New beginnings of the forgotten tales. Episode 1 Part7

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As soon as Mk confirmed it was him many of the people look at the bird and say their thanks for the help from the skeletons. Monkey king huffs as the whole point of him being a bird was to not attract attention but Mk seems to have forgotten that after fighting for hours which is understandable. Sun Wukong then blinks in surprise at the number of thanks he got from the people as he lands on the floor and shifts back to normal. "Um you're welcome but-" said Monkey king as he got caught off as people from the group continued to thank Monkey king and sorta talk to Monkey king about how cool he is and thank him for sending Mk to help them. The people thanking and talking to Monkey king sorta surround Monkey king and Monkey king becomes nervous from being crowded. Mk ends up forced to move away from where he was standing in the group to outside the group as Adults and Kids surround Monkey king. Granny and Richard were outside the group that was surrounding Monkey kid as they kept an eye on the kids that didn't go to swarm Monkey king since they were eating or making sure their stuffies were ok. Ben, Mindy, and Granny's grandson were sitting down next to each other checking on Granny's grandson's stuffy to make sure it didn't get injured since Ben said earlier that he noticed the stuffy had a string sticking out. "I don't see the string Ben... where do you see it? " asks Granny's grandson worriedly. "It was right by its arm." said Ben calmly. "Don't call Mr.Rawr a it Ben. Mr. Rawr is not an it," said Granny's grandson. "Ok ok sorry." said Ben calmly as he put his hands up in surrender and then back down. "Um I don't see Mr. Rawry string either Ben on Mr. Rawry's arm....I'll keep looking though," said Mindy softly as Mindy, Ben, and Granny's grandson continue to check Granny's grandson stuffy. Simon was also not with the group of people surrounding Monkey king and he wasn't with Granny and the kids. Simon was looking through the piles of car parts to see if anything was salvageable and usable. Mk notices them and slightly smiles at hearing Ben, Mindy, and Granny's grandson as Ben, Mindy, and Granny's grandson talk to one another about Granny's grandson's dragon stuffy. Mk then notices Simon and is confused by what Simon is doing and walks over to Simon. "Hey, what are you doing?" asks Mk curiously as he looks at Simon going through the piles of car stuff. "Trying to see if there is anything we can use to try to make anything to try and get to at least a safe house." said Simon calmly as he continues to go through stuff. "Oh ok do you need any help?" asks Mk a bit awkwardly as he puts away his staff. "Um no not really but if you want to help you can. Thanks for saving us as much as the other people seem more focused on thanking Monkey king even though he didn't do anything to help just know they still appreciate you helping them. It's just not often people get to meet their idols or people they heard from stories." said Simon calmly as he continues to look through stuff. "Um alright and yeah that's understandable I don't think many people would miss that opportunity to meet their idol over talking to someone who just helped them. Quick question though what safe house?" asks Mk understanding then confused as he starts to help Simon look through the pile of stuff. "Oh um, so when we were traveling before we got attacked by the skeletons and before the refugees ended up getting split up we were heading to a safe house along the way to get some rest before continuing on to Megapolis. I'm pretty sure most of the refugees would know or run into that place if they followed the same route to try and get to Megapolis but I don't think they would go there if they were still being chased by skeletons although I could be wrong since well people are people." said Simon calmly. "Interesting. Thanks for informing me. I'll keep it in mind." said Mk calmly. "No problem." said Simon calmly. Monkey King managed to get away from the group of people and quickly went over to Mk. Monkey king was still nervous and was sweating a tiny bit. "Hey bud just so you know I saw some refugees that were being chased that way so you should probably go handle that." said Monkey king a bit nervously but trying to be calm. "Right. Well, it was talking to you. Do you think you and this group can make it the safe house on your own? Also where exactly is this safe house you mentioned earlier?" asks Mk calmly as he stops looking through stuff and summons his staff. "Also are you alright Monkey king?" Asks Mk as he notices Monkey king's nervousness. "Oh yeah. I'm fine bud." Said Monkey king was still nervous but a bit calmer as he kept an eye on the group of people. "Nice talking to you as well and yeah I believe we can. The safe house is a few miles out to the east past some mountains." said Simon calmly as he continued to look through stuff. Simon wasn't going to ask why Monkey king was nervous since he doesn't believe he would want the answer plus it wasn't any of his business. "Alright then and Ok cool thanks see you there then." said Mk calmly talking to Monkey king at first then Simon as he summons his staff again. Mk then uses his staff and starts to head in the direction that Monkey king said to go to where the other