Chapter 4

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Track started this week so I decided today way gonna be a lazy day because I'm sore aand what better to do than write another chapter aye?! Haha

PLEASE leave comments, or if you have any ideas for chapters to come!(like I said in recent chapters I'm still not sure what's gonna happen, I just write and what comes out comes) AND one last thing..if anyone has seen a really good NOt cleché romance movie lately please tell me! I'm having a hard time finding good ones! Ohkay enjoy the chapter!!((:

(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: ): :). :). :). :). :). :)

Like anyone who has to talk to someone who looks like they've been crying I felt awkward.

I looked over at the nurse hoping she wouldn't leave. She quickly walked over to the machine the was beeping and the out the door. I sighed turning my head back the Brian.

"what's up" I said casually, while picking at the hang nail I dicovered when I woke up.

"I know what your going through." he wimped simpatheticly

I gave him a curious look. He gazed back at me with his deep green eyes, this time I had no problem not looking away. Our eyes kept locked as he slowly backed up and exited the room.

My mind started to go a million miles per hour. What, the, heck, did, he, mean? No matter how many times or how much I wanted to think about it my mind wouldn't let it go.

The rest of the day seemed to go on all around me. I got home at 10pm on Friday night. I was tired and looked like crap.

"in comming" I yelled as I ran out of the car, into the grass and puked

"oh honey" my mom said sympatheticly to me while my sister laughed running up behind me holdin me up

"thanks" I smiled, crawling to the door, up the stairs and into bed, not even caring about the burn in my mouth from the vomit

The next two days I layed in my bed watching the sun rise and set. I don't remember being bothered by anyone except when someone-usually my brother-snuck in to give me my meals

"honey, you feeling up to school?" my mom doubted

"yes" I exclaimed feeling strong and wanting to be around humanity

I could tell she was worried "are you sUure"

"yes" I stated, pulling the warm blankets off body

"sam's gonna come in and help you"

"mom I don't need her help" I insisted

"just incase aria, please, I don't want anything happening"

I sighed and my mom knew she won this conversation

"heey sissy" Sam jeered

"hello Samantha" I giggled

"ohkay girls, I'll be down stairs in you need anything"

"we won't" me and Sam said simaltaniously

Sam looked through my clothes "you have nothing to wear"

"I have a bunch of things to wear" I said slipping in my favorite pair of jeans

She walked out of the rpm frustrated. She was a year younger than me and always got my hand me downs, now she bought all her own cute, usualy designer clothes, and looked down apon my wardrobe.

She came back in with a silver box.

"what's this?" I questioned.

"it's new" she smiled excitedly "open it!!"

I slowly made my way over to the bed and took the top off

"oh my gawd" I gasped pulling out a brand new green striped designer sweatshirt only to discover a dirty blond, curly, medium length wig under neath. I looked at her starting to tear up.

"ooh please don't get all mushy on me, I get enough of it from mom"

"does she know?" I hinted towards the wig that I hadn't even pick up yet

She shook her head proudly "put it all on"

I slipped the sweatshirt over my hot pink tank top. " what am I suppose to tell people at school if they ask?"

"tell em your hair grew back really fast"

We both laughed knowing no one would buy that explaination. She picked up the wig and fastened it on my head.

"oh my gawd" she covered her mouth "you look beautiful"

"oh come on" I rolled my eyes "let's go, I don't want to be late to school"

We walked out the door and down the stairs. My mind unwillingly wandered back to the comment Brian had made and how I was gonna find out what he meant but I pushed the thought to the back of my brain.

"let's not do the whole emotional thing" I begged my mom before she turned around to see me in my new wig

Her jaw dropped "it looks exactly like your hair"

"it basicly is" Sam said as she took the hood off her head to reveal all her long straight blond hair gone, all th was left was 4 inches of dirty blind curly hair "I die my hair, got a perm and cut it so you could have a wig, I was gonna get you a wig at a store or online but I thought that'd be to gross since you don't know whose hair your wearing on your head"

Me and my mom stared at her mezmorized. She shrugged turned and skipped out the door as if what she had just done was no big deal

I heard a knock from outside the house and I started walking towards the mud room to get my shoes.

"bye" I yelled at my mom not turning around to see her face

What had I made my sister do?! What hadbrian meant?! It was only two questions but it Consumed my brain for the first half of the day.

I needed to find Brian. And Lena where have they gone? I wondered, realizing I havnt seen them all day

By the time lunch rolled around I had been admired by everyone in the school.

"I herd you got a wig" lena implied

"yeA" I smiles spinning around so she could get a full view of me

"it looks exactly like your hair"

"it's sams" I groaned "she died it got a perm and cut it off all over the weekend for me"

"that is some major sister lovin" Lena said amazed.

"I feel bad though, her hair was beautiful"

"don't." she stammered "she wanted to, that's why she did. Got it?!"

"yea" I said wondering why she had gotten so serious "got it" and with that I walked away not knowing what else I could say.

I walked to the other side of the school and into the library, Brian wasn't there yet Which wasn't a shock because lunch hadn't ended yet. I sat down and started to work on the most resent assingment.

I herd a whisper in my ear "I know what you are"

"say it" I stated

"yo...yo..your a v..vampire"

I turned around laughing.

"I never thought a guy like you would have watched that movie"

"first of all my 8 year old sister made me watch it and secondly...a guy like me?" a smerk appeared across Briana face.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the chair out for him to sit in. for the brief time I sat with him in the library I felt worry free, I felt like there was hope. I felt normal. Maybe things were gonna turn around for me. Maybe I was gonna get better.

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