Chapter 5

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a week! Won't happen again! It's been crazy though, an I've had Hal the chapter done all last week but my brother had surgery and it was crazy and I didn't have time to write more

I love the weather right now! It's rainy and kinda cold! I'm sitting on my pourch listening to the rain, reading and writing-cuddled up in a blanket-honesty life is made right now!

Soo I'll probaby write and TRY to upload the next chapter tonight just to make up for it but pleaase comment on how you like it or dislike it or I at least know some bodies enjoying this? Or reading it at least! Thaanks everybody!


I liked how sitting in the library with Brian was casual and normal. No one looked at me weird, and no one asked about my wig. Brian hadn't even agknowledged that he had know which I oddly loved. Every once in a while I would look up and catch a glimpse of him. I have to admit we was really good looking, he has beautiful green eyes, sandy blond hair an a nice build, he was tall, skinny and muscular. He looked up catching me admiring his body. I saw a grin move across his face as quickly looked down and hoped he wouldn't see me blushing.

"need something?" he finally smerked, finding satisfaction in my embaressment.

"I wa..." I started, trying to think of an excuse when the bell rang.

"saved by the bell" he murmered with the smile still spread across his face.

A little frustrated from my endless chain of shame I snapped

"what's your problem"

His face dropped "uh..I..sorry" he stuttered

The smile grew on my face

"whaatever" he joked as he turned around and walked away.

What had happened in the library along with my new wig and sweatshirt had put me in a mood I hadn't been in for a long time, I felt invincible. Like no one could bring my mood down.

I smiled to myself as I walked out of the library and into the language halway.

"what happened?" Lena jumped up in me

"nothing" I lied "just feeling great"

"that's great!" she hugged me "but your telling me what happened with Brian during free period"

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it, I couldn't lie to her no matter how hard I tried. "it's nothing" I said, which was the truth, it's not like I had this big huge magical romantic scene like in the movies, it was just a little friendly flirting..i think?

"Cómo estás Lucinda?" my spanish teacher asked me using my spanish name we had picked out during the first week of school

"estoy bien!" I exclaimed with a smile

"¿por qué?"

Not wanting to think I said the first thing that came mind"porque yo tengo un twinky"

"bien" my teacher gave me a weird look.

The rest of Spanish went by fast, it was a class I didn't mind, I was suppose to be a foreign exchange student next year in costa rica, and worked my ass off over the summer to get into Spanish 5ap instead of 3ap(like everyone else in mygrade) but now I couldnt go now due to 'medical conditions.' I didn't mind though.

I walked to my locker to get my coat and books I was gonna bring home, and headed out to the bus. Usually by now I would be barly able to walk but today I felt strong, I wondered if it had something to do with the lazy weekend or not but I blew the thought off as I sat down.

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