusiastically as his smile goes away. "I....Uh yeah sure." said Mk as he looked at Monkey king. Mk noticed how Monkie king didn't look pleased about speaking about Moon Ikigai but he was also just curious and he hasn't heard of Monkey king knowing someone with the name Moon Ikigai. "Moon Ikigai was an old friend of mine. Moon Ikigai lives on the main island that I spoke about earlier... Those islands are different from here and not safe...Our friendship didn't exactly end well and I haven't talked to him since. He didn't try to get in contact with me after our fall out and I couldn't return to the island to apologize....- Anyways that's it that's the only reason that I know him and if you do meet him even though I don't think you will don't say you know me. I rather him not do anything to change how he sees you or something." said Monkey king although he didn't look happy to talk about Moon Ikigai. Mk blinks as he looks at Monkey king. Monkey king's answers just made him more curious and wanting more answers but Monkey king asked him to not ask anymore so he dropped it for now. "Alright, then I'll keep it in mind. Thank you for telling me." said Mk as his voice was now mostly normal. "No problem bud. How are you feeling now bud?" asks Monkey king as he just shakes the emotions he felt away for a sec and seems to be his normal self again as he continues to fly and hold Mk. "Still cold but better. How far away are we from the refugees?" asks Mk just trying to change the subject now.

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