Luka raised an eyebrow. "You're drunk."

"I was drunk, meaning not anymore, and I'm fine."

"You humiliated Luka in front of the school and his friends! Do you know how that makes Luka feel? He has to walk around a drunken dick!" I screamed, slamming my fists on the table. Luka jumped but Zev seemed unfazed by the outburst. A few of the customers turned their heads with fearful and curious eyes. The waitress looked frightened to come to our table and ask us to leave.

Thankfully, Luka gave her a smile and sent us a cold glare. "Can you guys act civilized? We're in a diner for Christ sake."

Zev snorted. "Civilized? We're Werewolves, not Humans."

"Then be "civilized" Werewolves."

I chuckled at Luka's sassy comeback and ate in a comfortable mood. Luka and I did most of the talking while Zev looked around the diner, scrunching his face in disgust when a couple walked by. For a long time, I agreed to Zev's hatred towards love. It was idiotic, tiring, pathetic, and nothing but useless to me. I hated how couples stared at each other's eyes, laughed, smiled, or had silly play fights.

Whenever I saw a couple, I would think of Ivan and his blue eyes or his red and black eyes, his blonde and brown hair that made his eyes glow, his beautiful smile and his small chuckles after he smiled. He made my heart thump and made remember that I'm in love with him. Because he's my love.

My appetite decreased and I pushed the plate away, the delicious burger becoming disgusting to me. And that a big shock since Werewolves loves meat.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luka asked, his red eyes glowing with worry. I nodded, my throat becoming clog of emotions that I couldn't figured out. I longed for Ivan, I needed to see Ivan. If love was going to feel like this, I didn't want to be in love anymore. But Ivan changed that. "You're thinking about him again, huh?"

I nodded again. Lying to Luka was pointless because he could see right though me and he acted more of a friend than Zev in a year. We were all hopeless romantic Werewolves who mates were gone.

"He loves you, Enzo. I could tell whenever he looks at you. Also, he accepted you as his mate, that's awesome!"

I cracked a smile, remembering how loud and proud when he said the words I've been waiting for. It was another way saying I love you and I accept you for who you are. I accepted Ivan a long time ago, before and after his choices and who I really knew I was going to be with.

" is," I croaked.

Luka opened his mouth to say something to cheer me up when his eyes widen, his heart sparked and shot up like a firework. His face turned extremely paled and I raised an eyebrow, almost worried about his reaction. He was staring at something that frightened him and I didn't want him to be afraid. Ever. "What? What's wrong—" I turned my head and my mouth turned dry. My eyes were on a pretty blonde that had the biggest blue eyes and his tall, slender body was different from others because he was different. His blue eyes scanned around the diner until they rest on mine. A slow smile split his face and shifted his feet, biting his bottom lip. Every fiber in my body was paralyzed. This was a dream, maybe a nightmare, I don't know. He couldn't be here, could he? Why would he be here though? Shouldn't he be in Virginia? Four years hasn't passed and he was here, I think. My imagination was playing tricks on me.

"Enzo!" I turned my head to see Luka staring at me with a small smile on his face. "Turn and look up."

I did exactly what he told me and saw him staring at me with his loving eyes. I finally moved, standing in front of him and drinking all the details on his face. He had the same young boy-ish look making him nineteen now, and his blue eyes the same blue I saw when I first saw him at his locker. The only change was he had a small scar on his cheek that look like he couldn't heal properly but it made him look like a bad ass.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, I was too chocked up to say anything.

His smile widen and he placed a hand on my cheek. I immediately melted under his touch, moving closer to him so our faces were close to each other.


Then he gave me the biggest smile that I missed and said two words that made me fall in love again. "Hello, love."

And I kissed him like we were horny, young teens that started off as strangers and became something more with a simple hello.

Because he was my Alpha Warrior and I was his Rejected Werewolf.


holy's done. IT'S REALLY DONE! WOW! Okay, I want to say thank you for the long journey with everyone and I have to cut this small author's note cut because I will explain more in the next update in this book. Bye, for now! :D

The Wolf Rejected the Twink {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now