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Heey guys finally updated! Sorry I was gone for so long, I had spring break and then I was off in my own little world after that.

This chapter didn't go where I wanted it to but hey I don't think it's to shabby, I'll update again soon to make up for the long time I was goone. Comment and vote please!! It would really mean a lot it people commented!!, I also need a new cover so if anyone likes making them feel free to make me one& email it to me


The next week went by really fast. I didn't like that. My parents still hadn't told me about me dying, Which I think is just bad parenting. But I understood where they were coming from, but in 2 days I'd be in Chicago. With Lena. And for the first time in a while, carefree. My mom was hesitant in weather she wanted me to go. But she decided to let me go after hours of me begging. If I wasn't as sick she never would have let me. Me and Lena went shopping for new clothes and everything. Brian was upset we were leaving but he understood I needed to get away, and I promised to call him everyday and if anything went wrong. He even came shopping with me and Lena.

The night before we were going to leave Brian talked my mom into letting him sleep over, not that is was hard because he had slept over multiple times and my mom trusted us.

I crawled into bed at 7 o'clock shortly followed by Brian. I wasn't tired but I wanted to cuddle with him.

"tired?" he asked as he slipped under my covers with me

I tried to hid my smile "no"

He laughed "liar, you just want to cuddle"

My face turned a bright color of red "so what" I spoke wishing my voice hadn't quivered.

"your so cute" Brian smiled kissing me gently on the lips "I love you, an your blushing cheeks"

Him saying that only made me turn reder.

I turned on the tv and looked for something to watch "any suggestions?" I looked over at Brian

"parnormal activity?" he asked with a hopeful grin

I rolled my eyes. "how abooooooooout, black swan?

"what ever you want" he whispered in a suductive tone

I looked at him and laughed.

"no seriously though" he spoke in a normal tone "whatever you want"

"your to good for me" I kissed him, but he wouldn't let me pull away. I could hear the movie starting but at this point I didn't care. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer to him until I was on his lap. His tongue traced my bottom lip, and like always I opened my mouth. The butterflies in my stomach were going wild. Soon my whole body felt weak and tingly. I needed to pull away and breath but I didn't want to break the kiss. As if reading my mind Brian pulled away with a smile on his face. I could see he loved me. It showed on his face.

"aria, I love you" he said in a sincer voice.

"seriously?" I said annoyed. Brian gave me a weird looked questioning my tone of voice.

"no" I laughed "not that, I swear you can read my mind half the time though"

He smiled and kissed me on the lips.

"I know" he whispered into my ear

My mouth moved but nothing came out. I was frozen. He made me feel so special.

"I love you" I finally blurted out

He laughed and turns towards the tv. "wana start it over?" he asked, realizing it was almost over

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