54 - Kayla and Cliff (Part 3)

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Cliff led Kayla by the hand as they made the rounds saying goodbye. His parents were delighted seeing them hand holding. His mother wore such a blissful expression, it made his stomach churn. He would have to set them straight later.

They had to linger at the senator's table while he finished telling some boring story to one of his constituents. The man droned on for over ten minutes until he got to the point. Everyone around his table laughed, probably just to humor him.

He and Kayla exchanged weary glances.

She laid a hand on her father's shoulder to get his attention. "Daddy?"

He pushed back in his seat to look more directly at her. "Hi, Princess, are you having a good time?"

"Yes, but I'm getting tired. Cliff is going to take me home."

Her mother leaned forward. "Rest up while you can, honey. We'll be spending eighteen hours a day on the campaign trail once your father announces."

Kayla's grip on Cliff's hand went limp after that comment as if she deflated.

"Take good care of her, Cliff," the senator said. He winked.

Cliff faced her. "I need to use the men's room. Go to Izzy and Aaron's table. I'll join you there in a minute."

He watched her walk away. He didn't need the men's room. He felt compelled to make a statement. "Senator and Mrs. Aguillar."

The two parents faced him. The senator spoke. "Son, if you're here to ask for my daughter's hand, we can discuss that privately."

Cliff shook his head. What the hell was wrong with these people? "Do you love your daughter?"

The parents exchanged glances. "What kind of question is that?" Mrs. Aguillar asked. "Of course, we do."

"If you love her, then honor her by listening to what she is trying to tell you. Don't just listen, either. Hear what she has to say. Really hear it!"

Mrs. Aguillar turned to her husband. "I believe Cliff just implied we are bad parents."

"He didn't imply it. He slapped us in the face with it." The senator grinned. "Son, I'm surrounded by sycophants and admire your candor. I need someone on my campaign willing to stand up to me and express opposing views. I want you to come work for me."

Cliff had already started to walk away. "No, thank you."

He found Kayla sitting with his sister and Aaron, a new drink in her hand.

"They insisted," Kayla said. She shrugged as if to say, what was she supposed to do?

Cliff took a seat and waited for Kayla to finish her drink. He noticed three empty glasses sitting in front of his sister. "Aaron, you need to keep an eye on your fiancée."

"Right. Have you ever tried telling her what to do?"

"Hey, I'm sitting right here. I'm gonna stop after this one." She was slurring her words. She giggled and said, "I asked the band to play the Conga. It'll liven this place up. Stick around and get in the Conga line with Aaron and me."

Kayla groaned. She focused on Cliff. "Remember how I told you the Hokey Pokey was the worst. I forgot about the Conga. That's even worse. Let's get out of here."

"Hey, wait," Izzy said wearing a concerned expression. "You aren't leaving, are you?"

Kayla whispered in Cliff's ear. "Sorry, but now it's my turn to use the facilities. I'll be right back."

Cliff sat in the seat she vacated and addressed his sister. "I haven't seen Hannah anywhere. Are you sure she's here?"

"She greeted us when we went through the reception line."

He sighed. "Her avoiding me is not a good sign. I really wanted to see her."

Izzy laid a hand overtop his. "Tell me. You and Kayla were really cozy out there on the dance floor. Is anything going on?"

"We're still friends. Only friends. Nothing more, although not for her lack of trying. I'm concerned for her, Izzy. She's not in a good place."

Izzy wiped away a tear.

Cliff grew alarmed. "Hey, are you crying?"

Aaron butted in. "Sometimes she gets weepy when she's had too many."

"Oh, Cliffy," she said. "You have such a big heart. You're always there for everyone. You're concerned for everyone. You're everyone's champion, but who is your champion? I haven't been a very good sister. I haven't been there enough for you."

"Snap out of it," Cliff said.

"I'm going to be a better sister to you. Starting today. Starting right now."

She stood. "I'm going to the bathroom. Aaron, I might be a while, but don't worry. I'll be back in time for the Conga dance."

The two men were left alone. Cliff cleared his throat. "She's acting weird."

Aaron watched Izzy's back as she walked away. "I don't know what triggered her like that, do you?"

Cliff spoke, "No. Whatever it is, she'll tell us when she's ready." He thought a change of subject was in order. "I haven't had a chance to congratulate you on your engagement."

"Thank you."

"As you just witnessed, my sister can be a handful. I hope you can handle her."

Aaron lifted his beer glass and tilted it toward Cliff, a silent salute. "I hope she never changes. I love her just the way she is."

His words warmed Cliff. "Attaboy."

Kayla returned. "What happened to Izzy?"

"Bathroom. Didn't you see her?"

"Remember what I told you about Madison clearing everyone else out? She probably went to find another bathroom. There are plenty of them around."

"You ready to go?" Cliff asked.

Kayla looked all around. "Can we wait a few minutes? I wouldn't feel right leaving without saying goodnight to Izzy."

"Yeah, sure." Cliff got out of his seat and offered it to his date.

Fifteen minutes later, Cliff checked the time. Izzy still hadn't returned, and he wondered if he should be worried.

 Izzy still hadn't returned, and he wondered if he should be worried

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What's going on with Izzy?

Top Photo Credit: iStock/Aleutie

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