refugees that he saw were. Monkey flies shits into his bird form and takes off after Mk as the group of people that's surrounded Monkey king earlier yell there thanks to Monkey king mostly but also a bit to Mk. The Demon bull king was underground sitting in his chair as the Bull clones were being made behind him. Princess Iron fan sat next to DBK as Red sun sat on a chair next to DBK and PIF. A holographic screen was in front of them as they were watching the news of what was going on. "Why are we watching the news again of these pitiful peasants?" asks Red sun. "Well my love these peasants are from Shēng huó Megapolis and because they are from Shēng huó Megapolis they were bound to end up bringing artifacts when they were fleeing from their pitiful homes." said princess Iron fan. Red sun blinks as he looks at PIF. "So mother, what artifacts are we looking for then and why would there be artifacts that those peasants have on them that would possibly be important for us to watch the news?" asks Red sun. "Well from what your Uncle said some of the people from Shēng huó Megapolis took some artifacts from the islands to their city. He has warned me that those artifacts have great power that would allow us to find a safer way of obtaining more power. Although I do believe depending on what artifacts they have brought will allow their energy to be consumed and become power for your father." said Princess Iron fan. "I see I'm assuming Uncle Winged Strike King told you this mother?" asks Red sun. "Yes, he did inform Princess Iron fan and I about the artifacts. He claimed that these artifacts that these worms have can give information about anything or could give us unlimited power. He also stated that we would be looking for items that have gold and a green aqua gem that has celestial star language written on it." said Demon bull king. "Oh ok. So if we do see it I'm going to assume we are going to try and steal it from those peasants or do you have something else in mind for those peasants?" asks Red sun. " Those worms would be left alone till we know exactly what we are dealing with till then we can just prepare to see if we wish to steal that power from those worthless worms." said Demon bull king. "Of course father. Those peasants won't know what hit them if we decided to go after those artifacts." said Red sun enthusiastically. Simon places the bags of food that were left ok and still edible and in their bags in the trunk of a big truck. Granny, Richard, Mindy, Ben, Granny's grandson, and the group of kids with some adults were in the truck or sitting down in the back of the trunk of the truck. The piles of car pieces were now this medium size 1 pile a bit away from the truck. The 1 pile of car pieces were just broken pieces and unusable parts that wouldn't work to build anything from using those parts. The rest of the usable and good condition parts went into building the working and safe big truck that could hold the group of people and their belongings. A few adults were still outside the truck looking around to see if any of their things made it or not. Simon just sighs as he looks at Granny and Richard. Granny had fallen asleep sitting next to Richard as she held Mindy and her Grandson in her arms. Mindy also had fallen asleep as Granny's grandson was also asleep hugging Mr.Rarw the dragon stuffy close. Mr. Rarw was fine and turns out the string Ben saw was just a stick stuck to Mr.Rarw. Richard was sitting next to Granny and Granny had her head gently resting on Richard's shoulder. Richard was hugging his son who was sitting next to him. Ben had also fallen asleep and was hugging his dad while he was asleep. Granny and the others were at the right corner closer to the actual car than the open back end of the trunk. Simon pulls himself up to the back of the truck as he goes over and sits beside Granny making sure to not wake anyone up. Simon looks over to the right of him and sees his toolbox of tools he used earlier. Simon gently grabs the toolbox and opens the box and looks inside the toolbox making sure he at least had all his tools there that were not broken. After a few minutes, everyone was on the truck and the truck starts to drive towards the safe house. Mk hits the last skeleton that was chasing the group of people as the group of people were all close together hiding in the one car that remained in the group of people that were being chased before. Two regular cars were flipped and crashed and broken and a skeleton car that was in front of Mk that was crashed and broke. The group of people in the car were behind Mk as the skeletons were in front of Mk on the floor with their weapons also on the floor from when the skeletons had dropped their weapons after they lost in a fight with Mk and got thrown to the floor ahead of Mk. "Why are you attacking these people?" asks Mk as he moves his staff to point at the one skeleton he just hit to the ground. The skeletons clacker to one another in the odd undead skeleton language hurt as the six skeletons stayed on the ground. One skeleton with a cactus on its head and drops a green and purple smoke bomb on the floor as smoke was released from it. Mk blinks in confusion at the odd undead skeleton language and quickly hops back away from the smoke to next to the car. "They make zero sense at all. What the heck are they even saying?" asks Mk confused and a bit annoyed but more so confused than annoyed. The skeletons, skeleton car, and skeleton's weapons were all gone as the smoke cleared away. Mk grumbles in annoyance that now these other skeletons got away like the last ones. Mk takes another deep breath, calms down, and just hides his annoyance now. "Are you guys alright?" asks Mk calmly as he looks to see if there was any way of spotting where those skeletons ran off to. Monkey king was in his bird form again flying around above in the air keeping an eye out. "Y-yes thank you for your help." said a scared person inside the car. "Hey bud they ran to the right." called Monkey king to Mk. "No problem. Do you know where the safe house is? Some other refugees are heading there. Do you think you can make it to the safe house on your own?" asks Mk a bit quickly as he moves his staff and goes away from the car a bit and looks towards where Monkey king said the skeletons ran off to... "Y-yeah we do and W-We should be able to g-get to the safe house on our own as l-long as you keep those skeletons f-from chasing u-us." said one of the refugees scaredly inside the car still. "Ok cool and I should be able to, stay safe and safe travels." said Mk as he uses his staff and headed in the direction Monkey king told him the skeletons ran off to. Mk then gets a call from Tang. Mk takes his phone out and looks at it to see that Tang, Mei, and Sandy were on a call. Mk then picks up the phone and continues to look around to see if could find those skeletons. "Hi guys what's up?" asks Mk calmly as he was confused about where those skeletons went since he wasn't seeing any. Monkey king flies next to Mk still in his bird form. "We were just checking up on you kid it's been a while since we last heard from you." said Pigsy through Tang's phone. Tang was at Pigsy shop again as he had finished work and was now eating a bowl of noodles at the counter while his phone was on speaker on the counter. Tang and his co-workers didn't find anything that could help Mk fight the skeletons. The only thing Tang and his co-workers found where was to appease the spirits from the undead skeletons but that didn't exactly get the skeletons to stop them from attacking anyone only thing it did was stop the skeletons briefly and even then it would take more time to get the ingredients then distracting the skeletons. Pigsy was in the kitchen by the counter as he just gave someone their to-go noodles. "Yeah it's been hours and we were starting to get worried. It's starting to turn to night and we finished getting ready and prepared here." said Mei concerned as she stood by her bike outside the Race track stadium as she waved bye to her Crew. "Oh, right it is getting pretty late. Sorry guys I lost track of time but I managed to find some refugees there heading to a safe house while I'm trying to find some skeletons that ran away after I fought them." said Mk as he continues to look for the skeletons on his staff. "It's alright Mk. It's good that you manage to find some of the refugees. But what safe house are you talking about?" asks Sandy confused as he was feeding his cats inside the boat where MK and the gang met Sandy and Sandy offered them tea. "Ok so apparently there is a safe house that the refugees were heading to on their way to Megapolis. I'm planning on going there once I deal with these skeletons once there isn't anyone else that needs help from those skeletons," said Mk calmly as he continues to try and find those skeletons. "Ah, I see. Well, stay safe Mk. Oh, also the skeletons that were heading towards the city stopped and started to head back to Shēng huó Megapolis. Not sure why but maybe Skelly the Death Queen called them back for some reason." said Sandy calmly as he put the cat food away and went to refill the cat's water. "They were heading to th-" asks Mk confused as he gets interrupted by Monkey king. "Bud look out!" said Monkey king as he shifts back and grabs Mk with his tail and jumps backward. Monkey king pulls Mk to him and tries to protect Mk. A bunch of shot missiles barely miss Mk and Monkey king as the missiles explode where MK used to be. Mk had dropped his phone when Monkey king had grabbed Mk. Monkey king protects Mk from the explosion as Monkey king moves to where he does a few flips and manages to land correctly on the ground still standing up as he continues to keep hold of Mk. "You alright bud." asks Monkey king concerned as he looked around to see if he could see any skeletons. "Y-yeah Thanks..." said Mk as he was a bit shocked. Mk looks around and readies his staff to attack or defend in his hands."No problem bud. Do you think you got this yourself or do you want me to deal with them myself if I can find them?" asks Monkey king concerned for Mk as he continues to try and find these skeletons. "I got this." said Mk confidently as he continued to look around for the skeletons. "Alright bud." said Monkey king as he lets go of Mk and shifted back into a bird. "MK! Are you alright what happened?" asks Pigsy, Mei, Tang, and Sandy, concerned and a bit frightened as they hear what happened through Mk's phone. Mk had dropped his phone when Monkey king had grabbed him. The phone lends to the floor and was ok. Mk then hears and sees the missiles coming towards him from the right and he quickly uses his staff to dodge the missiles. Mk then hits some stones on the floor toward the missiles going toward him as he tries to get some distance between himself and those missiles. Monkey king watched Mk as he let Mk handle the situation but he would step in if he believed Mk could get seriously hurt. The missiles explode as the rocks hit them. Skeletons then appear from around the area in skeleton cars trying to surround Mk going in circles. There were five skeleton cars and a total of 20 skeletons riding the cars. Mk quickly gets ready to defend himself or attack these skeletons that were trying to surround him. "Kid! Kid can you hear me?!" Asks Pigsy concerned and worried through the phone. "MK you there?" asks Tang also worried through the phone. "Mk can you hear us?" asks Mei, concerned and worried. "Mk! Come on kid answer." said Sandy, concerned and worried as he had dropped the water container and was now hugging a few of his cats. The news made it to the safe house and the truck that Simon and the group of people were on also made it to the safe house. Refugees from the big group had also made it and it looks like most of the people that scattered made it to the safe house. The horses and their riders were also there. Once the truck parks a bit away from the safe house where no person was, the people awake on the truck start to wake up people that had fallen asleep and start to get their things and get off the truck. Simon looks at Richard who had stayed awake as Simon closes the toolbox. "If you can carry Ben and Mindy I can carry Granny and her grandson." whispered Richard as he looked at Simon. "Alright Just be careful when you get down from the truck." whispered Simon as he put the toolbox in his backpack he still had on him. Simon then closes his bag and gets up and carefully takes Mindy from Granny's grip and holds Mindy correctly and gently. Mindy mumbles a bit in her sleep from being moved but is still asleep as she gently grabs Simon's shirt with one of her hands in her sleep. Simon then gently picks up Ben and holds both Ben and Mindy correctly. Simon then goes to the end of the truck and carefully gets down without dropping Ben and Mindy still holding them correctly. Richard gets up and carefully and gently picks up Granny and Granny's grandson and holds them correctly. Ben, Granny, and Granny's grandson all stay asleep. Richard goes over to the end of the truck and carefully gets down from the truck's trunk still holding Granny and Granny's grandson correctly. Richard then starts to head towards the group of people at the safe house. A person held a box of the bags of sandwiches since one of the refugees had found an ok cardboard box in the debris of car parts earlier and gave Simon the box to allow him to put the sandwich bags in the box. The person then followed Richard since those sandwiches were technically speaking Granny and the person felt like helping them since Simon was the one who made the truck and felt the need to help them out a bit. Simon follows Richard and the person to the safe house. The group of people from the truck once they had their things also started to head to the safe house. The news car and the news people park outside the safe house and were still broadcasting. The news people start to head to the safe house. "As you can see a large number of refugees manage to make it to the safe house and there seem to be no skeletons in sight. We are at a farmer's ranch called apple hills ranch who was nice enough to allow the refugees to come here." said the news lady. Apple hills ranch was a big apple tree farm and had many apple trees growing. The refugees were closer to Apple hills house in the middle of the ranch where they were in an open area where there were tents and refugees with the little supplies they were able to gather. The horses were in the stables in the apple hills ranch. Mk dodges a skeleton car just barely as he blocks an attack of a skeleton that had tried hitting Mk still on the car. Mk extends the staff knocking into another skeleton car going straight for Mk. The skeleton car that got hit by the staff doesn't flip but just gets pushed away from Mk. Mk huffs sweating a bit from constantly dodging and fighting. "This is getting annoying now." said Mk somewhat tiredly. A skeleton with a chef hat with a very fluffy feather in the hat points its weapon which was a kitchen knife at Mk and speaks the odd undead skeleton language to the other skeletons. The other skeletons clacker in the odd undead skeleton language and all shoot missiles at Mk. Mk quickly dodges the missiles that were shot at him and uses his staff to help dodge missiles. The missiles shot at Mk miss and some hit each other causing them to explode. As one explodes it sets off a chain reaction to the other missiles causing those to explode close to Mk. The missiles were not close to the skeletons' cars at all. Mk quickly makes clones of himself and the clones throw Mk out of the way of Missile explosions. Mk managed to dodge all the explosions as his ears were ringing a bit from the loud noise but he was ok. Mk then gets jumped by 8 skeletons as the skeletons had their weapons ready to attack Mk. Mk quickly makes more clones and Mk's clones block and attack the skeletons. Mk's then jump into the air and attack the skeletons and the skeleton cars.

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